1 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Sir this is !

That, plus articles from Ars Technica discussing Reddit generally get a fair bit of traction on this community because it's a semi-big name publication discussing Reddit in a negative light, which further confirms the stance most users on Lemmy already have about Reddit

The message should shift from pressuring Reddit to change to pressuring users to leave. Reddit is fully aware of the consequences of their actions and won't do a 180 and start acting in the best interests of their users again. They're in too deep.

Users of Reddit should accept the fact that no social media is worth micro-managing every button press in fear of incurring a cost of any kind. I'm sure Relay's devs are doing the best they can, but the users need to take a look in the mirror and ask themselves if they're going to let a tech company push them around like this for the sake of internet content.

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I already hated Android 12 for overhauling the aesthetic for the worse: making volume sliders obscenely wide, making the notification shade just an over-enlarged mess, and the half-assed implementation of Material You. On my Pixel 3 that I used at the time, this change alone made me root a phone for the first time just to fix all of it.

Two updates later and once again Google fucks up something that was perfectly fine before and turns me off from their operating system yet again. While I'm nowhere close to using an iPhone, I may just use GrapheneOS if I have to switch to a phone that comes with Android 14+ out of the box.

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If the west needs any more encouragement to assist Ukraine, here it is.

The choice is help Ukraine now, or kick the can down the road and lament when Russia is at your borders.

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Fuck around and find out, as they say

My death was so absurd it triggered an unhandled edge case in the code.

On one hand, my interests and values couldn't diverge from that of Russian nationalists any further

On the other hand, I love me some infighting among the Russians; the less they're on the same page, the better

Music is one of the easiest things to pirate, so much so that I often forget me downloading flacs of the songs I listen to is supposed to be a no-no

Between a flac playing app (Musicolet on Android and MusicBee on PC) as well as YT Music Revanced, things go smoothly

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I'm reading online, Proton doesn't "market" or "advertise" discounted plans beyond what you'll save by purchasing a longer plan for their VPN. They do have a page on coupons here:

And based on what it says, as well as other tweets and reddit comments I've seen from their official accounts, they grant these coupons on a case by case basis. So forgive me for being skeptical, but I don't believe it was false advertising, nor do I believe it was presented as a plan to begin with.

Unless you have a screenshot that shows them blatantly telling you it was a plan, I think you probably misread what they said, and that it "suddenly a coupon and not a plan anymore" isn't actually truthful. Though of course, you could very well be right, and I might just be skeptical for no reason

I dont care content makers are losing, they are all dumbarses, and if they are supporting yt still and not posting elsewhere, then they are just stupid cunts.

You had me until here. If you want to monetize online video content or get widespread appeal, YouTube is pretty much the viable choice atm, save for Twitch which only works if you're a streamer or Nebula, which even then it alone doesn't suffice and is very specific. If you plan on trying to "make it big" using PeerTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc. alone, your aspirations may as well be dead on arrival.

Not losing sleep over the money content creators lose over you using adblock is fine, I personally don't put too much importance on it myself. But to call them all dumbasses or stupid cunts is just unreasonable, given the lack of a proper, popular alternative for most of them to do what they do.

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As cautious as I like to be, I think this seems like a reasonable response and approach. It benefits Ukraine, even if it's marginal, and while Russia will argue it's an attempt to meddle directly in their war (Putin will find a reason to whine anyways), most of the world will see it as Romania attempting to protect their own land.

How could Putin even argue against this? By claiming Romania has no right to shoot down a Russian missile that's already violated international airspace? The rest of the world will just laugh and ignore yet another meaningless complaint- just one of many.

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Hadn't heard of FreeTube before, thanks for mentioning it!

Yeah, I was planning on doing the same, leaving when RIF shut down. Though I came to the same realization that you did, and just left a week early, because it felt wrong to delay the inevitable and sink time into a platform I knew I wouldn't be using in a week's time. I'm glad that a lot of people came to the same realization as well, and hopefully a lot more Reddit users do too. Social media addiction is a bitch.

Meat - I'm a vegetarian, though I take a lot of interest in cuisine, and while I may not eat meat personally, it's undeniable that it's a core ingredient for so many beloved dishes across the world. Maybe one day lab-grown or plant-based stuff will be able to serve as a common, cheap, and indistinguishable substitute, because I do want to appreciate all the food the world has to offer while sticking to my ideals as much as I can.

I'd have to agree with this one, and the most painful example of this that I can think of is Hisashi Ouchi, otherwise known as the most irradiated man in history.

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Oh that's one hell of a one-liner, I like it!

Immense courage this must have taken, for 31 people to brave minefields knowing what was ahead of them.

This is just a theory/rumor (and partially a cope) but some people have floated the idea that this might not even be produced in Russia, and the overbearing Russian/Soviet symbolism is to throw off Nintendo and hide where it's really being produced.

Afaik there's no evidence to substantiate this, but if it were to be true, that would be hilarious.

The first week or two of ditching the habit of opening reddit is the hardest, but speaking from experience, it gets easier with time.

Yeah, the article itself makes me a lot less sympathetic towards the author than the headline would suggest, given he instigated this whole legal dispute on frankly idiotic premises.

Very often, and it doesn't help that my replies tend to be absurdly long

Towards the end, I either realize that what I want to say has already been said by someone, the argument isn't worth it (like you said), or what's on my mind really isn't worth bothering other people over.

People have already mentioned the more popular ones

Apart from those, Id recommend Behind the Overlay- it's an extension that removes a lot of unclosable popups on pages in a single click. Things like "disable your adblock" messages or websites that poorly gatekeep content behind a subscription.

