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Joined 1 years ago

Neither is "loved" and "most subscribed to"

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Puts on mask pretending to be Sony

"Bloodwha? Whatborne? Never heard this word before in my life. Doesn't look anything to me"

It's an excellent game, was a lot of peoples first From Software game, and unlike the majority of big titles from that time period, hasn't been ported, updated or remastered.

Additionally, out of all the "Souls" games, Bloodborne is still the only one that can't be played at over 30fps.

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I think bloodborne holds a lot of reverence because of the themes it portrays. Besides Sekiro, which also has a cult following, all the other Souls games are based in and around medieval fantasy of some sort.

Bloodborne starts in Victorian England with a Van Helsing story and the descends into Lovecraft really fast. For a lot of people, myself included, that's inherently a more interesting setting than medieval fantasy. People who are into victorian England are really passionate about it, and people who are into Lovecraft are really into Lovecraft.

And hope the EU will oppose it.

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There are three battles wise men know not to fight:

  • A land war in Asia
  • The Finns in winter
  • Swedish Unions
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"The European Commission went on to point out that Safari's functionality and underlying technologies are near-identical across platforms. The Commission even highlights Apple's own marketing materials for its Continuity feature, which appear to contradict the company's claims, touting the tag line "Same Safari. Different device." As a result, the Commission rejected Apple's claim and insists that "Safari qualifies as a single web browser, irrespective of the device through which that service is accessed.""

Chef's Kiss

Governments and stately instances so rarely have a proper grasp of technology. This is beautiful.

Not at all surprised.

This bit got me: Evidently, all of Epic Games' business had been "heavily funded by Fortnite" in the last six years, and different parts of the company became "disconnected" from their revenue streams.

...Did you not see this coming? Have you really not had a plan for when Fortnite started to lose momentum? I get that having a product blow up will leaf to a period of manic spending because your cash flow suddenly feels infinite, but come on. You're not a small player in this, Epic. You've been around since the 90s. You know better than to mindlessly ride the wave of a success.

Of course the Fortnite money was going to run out. That's why you invested so heavily in UE5, right?.. Right?

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Did you not read the article?

Tencent own preference stock. They could sell their stock, which could potentially harm the company, but they hold no voting rights and carry no decision making power.

I am not a fan of China, nor Tencent, but spewing bile without understanding the context does NOT help this discourse.

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"Dude, I'm not racist! I have so many black friends!"

Not to be a dick, because I agree, but this doesn't really answer the question.

My family and I took the train from Copenhagen, Denmark to Bologna, Italy and back again this summer.

By and large it was a good experience. Taking the train through the alps is something I'll never forget.

To my great amazement, the trains in Italy ran smoother than the trains in Germany.

On our return trip, we zipped from Bologna to Milano and from there to Frankfurt in just under nine hours. Smooth sailing. The Frecciarossa was by far the nicest train I've ever been on.

Frankfurt to Copenhagen, a noticeably shorter distance, ended up taking fifteen hours. Our 7:14 train out of Frankfurt Central got moved to another station a mere fifteen minutes prior to departure. From there, everything devolved into a mess of missed trains and lack of communication. I think we ended up switching trains five or six times.

Deutsche Bahn is a shadow of its former self, and it makes me profoundly sad that a nation globally known for precision and efficiency has such terrible train service.

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Back when I was a kid, we watched hand crafted brain melting videos... On liveleak!

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European here.

...Why are there Americans soldiers in the Israeli military?

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I know I don't have to but it feels dirty

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That's the important bit that everybody is missing:

Apple has suspended work on the second-generation Vision Pro headset to singularly focus on a cheaper model

Clicking through to the paywalled article, the headlines reads as follows:

Apple Suspends Work on Next Vision Pro, Focused on Releasing Cheaper Model in Late 2025.

I am as unoptimistic on the future of VR as everybody else here, but can we please leave the nuance in? Apple are not turning the key on VR, at least not yet, they are simply doing the predicable thing that everybody said their would: Release a VR headset that isn't targeted at developers only.

Sure, will you call the it admin where I work and tell him I'm switching?

I want to switch to Linux just as much as you, but at work I have literally zero influence over this. Private OS choice and enterprise / corporate are very different things, and businesses refusing to switch away from Windows is a very big reason why Microsoft's behaviour lately is a big deal.

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No, not it's not. And not even just for the lulz of having access to porn.

You wanna know why? For the same reasons that decriminalisation of drugs is has potential upsides, and for the same reasons why repression breeds kinks.

People are going to try to get porn anyway. If you force young people (or people who can't provide ID) to resort viewing porn illegally, then it is infinitely easier for them to go browsing for porn in places that will let them find really illegal porn.

In other words, would you rather have your kids watching main stream porn, or would you like them to potentially end up on the dark web?


2016 was brilliant for its minimalism. No plot needed, no introduction, just tight combat and metal.

You don't improve on that with more mechanics, more plot and more MTX.

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It is. I still wish it "Politics" would default to WorldPolitics" and USPolitics was it's own thing, instead of the other version where Politics and News is US stuff and the general topics need the "World" prefix.

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That's not what this post is about.

I understand, and agree, with the sentiment that more people should switch to Linux, but please don't pretend the answer to every topic regarding Microsoft or Windows is "just switch to Linux". It is for some, but it derails and invalidates a necessary conversation about shitty behaviour by Microsoft.

