
2 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Going off the Twitter profile picture and nothing else, I'm guessing this is a self post. Because what a wild ass thing to suggest. Normal humans assume keys or coins.

"Make fun of me and my chastity cage please!"

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"that's a lot of choices"

Stfu and pick one. You sitting there having a casual conversation on your couch. Meanwhile the driver just standing there in the milk aisle staring at their phone for 5 minutes while you want to know all the options and hem and haw.

15 more...

I'd say because it's in the air. Obviously companies watch each other. Like the layoffs in January. The initial wave was the companies that needed to do it and had been planning it for awhile. Then when there was blood in the water everyone was doing it because then they aren't big mean company, they are just another company doing layoffs right now. Lost in the crowd. It's already come out some companies did it purely because big companies like Twitter and Google did it.

But we are seeing a big increase in anti-consumer moves because there seems to be no backlash. Like there's the vocal minority, but it seems by and large a huge amount of the customers for these tech companies are unwilling to move away.

Every time Twitter does something some move off Twitter, and they get such growth! But then eventually stuff like Mastadon's activity has a noticeable decline over time and Twitter carries on. Some people go back, some quit Twitter entirely. But these are fractions of a percentage probably. They still have the biggest celebrities and a crap ton of users.

Netflix just cracked down on password sharing, in a move that people were calling foolish. The outcry was everywhere and anytime Netflix was mentioned was 20 comments saying they cancelled that day. But subscriptions are up, Netflix won.

YouTube has been pushing more and more ads on users, there isn't as big as a direct backlash. Like there was more outcry on removing the dislike button. Which...no one cares now lol. But YouTube pushing's more ads, and they don't seem to be loosing money for it. I'm sure they are trying to find the 'breaking point' for customers. But either people really are willing to put up with 2 30second unskippable ads every 5 minutes or premuim subscriptions are skyrocketing as they ruin the free experience.

WB killed a ton of shows outright, basically burned a bunch of media and shuttered a ton of HBO Max's staff. People upset... Twitter all a buzz. Now it's back to HBO is the best streaming service (Which it is lol)

Like it just keeps going. I think it's just a combination of companies making terrible blunders steal the spotlight from each other and society as a whole has a 3 day memory. The Reddit protests are already cold news because Twitter just DDOS'd itself. People who saw all this with Reddit and call it disgusting moves by the company and the unspoken bond is broken, always end their diatribe with something like "Well I'll just use old.Reddit with an ad blocker" like they are winning when they still provide Reddit with their usage.

People like us who walk away and move to spots like this are the minority of a minority. It's up in the air how many will stay and how many will slowly forget their outrage at Reddit and go back.

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Ultimately this is probably a good thing. From what I've gathered of Linus he is a person that can recognize his mistakes, but only once you get past his stubbornness. His response saying they should've hit him up is kind of classic response. What could you have said really? Like GN is right that like almost every video has a pinned comment or on screen edit of a correction. And you know these companies are complaining. Yet it continues.

Having their audience put them to task will go a long way to making them recognize it is a bigger issue than individual videos. I'm really curious about the idea of Labs being able to actually test things publically in a way consumers haven't been able to. (Give me more of transparency like digital foundry for games and Jerryrig everything for durability.) So they need to pull their shit together if they want to claim to be a data driven lab. Like accuracy is all that matters.

I think the ethical concerns section is overblown. LTT is almost harsh on their sponsors and I got a kick out of Linus starting the last video talking about Framework saying how he doesn't actually use the Framework laptop as his daily driver at the time and complained about it.

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I know this sounds dumb probably but 2 years is too short a time. Considering how email is basically the backbone of the Internet deleting old accounts after 2 years sounds nightmarish. People will be forever locked out of things. I even have like 6 Gmail accounts I use for different things. Like I’m going to have to login and rotate through them every now and again just to be sure.

Needs to be like five years or something considering they were presumably eternity before. You can still use Hotmail accounts.

If they recycle the email address so other people can use them that’s a whole other bag of worms. Like people.will find old email lists and try recreating them and seeing what they can get into. Expect your dead grandma to be suddenly posting on Facebook soon about great opportunities.

I get like emptying data out. Sure delete all their drive files and emails after 2 years but the account itself should never be.

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Nazi: "white power!" Normal people: "hey, stfu!" Cristian Conservatives: "hey I don't agree with it but let's hear him out. Some people might agree, his ideas deserve to be discussed and given a platform"

As someone who's been running unRAID out of a tower and like 5 drives; it's weird watching like four people who are definitely more tech savvy than me just bumble fuck their way through all this server stuff with enterprise level gear. Like I do more research for myself and I'm not jumping on video. Ultimately I like the videos, I enjoy seeing the approaches, but they try to come off like authority figures. Then they don't even know how to properly parity swap and make unRAID look harder than it is.

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Pokemon TCG will too, as long as the Judges deem it purposeful. Been a rule for a while and has happened.

My issue with it is it is VERY literal. So like you can't even see the posts in your post history because you've read them. So needs some work still lol.

If the Dasher is standing in line at Starbucks waiting for an answer that makes it 10x worse lol

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How's it hidden? You to to the default app settings...

