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Playing outer wilds for the first time. I’m kinda stuck but I don’t want to look up a guide in case I see spoilers!

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It kinda feels like it could just be set in current times. They’re not really using the fact it’s in the future for any gags in this series, although i suppose Fry has been there so long it’s going to be difficult to make it work.

37% love being cold and hungry.

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For me roasting your own beans is a case of “easy to do, difficult to master”. It’s a great hobby dont get me wrong, but the way this post is phrased makes it seem like you’ll be getting amazing results from the get go.

There’s a huge amount of trial and error and even with the best will in the world you might not be able to come close to what a local roaster can provide.

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I’ve not seen anything but I’d imagine Ukraine is targeting further depots/storage facilities to continue pressure on Russian supply lines.

At least that’s what I’m hoping for, slava Ukraine!

I’m playing through portal 2 with a friend who only played the single player. I didn’t realise how many amazing maps are out there in the workshop, I’d highly recommend revisiting if you’re looking for a great coop game!

Does it come pre-installed on any phones? Might be a reason the downloads are inflated.

Unfortunately accurate. We’re in a complete mess getting looted by billionaires - one of which is the bloody prime minister!

I used to be super loyal to brand name ketchup but in the UK at least, the brands are taking the piss with their pricing. Since then I tried supermarket own brand stuff and for me it tastes miles better and I think it has more % of tomatoes vs brands.

Not saying you’re wrong! Just my experience recently :)

It’s quite stark when you go back and do a rewatch of the early seasons. I’m still enjoying the episodes and all the fan service, but it feels like the characters are second to the random jokes jumping a bit all over the place.

I’m still having fun though!

Definitely not in the same genre but I can’t recommend Taskmaster enough. All the seasons are good but I’d start with a series that has a comedian you know you like in it and binge from there!

Cool DIY projects with an overall chilled vibe: https://www.youtube.com/@DIYPerks

Relaxing watch restorations with informative commentary https://www.youtube.com/@WristwatchRevival

For informative but entertaining car related stuff MCM are pretty great: https://www.youtube.com/mightycarmods

If you're into F1, The Race has a pretty good youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/WeAreTheRace

Also Josh Revell deserves a shoutout https://www.youtube.com/@thejoshrevell

Crazy mashups - think Mr Bean in Cyberpunk: https://www.youtube.com/@eli_handle_bwav

General drunken shinanigans: https://www.youtube.com/@coldones

Chilled, nicely shot Japanese cooking videos: https://www.youtube.com/@JunsKitchen

Other generic cooking advice but also quite entertaining: https://www.youtube.com/@SortedFood

Geeky coffee related stuff: https://www.youtube.com/@jameshoffmann

Standard self plug (mostly stupid gaming stuff): https://www.youtube.com/@WoodstockYT

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Anyone got a non paywall link?

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Shameless self plug incoming!



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I’ve been drawn back into modded terraria recently and loving every minute. Highly recommend modded if you’ve played before or if you’re new to terraria magic storage is an amazing addition that doesn’t change the core experience.

Risk of Rain 2 for me. I’ve “finished” the final boss but there’s so much more to unlock and do in that game that I’m not sure I’ll ever be done with it. Absolute blast to play with friends especially when you get those miracle runs where you get all the items that are amazing for your respective classes!

£50 seems like a lot, is it worth it over emulation?

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Anyone got paywall free link?

So good isn’t it? I did buy a few Burgeon tools after watching for a while! If money was no object I’d have all of them.