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Joined 1 years ago

he/him ðŸģïļâ€ðŸŒˆðŸšđ🚚

solve et coagula ⛓ïļðŸðŸ–ĪðŸŦĶ

spooky stuff ðŸ‘ŧðŸŠĶðŸ•ļïļðŸ’€ðŸŽƒ

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She just means she doesn't give a shit if people think she's biased or corrupt.

I bought an Ember mug because I thought it was silly. I ended up really liking the temperature control. I don't rush my coffee/tea. Now every sip is as hot as the first one.

The new Ember costs, I think, half again as much as the first iteration. It's a cute gimmick but I certainly wouldn't pay what they're charging now.

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Affirmation action mandates a historically and currently racist society to demonstrate commitment to end subversive racist policies.

Declaring everyone equal under the law doesn't begin to put forth the required effort to actually make the country a more equitable place.

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Based on the language from Valve, it sounds more like legal protection for themselves than a judgment from an ethical perspective.

Your question isn't a bad one, but the battleground over copyright ownership probably isn't one they're weighing in on here.

The end of Red Dead Redemption. Spoilers for a game that's over a decade old, but John's death was a brutal cruelty that stayed with me for a long, long time.

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For me it wasn't the fire that kept drawing comparisons to Divinity. It was the writing. The opening is beat for beat Divinity tropes and it was off-putting. It took hours more gameplay and character development for that edge to wear down, though it has probably permanently shaded my first playthrough. Perhaps that opening was one of the first things written, and thus the most akin to its predecessor.

Once the game settles in, things feel less Divinity and more Faerun. The fire metaphor is apt though. Things do creep in from time to time to remind you who built this adventure. It's like a signature. I don't always like it, seeing the hand in this case is more jarring because of how sensitive I am towards the setting and gameplay. But the craft is so thoughtful otherwise, it's broken through those barriers for me.

We get it. They died. It's tragic but this coverage is unnecessary and gratuitous.

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This is what "to cut off your nose to spite your face" means. To the letter.

If you think a few decades of asking some institutions to diversify their population based on some criteria other than test scores has run its course and we're in a position to move on to some other policy, you're going to not only need to describe that policy going forward but you'll also have to explain exactly what makes you think racism in this country is sufficiently dead enough to justify that position.

Because from where I sit, racism and bigotry are very much alive and well in this country, and I have no reason to believe that things won't revert to pre-civil rights sentiment. In a lot of places, it already has. In others, that never went away.

That was true at one point, but a lot has changed since that time.

Like what? They stopped stacking black people like cordwood into boats and selling them like property? They stopped lynching black kids for looking at a white woman on the street? They stopped writing language into land deals that keeps black people out of the suburbs? They stopped dumping crack into black neighborhoods to keep them incarcerated? They stopped denying black people loans to build equity and wealth? They stopped unofficial policies about hiring whites over blacks? They stopped demonizing black culture? They stopped shooting black kids for being in the wrong neighborhood?

Please, do tell me that all these things are in the distant past, no longer relevant, and shouldn't be in the smallest way considered when admissions looks at thousands of perfect test scores and says "we can't fit them all in, so let's try to have a diverse group here to represent us and provide some much-needed opportunity for a historically oppressed people, in whatever small way we can."

Please, tell me that we are past affirmative action, and why.

If he's taking his cues from that dingus, Reddit's in bigger trouble than we thought.

He might be able to pull the site out of the fire as a business, but it's never again going to be the place we once knew.

For my mental health it's better I go quietly. Focus on more positive things. Reddit doesn't care. I think it's reasonable to go out however suits you.

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Dom - a former space marine navigates the lifestyle in a point-and-click adventure with a kinky flair

I've only been here for a few days and I have already seen an improvement as more users have come in, so I believe it.

And in my view as well, it's neither desirable nor reasonable to expect fedi to totally replace reddit either overnight, or yeah, even ever. The result of centralized social media is Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and mental illness, divisiveness, and disinformation. The structure has to change, and so do our expectations.

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Capitalists gonna exploit free labor, burn down good will, and jump ship when they run aground. Some day we may learn to stop giving corpos free resources in exchange for their benevolence. Because they haven't any. They're leeches. They monetized the internet, as they do everything, and they don't care about the things they create or the people that come to rely on them. Yeah he's a low-rent Elon but Steve isn't gonna be moved by any of this protesting any more than the Emerald Prince is over Twitter. It doesn't matter if it's a losing battle for him. He'll get his cut and the rest can burn.

And here I am handing out candy to the neighborhood kids while they walk around with huge smiles and laughter.

This whole fucking thing is fucked.

History seems to agree. Seventy-five percent of films from the silent era have been lost forever. Television shares a similar fate.

When a new medium is created, it seems we don't put much thought into preservation.