Or just install another browser and they'll walk you through it.

I find Windows way more egregious, it will allow you to set it but not really, half of anything you do will open edge and then they'll occasionally reset your default browser with bugger updates.

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There's a general sense of you should try to ethically pirate. Like no one cares if you shoplift from Walmart, but you're a dick doing it to the local mom and pop grocery store who's barely getting by.

On a more selfish level, paying for the things you enjoy shows whoever made it they'll get money for it. Simple as that. If you really enjoy something stealing it isn't going to convince them to make more. There's been more than once where a game or show got pirated more than bought legally and it's killed any future projects for it.

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Forgive some rich asshole who took out 5 false PPP loans? Mmm okay

Forgive your neighbors student debt they've been chipping away at for 10 years? Fuck that why should they get anything?!

x265 is just objectively better than x264. I'm not sure what's to poll. It really comes down to the encoder themselves which ends up a better result. x265 has a minor draw back in that it's new and older things don't naturally support it and a decent draw back in that it takes more CPU power to decode the stream for playback. Other than that though x265.

The various quality though comes from inexperienced or lazy encodes for both formats being available. I have such a pet peeve for someone taking a x264 encode and uploading it in x265 with like a 2% file size reduction and talk about how much better it looks. And the general downloader eats it up because 'x265 gud' to a certain degree. It hurts because then that typically becomes all you can get and no conversion is truly lossless so even re-encoding them myself can take a lot of work to get the reduction without quality loss. I've seen x265 480p encodes that end up with bigger files sizes than if you encoded the shit in AVI, because they seem to think low CFR and 265 is instant quality at a "better" size. If you take the time to really dial in the settings, run it at a slower speed, and understand what type of content you're encoding you can get an incredibly high quality small file. But that takes a decent amount of knowledge and a lot of patience. That's what really sets apart good encoders/releases.

Idk the fix. It doesn't help there's also people convinced a larger file size has inherently better quality. Like seeing a bluray 1080p rip in x265 that's a larger file than an entire bluray disc can hold drives me up a wall because usually it's one of the more seeded files. Like obviously people uploading and tagging 4k lossless files know what they are providing, those files are needed for the proper encodes to eat up.

But RARBG tagged releases were amazing quality. You typically had to go up a few gigs for similar quality from another release. Pahe can really nail some tv shows. Few other encoders back in the day. YIFY/YTS are amazing for the size, but you are giving up some quality. But you can't beat a 1.5gig movie that is better than streaming quality at times.

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I'm sure too people will be like "oh but you played 40 hours! It can't be that bad" but the first 10-15 are misery from a gameplay perspective, like you're just trying to level up to get more carrying capacity and get more combat options.

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You could say that about any pet snake really, but as long as you're a good snake owner it's not a big risk. They eat once every week or two on a schedule and the general rule of thumb is don't cuddle with them when it's feeding day. Feed them in a special container that's only association and purpose is feeding.

After a bit of that they catch on and you can dangle your hand in their face all you want. They'll understand you are the food source and not a threat. Then you get to chill with them, since they are cold blooded they like cuddlinga with your warmth quite a bit. It's another rule of safety just don't let them get a coil around something like a leg or what have you.

Snakes are cool pets just pretty high maintenance. I could see this snake being even more lazy since it's so big, but moving it has to be a two man job.

It's an unfortunate reality but that's probably going to have to happen. Instances can't be expected to grow and maintain on pure goodwill. Some might get by with donations but it's pretty known that Mastodon servers that couldn't support themselves on donations vanished. It's a huge ask for someone to pay money, time and effort to run a server for perpetuity. Usually you can only ask for 2 out of the 3 lol.

We already saw the original lemmynsfw get overwhelmed and just want to shut it down and hand it to someone else because they were having to put in so much work.

Hopefully because Lemmy is opt in in every sense, instance owners can do an ad setup that isn't intrusive or over bearing.

Otherwise it's just the big instances that are donation covered that stay and grow and Lemmy just becomes centralized around 5 servers or something.

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Have you watched it recently? I would've said the same thing but I rewatched it like a month ago for the first time in years and that movie is a mess. Like there is a lot not working. Even the action is a bit meh. The whole structure still just begs more questions than answers. Zach really should've just been like "oh no we are in a video game, time for the robot samurai level" instead of girls imagining fighting samurai as they grind on a guys lap in a stripper prison inside of the reality of a psycho ward

Soundtrack still slaps though

I think it has to reach a bit more device saturation before encoders jump to it. But yeah AV1 is much better for everyone. Having AOM there to work on it and protect it is a good bonus. Pirates and Netflix on the same team there lol

I got an uno reverse sticker (Etsy), and it's just endless compliments lol. Like to the point I'm like "I know I know" but the initial confusion on people is still hilarious. Like "did this mf really just hand me an uno reverse?"

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Not sure if you only posted on the mainsubs or what but Reddit really did hit that "hyper specific topic conversation" for me. Like up to the protests I could make a meme about a topic or reply to a post and have good discussions. When I deleted all my posts I deleted some of the top of all time posts off some subs lol.