I have a machine running linux at home, I'm not afraid of a package manager, but Linux is not the answer to everything. Not yet at lesst.

I can't refuse to use windows at work, and much as i would sometimes like to, I can't just go and quit over what OS our computers run. That would end poorly for my livelihood and family.

The purpose of this article is to highlight unfair behaviour by Microsoft, especially towards businesses, which is a topic that needs more attention. Microsoft is in every level of infrastructure in almost every big corporation, and no matter how attractive linux is, that doesn't make the dangers of centralised IT belonging to one company any less relevant.

We should all do more to lobby for more companies and corporations switching to Linux, but replying with "just switch to Linux smh" is not pushing that agenda.

The shareholders.


Ex game dev here who jumped ship and is now doing VR training stuff for a big medical company.

I don't regret it one bit. You definitely lose some of the spirit and excitement of working with people who are super excited to make the fun games they grew up playing, but on the flip side, if you've been in the industry long enough to have 18 years under your belt, you've probably had enough of that excitement to see the bad sides of it.

By far the nicest thing about being in an industry that isn't entertainment is that the success of the "product" you're making is so much easier to define than "is this fun" or "will this help playing retention". I can't describe how nice it is to have actual users instead of players, and UX'ers who to come tell me what people want. Sure, it might not be as fun as games, but to be honest, I'm OK with that. I get vastly better pay, better work life balance, and most importantly, a complete lack of any kind of game director whose vision I must try to make real.

Then Occam's Razor has grown dull.

Crypto is not going to fix the financial system, nor will it make you a millionaire.

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I think what this comment is trying to say is that we're headed towards an age that resembles what that song talks about: An age of unfettered capitalism, with a small number of corporation owning so much of the market that they can do what they want with no repercussions.

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That's brilliant.

You know how once in a blue moon you look at news story that's sounds completely crazy and go "huh"? Like when buzzfeed suddenly started using all their clickbait money to fund good, legitimate journamism?

This would be that.

Arm is worth 5.3bn USD and employs just over 8000 people. Intel is worth just over 100bn USD and employs 124,000 people.

Nvidia is worth 42bn USD and employs 30,000 people.

That makes Intel over twice as valuable as Nvidia with over four times as many employees.

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Dear, oh dear. What was it? The Money? The Fame? Or the Copyright? Oh, it doesn't matter... It always comes down to the Hunter's helper to clean up after these sort of messes.

As in lenses for your face, or drinkware?

Either way, yes.

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I'm gonna need a link for this.

I'm having a shitty morning and this sounds like just the thing to cheer me up.

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He used to be a bulwark against idiocy and koolaid drinkery, advocating for calmness and common sense.

...and then he called Justin Trudeau a Nazi and bought into vaccine skepticism.

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Actually, I'd love to hear from anybody younger than 30. Does this article make sense to you at all?

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Metal Gear?!

What's left ain't right.

Using Diodes and their ilk as LEDs is the EE equivalent of "all mushrooms are edible, some only once"

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They are usually placed a bit closer, so the move from the toilet to the bidet is just a scooch over.

If I'm not mistaken, there's a weird trend here.

My SO worked in admin at a school for a few years, primarily young people of less fortunate backgrounds, immigrants, etc.

To her great surprise, almost everyone aged 16-22 knew how to use a phone, but an equality small percentage were comfortable with PCs, macbooks or other desktop systems.

That surprised the hell of me. Like you, I grew up using brick phones, then command line systems, then gui computers. I grew up being better at computers than my parents generation, a digital native who was expected to fix the older generations computers, fully expecting to be one day out-done by the younger generation who would grasp the newer more advanced tech faster than me simply by virtue of having been around it longer.

Somehow that seems to both not be the case and very much be the case. Mobile devices are the native device now, but it seems like being native to mobile does not translate backwards to knowing how to build a computer or what a file system is.

My best bet is that it's a matter of UX and accessibility. You don't learn how to troubleshoot installer errors when everything runs through an app store, the same way I didn't learn how to fix a car like my dad did. I didn't need to.

As is Denmark, but with even fewer rifles, owing to a noticeable lack of big game.

I think it's important to mention that, like with medical products, we don't generally get adverts for firearms. I want to say it's illegal, but I'm not actually sure. Regardless, the lack of advertising for weapons contributes to the absence of firearms and related items in the public consciousness. You don't really get people over here standing around talking about guns the same way they'd talk about sports cars or tools. Guns are very much a serious topic reserved for law enforcement and military matters.

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Looking through Danish new sites (Dr.dk, Information, Politiken), there is not a single headline about this. I'm curious as to why, and what the angle will be, whenever we get any domestic news on it.

In principle, I think this is a good thing, and something we should have done a long time ago. However, our current PM (Mette Frederiksen) has a history of promising the moon and then never actually getting around to delivering on it, so I'm kind of half-way expecting this to mean "we'll establish a comittee that'll start an investigation into what we can send and when we can send it" and then it'll take them a year or more to figure out the logistics of it, at which point it might be too late.

I should be excited about this, but I am so jaded by our politicans complete lack of interest in anything else than playing the game and staying in power that I struggle to be.