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Joined 1 years ago

Scrap's cat

Republicans are a dog that loves to chase cars. They finally caught one and now they are getting dragged under its wheels.

50k lines is, IMHO, way too large for a bash script. I'd switch to python long before before that. Bash is primarily an *interactive shell. Bash has a lot of nice scripting capabilities (that few are aware of, let alone use) but its primary use is not as a programing language. As far as standard libraries go: sed, awk, grep, curl, netcat, etc... provide plenty of advanced capabilities. That's the Unix philosophy, lots of small utilities that each do one thing well and that work with streams of bytes as i/o. Tie them together with a powerful shell, and an ordinary user can do quite a lot without "programming". Is the Unix philosophy perfect? No. Has it proved to be the most flexible and successful compute environment developed for over 50 years? Yes.

No wounds, just ask where people might know the answer. You wouldn't ask people in Seattle what the current weather is in Atlanta.

That's where I signed up too. I'm going to give them a few more days before I give up on them.

I'd also like to know how to export my community subscriptions.

6 more...

I cringe in horror at the idea of children using stainless steal straws. There's so much potential for horrible accidents.

I've been running tiny tiny tss (ttrs) server since google reader died. It's been great & there's an android app.

The only candidate trying to stop him has been Christie. And I'm grateful to him for his effort.

I have one major quibble with your analysis. It is this: Redhat no longer exists as an organization. Redhat is merely a trademark of IBM. You can't defend IBM's actions based on Redhat's history. That was a different company, and a different era.

Besides, block chain us yesterday's fad. Today's is AI.

How do you feel about i am actually chatbots?

Yo. Zz-up?

Block chain is still a really cool solution in search of a problem to solve. Money wasn't it. NFTs isn't it. What is? Sports betting, maybe?

I gotta disagree with you on one point: Facebook was never cool.

That's a more recent phenomenon. These folk were retiring just as that culture was taking off.

The AI was trained of Reddit comments, so what do you expect?

Yeah, the word "siege" is a little weird to repeat several times. I'd have said "attempted coup" at leat one of the times.

Unfortunately, there's not enough of them even 8f they do disproportionately more harm.

Choosing an instance is no more confusing than choosing an email provider. I signed up on several right away. I figured I'd stick with the one I liked best, but since they all run the same software it makes little difference. One instance lost its domain, another is constantly being DOSed. Otherwise it's simple.

They are already choosing fascism over Christianity.

Are you saying that this doesn't sound like ???????? to you?

I too remember the September effect. It demonstrates that we are similarly decrepid.

Does it make sense to fave one central e-mail account management server? Email is a federated system, though it's becoming less federated all the time.

Boomer, here. The fediverse is the first thing I've seen that has the potential to replace the old USENET (also a federated system). Unfortunately, Lemmy has similar weaknesses/vulnerabilities to USENET which was destroyed by SPAM, high resource (compute, bandwidth, admin time...), and an influx of newbs (AoL).

Like reddit, Lemmy discourages long lived threads, which is unfortunate. But the longer Lemmy remains the home of linux geeks, the better, IMHO. I don't have a burning need to see the newest pop culture memes.

C is the language of the gods. No mortals can be trusted with such power.

Lol, older millenials never saw the early internet experience. UUCP, FTP, Gopher, Mosaic, et al.

I still can't believe they threw away all that free labor.

It's the "enshitification cycle".

Extraordinary classic fantasy books provided ignition for inspired creativity.

Caveman like enough?

Gen X and Millennials are the only ones that really needed to go through the early stages of operating systems

Yeah, we boomers didn't have to learn them because we frickin invented them.

Down votes INCOMING!!!

People who use internet attached email to send classified information shouldn't be allowed near classified information.

This is IBM. They always operate in a short sighted manor.

So it's basically Reddit NFTs.

Nah, it can't be an NFT with a cringy picture of an anthropomorphic animal and/or Trump attached.

My company runs thousands of centos VMs. We cannot exist if we have to license rhel. We've been working on switching to Alma. We may have to look elsewhere for a free distro that has robust SeLinux support.