Lemmy still hasnt hit that for me, I'm another in a swarm of people saying Lemmy doesn't fulfill my topic based sub needs. Like I'm currently obsessed with Marvel Snap and loved the subreddit. The lemmy version is dead af. And I try to converse and interact but none of the lemmy filters for posts seem to show the posts reliably to me and I have to remember to go check it. The Spider-Man PS4 sub was another favorite of mine to interact with and I ended up having to make it for Lemmy and it's got like 80 subscribers and I make a point to comment on every post but it's still not getting much conversation going 😞

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I got to lvl 8 Gandalf level and it stopped being fun. It's super overtuned. Just saying "word" in almost any context makes it refuse to answer. Prompts unrelated to anything trigger it. As a conversational AI it fails in that regard lol. It doesn't easily give the password but it's useless for anything else.

I'm on my phone so I didn't want to go crazy trying long prompts

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How is two taps, the second needing to be precise less movement than one general swipe?

I noticed it's only arrows if there are zero downvotes. As soon as something has a down vote then the numbers appear. Which makes sense I suppose. No point having zero sitting there at all times.

But my eye is very naturally drawn to the number next to the arrow (Probably because years of Reddit and also because it's the part where I interact) so having it there sometimes and sometimes not is a small annoyance

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Eu salivating over it's monoply case

Okay but they are definitely hooking up first. I have a hard time believing the app with built in dick pic sharing features and reputation for being useless for dating has people being like "hey QT you have any jobs?"

Then that will get screenshotted and posted on r/wholesome r/wholesomememes and r/mademesmile then make the rounds there forever.

It's apparently because it's Twitter based and Twitter shows likes and such. Kbin doesn't really have a like upvote downvotes thing. It's like a favorite and a boost. It's weird

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I'd say "sort of." Lemmy as a software is under a classic benevolent dictator situation. It's open source but as long as the lead devs remain two people we are kind of at their whim. Yeah someone could fork it but it's the same issue of you're now at the whim of that person keeping their fork up to date and what they want to do. Until they kind of allow more people having a say on the main repo it's up in the air what happens truly.

We've seen this same situation with Emby to Jellyfin. Where the open source project gets so good it goes close source, becomes a company and leaves everyone scrambling to get people to help work on the last bit of open source code. Meanwhile Emby just used their huge install base to upsell people. Jellyfin is still trying to get full parity with Emby despite Jellyfin having thousands of contributors and being open source. It's hard to keep up with well funded innovation compared to volunteer work.

14 more...

The Narhwal dev said this is how he's approaching it. You get so many calls with a subscription and then have to top off with more if you hit it. So Prepaid mobile plans are coming to your favorite 3rd party apps for a website that's free! People are desperate to give Reddit money even after all this.

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Searching for files is not what Sonarr and Radarr are really strong in. They do an excellent job of managing files and keep track of shows. And occasionally ask an indexer to find them.

Indexers are what actually search files. Jackett was the popular manager, Prowlarr is the new hotness and really simplifies the process a lot.

But bigger point being Sonarr, Radarr, and Prowlarr work together to find and manage files. They are only as good as what you set them up to do. Prowlarr can search 50+ torrent websites for a file at the same time if you set up all the integrations for those. It is better than any one website because it can search them all, even RarBG when it was up. It also works with NZBs and search them all at once. Then you set Sonarr and Radarr to the quality and type you want and they'll pick from the search results automatically.

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I'd recommend Pocket City 2 for mobile. Probably the best casual city sim game I've ever played. It's like $5 maybe less and has no monetization stuff after that.

And the game has like the ability to walk around, drive cars and do activities as your avatar inside the city. It's new so the dev is still adding stuff. But it's wild to spend an hour setting up a nice district than race through it with an F1 car for money later.


Bruh I had such a good streak.

I always liked the Harlem Globetrotters episodes. It makes it feel very Scooby Doo

r/nofans a nsfw sub for girls without an onlyfan's page to post has become about liquid cooling motherboards.

Flexing on people

They're prompting the devs to make defederation one way. So they can block the fediverse at large from interacting with them but their users still have access to everything. Sets a bad example. The pitch is a pooled community. Not a series of tiny insulated Reddits using the same software

For real, fuck 'em they clearly want some setup where they are the center of the fediverse that benefits only their users and be an exclusive club. They want their cake and eat it too, but also force everyone else to watch. Then did this at a pretty crucial point in Lemmy's growth

Fwiw there's a new feature in Plex you have to opt into but the Sonarr and Radarr devs figured out how to use it. So you can make it so things people add to their watchlist on Plex get sent to the 'arrs. Like I have it auto add movies and search for them with the typical profile and then add TV shows unmonitored and send me a text message.

Really simplifies everything. Like now my grandma doesn't have to go to a website and stuff. Since even if you turn off the free TV spam the search function will still return things you don't have and let you naturally add it to your watchlist and even put it in a recently added bar on the watchlist page when it's there.

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I'm on my phone so I don't want to this second, but will comment as a reminder to myself, I'll start a Plex community if one doesn't exist by the time I get there. The sub on Reddit wasn't very active but was good for small bits of things people figured out or bitching about the newest feature that isn't one everyone wanted lol.