I'm in my 40s and dealt with a lot of pain and gum recession because I didn't develop good habits as a kid. Parents, teach your children to floss. Gentle, compassionate dentists are not as easy to find as you might think. Your kids will suffer later in life if you don't emphasize good dental care.

I wanted a handheld that could run the new retro-inspired titles that keep getting me hooked, because I didn't feel like I wanted to be chained to my desktop to play twin-stick shooters and pixel art platformers.

What keeps me hooked is its versatility and ease of use. I finally have something to take my Steam catalogue with me on trips or just sit on the couch, away from my PC.

If you want to explain your perspective that was the space and opportunity to do so.

Complaining about not being understood convinces no one that he's actually wrong.

They see what they want to see.

Hey so like, new games come out like every day, dude, so...

Reddit's priorities aren't the same as someone developing an app for ease of use, readability, accessibility, etc. Reddit only cares about the backend tech that helps them control and serve ad space. And if you want to believe the bts tea that recently spilled, Reddit doesn't even structurally prioritize coding and development in the first place.

I was an rif die-hard. Such an elegant, useful app. It's nothing like its source site.

My reddit account is 14 years old. I remember posting regularly. That stopped about 5 or 6 years ago. It just felt like there was no point. Everything you can think of has already been posted before you woke up in the morning. I even stopped voting. It was like spitting into a hurricane. My last years on reddit were spent trying desperately to curate a better experience.

What I hope for here is that with expansion will in time bring features that will help us maintain control over our feeds, and by extension our sanity.

Create your own instance and name them whatever you want.

FR tho, think about what you're suggesting. Take all this decentralized content and homogenize it? Hard pass. BTDT.

I appreciate you.

Hopefully 12 years is enough to allow him to rethink his stupidity or at least disable him as a threat.

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We have a duty to keep these spaces alive

What's this "we" shit? You mean You. You, faceless corporation, have a duty to keep the communities open and accessible by as many eyeballs as your little ads can handle. Mods are unpaid employees that manage your toxic users and keep your website profitable. You pushed too hard. You took too much for granted. And now you think you're not the next Digg.

A goddamn decent human being.

It's interesting how some things have changed over the years when it comes to chat rooms. And how other things haven't. When I first started in The Palace the internet was new, and chat rooms were for shut-ins, agoraphobes, and nerds. We basically lived on the internet. So it made sense to some to treat the room as a place you entered and left.

Now you can sit on a discord server on mobile and have a life, pop in the middle of a conversation somewhere and then leave it. And some servers still suggest you greet a room like you live there.

It's like, when I was a kid, having internet access to all human knowledge, anywhere, would have been a divine gift. Now we all have computers in our pockets and some people still argue about basic facts that can be resolved instantly. We treat technology very strangely.

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There's no cutoff. Find a better dating pool.

I thought it said antique and didn't question that, either.

I think there's a threshold fedi would hit and we'd start seeing these duplicates diminish. Not all of them will go away, that's always going to be a part of a federated network of servers each with their own user base. But some big ones will come to dominate and naturally acquire most or all of the available audience. You can't federate human behavior, but this system does allow for much better migration and diversity between groups than a singular aggregate like reddit. We don't need to make news and TrueNews. There's no monopoly on such terms. You can just make your own news somewhere and promote it and run it your way.

But right now, this place is in an embryonic stage. Cells are forming, dividing, dying, and being born. I would expect the landscape of it to change given enough freedom to grow. The more users we acquire, the more these magazines will evolve and change to accommodate. I expect some of these duplicates are going to go their own way or die off or be replaced. It's gonna be interesting to see how it shakes out.

Shaders are lighter.

Watching 14 years go as I write.

I've played a lot of the games on this thread and more that haven't been mentioned which deserve to be recognized, but for my experience The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth goes at the top.

There are others more nostalgic, others with more acclaim, but I always come back to Isaac. The RNG, art, humor, and item combos made that game stick to me like nothing else. It has just a little hit of inspirational game design that speaks to me.

The facts aren't inherently ghoulish. The media attention to every macabre detail and society's hunger for such trivialities is.

Nothing in this story or series of details helps to further the case of negligence. It serves only to feed the rage and satiate morbid curiosity.

There's no grave marker for the old mall in my home town. Just a new, totally different mall.

An elementary school was torn down and a replacement built right next to it, on the same grounds. The old school I attended is now the new parking lot.

The church I attended as a child is gone. Luckily my belief was torn down years before that happened.

In essence my high school doesn't exist, at least not as it did. It was dramatically reconstructed and hardly resembles the school I went to.

Of course these were things that were old when I knew them, and only continued to age to the point they needed replacing. The oldest stuff in my home town though, will outlast me.

This won't actually happen.


I was just thinking about this today! I thought it was high time I dug out the old ones. I have to buy an adapter for the AV but these games were some of my favorites. Double Dash is still the best Mario Kart.