It's why I imagine the Russian government has been trying to frame this as "self-defense" to its own people, when it's clearly the opposite.

They know that people will go to extreme lengths to fight when they believe they're fighting defensively, for their own people, sovereignty, safety, etc. To that end, it won't matter if they can realistically defeat NATO- they just want their own people to die trying.

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As an older Zoomer myself, your description of Gen Z fits me to a T

If plastic grocery bags could be considered single use, then I think I have an interesting method to share.

Since I was young, probably in the 2nd grade or so, my mom and I were trying this project where we'd take plastic bags and cut them into strips. We'd then feed these into her sewing machine, which used one of its functions to stretch the plastic until it was about the same with as a thin strand of rope or thick yarn. We'd quite literally roll them into balls of plastic yarn.

She'd then knit them into all sorts of things. Drawstring bags, coin purses, and her favorite- tote bags. They were very pretty and had unique feel to them as well. The best I could describe it was it felt like a fake leather purse, but more bumpy due to being knit. It might not be the most efficient method of reducing single use plastic waste, but given that we still have the bags we made back then, I'd say we did a pretty good job of keeping them out of the landfill!

It's a shame that most of the groups/people involved voted in favor of admitting Russian players back in, at least under the Russian flag.

I think the decision made by FIDE (International Chess Federation) for their sport is a fine compromise that this E-Sports federation should have adopted as well. In protest of the Ukraine invasion, FIDE banned any players from playing under the Russian or Belarusian flag, but allowed them to play anyways under a neutral, FIDE flag. And for players from Russia that were outspoken against Ukraine or in favor of Russia's invasion (i.e. Sergey Karjakin), they were penalized and barred from play on an individual case-by-case basis.

It shows that this invasion won't be tolerated, but at the same time, you as a player will only be punished if you choose to support it on your own volition, rather than by association.

Here's an link to the article to get past the paywall

Too little, too late Russia

They turned out pretty nice! My only suggestion isn't really AI related, but regarding the logo over it

The white border helps the black logo stand out, though maybe having an additional drop shadow could help it pop out a bit more, though that might be unnecessary. Just something I like to do when Photoshopping, but it's purely personal preference! It certainly looks good, even without it.

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I imagine spreading out across instances, and having accounts in instances beyond the biggest one helps, as it reduces traffic and strain on and its servers. still deserves support, like with donations, though helping reduce the strain is something anyone can do, albeit small, though free of charge.

Two items I can think of: a bluetooth/wifi controlled multicolored lightbulb and reusable K-cups

Rather than setting up strips of lighting along my ceiling in my apartment, just changing out the bulb in my lamp is a really simple way to have full customization of a room's lighting. Nowadays, I find myself just lying in bed, changing the color and brightness of the bulb on my phone as I listen to music, changing it to whatever feels the best. Even for regular use, changing how bright or soft the white light is can be useful.

As for the K-cups, it makes for a really easy method of making coffee at the office. Due to a long commute, I have to wake up earlier than I would like to arrive at the office on time, and it generally leaves me little time to prepare coffee at home. During the summer I usually prepare cold brew the night before, though in fall and winter, I prefer warm coffee and I find it easiest to grind whole beans myself, prepare a K-cup the night before, and then brew once I arrive. Simple and clean with very little hassle.

Lemmy got more than just "marginally" popular. It saw the biggest boom within its entire lifetime and became a viable alternative for anyone seekong an alternative to Reddit. We both still use it.

The article proves that enough noise was made to catch the attention of the biggest news publications, which remember the protest to this day. In other words, people still remember what Reddit did.

As far as online protests go, that was more successful than any other coordinated online protest in recent memory. Gotta start somewhere.

Speaking of Fahrenheit 451, weren't there seashells mentioned in that book? Little devices you could stuff in your ears to play music? And those ended up being uncannily similar to the wireless earbuds we have today?

Hopefully they're easy enough to vacuum out of a carpet...

One a complete side note, that Wii Shop Channel Music extension is absolutely hilarious. I love it

If you're aware of the mistake, and what you did wrong, you're now living with the knowledge on how to avoid making the same mistake in the future. You still exist in the here and now, and are free to continue forward in life, knowing you're better equipped to overcome adversity than you were before.

I try to think of my past mistakes as vaccines. They may have hurt, caused me discomfort, and even make me feel regret or shame to this day, but I lived through it and it made me stronger because of it. Like a vaccine, it equipped me for something more imposing that might come up later in life. It helps me think of the silver lining- that without these mistakes, I would be much more naive, and far more prone to making an even more disastrous mistake later in life, much like how refusing a vaccine will make you more prone to a deadly disease.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

That's needlessly harsh imo. There's celebrities or big names at least that people grew up with, who may have contributed to core childhood memories or served as a role model for them. To see someone like that pass away can be a jarring moment for many, as their deaths can feel like a part of your youth/childhood dying along with it.

And that's just the examples that come to mind. I'm sure there's more. There's no need to question people's mental health for feeling sentimental. It just contributes to a society where people's emotions are twisted and repressed.

Incentivizing users to do stuff with imaginary internet points and pngs of trophies and thinking it's a substantial reward is peak Reddit

Reminds me a bit of Jamais Vu

It's not a perfect match to what you describe but it's defined as "the phenomenon of experiencing a situation that one recognizes in some fashion, but that nonetheless seems novel and unfamiliar."

In your case, you recognize there was a building, and recognize it should be familiar, but it still feels unfamiliar to you nevertheless.

Hopefully this is in the right direction lmao

Absolutely love Dr. Stone, and love the comparison too