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Joined 1 years ago

I see this parroted a bit and am not convinced most of the people who repeat it know what they're talking about. On what do you base this belief on? How do you know that voter turnout will increase if Biden steps down?

"The Republicans are the problem." (actually fair)

"The democrats are the problem."

"The [insert dice roll here] are the problem."

It's more complicated than one or another. So taking into account that all parties are currently "the problem" with Republicans being absolutely 100% on top of the fuck off list of naughty naysayers, I argue that YOU are also the problem, my dear voter.

So look, Lemmy is a leftist, and to some degree, progressive vacuum consumed by a desire to see better days. We have our trickle-in bright red-orange tarts to displace some sentiment, though mostly we all want similar things. The problem though is that we are all just too fucking opinionated on precisely where and how to do "it". Like fuck, guys, here's our narrative:

"Biden Harris is a good bad mediocre handicapped stable president old man who had a cold raspy voice that still answered, didn't answer, could have answered, more harder faster. His policies are good great bad awful, work, and we need to get him back into office, probably, maybe, someone else, not Trump.

You all collectively sounding like a certain riddle-giving Statue guarding a mad tyrants vault.

We fucking agree on so god. damned. much. But like fuck all if all of you aren't so hung up on the petty details and discourse within your own neigh disillusionment that you can't help but yell at one another over stupid bullshit.

Shut up and come together for fucking once. Because if there is one thing the right has that ANY group left of the bipartisan line doesn't have, it's the ability to hate each other and still act together when the stakes are the highest.

They should create a third enemy that they ask the community to keep mostly hidden, only accessible to the best (progressed above a certain point) Helldiver. This is a bad, if fun, idea though.

So I guess what would everyone like to see?

I was getting my vehicle worked over recently. At the time I was listening to a podcast. A couple other people, probably early 50s were chatting. The old dude in the corner, likely around 70-80 was just sitting there hands empty, looking around, reading nothing like some kind of psychopath.

For 40 minutes.

He did nothing.

It was honestly rather impressive.

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Whoaaa whoa, whoa now. I don't want the block demolished. Psycho old man strength vs shooty patootie police? I was just there for an oil change and to check on some potential damage.


So...Trump then?

It's always fascinating to witness, in an age of easily accessible information, not a person who parrots cruel words or malicious ideas, but rather someone who is so wholly and completely ignorant you'd expect them to tell you a story about how they used to live under a rock before some dudes in white coats thawed them from an ice slab.

In this thread:

Everyone not on the Right doing what they do best:

Argue incessantly with one another.

And ya'll wonder why the Left struggles so often.

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Good on you for calling your Mom.

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Tip: Always write over things you don't want seen in the same color they were originally written in, if you can't completely redact it. This fucks with our brain's ability to distinguish a pattern, which is all reading really is anyway.

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Soooo a game, which is not paid for nor developed by the community, and is rather purchased with the knowledge that it is a difficult game which will require ample skill to surpass its many challenges, should put in difficulty sliders despite them fundamentally going against the very nature of the game itself?

The best case is the dems pushing him aside and going to fucking town with another candidate.

The second best, and possibly sleeper choice, is Biden taking this atrocious debate performance and going apeshit to fix it, by forcing the dems to follow his lead. Assuming he was feeling under the weather enough to cause that display. This could be turned around with enough pissed off energy behind it because that's what the Dems need to do: Step up, fire back, and actually fight fire with fire for once. No more of the upturned nose. They would gain supporters this way and if done correctly Biden would set himself up in a better position than prior to the debate.

You can guess, though, which one is a more dangerous decision.

I'm tempted to really believe in Biden taking the loss and just going absolutely balls to the walls with harsh ads aimed at the GOP and Trump, hitting dozens of speaker events at high levels of energy, and becoming what we wish the Democratic party would become to win this thing.

Realistically though, I'd prefer a sound, harder left leaning, less bipartisan nominee. It's a safer and surer bet, unfortunately.

Which books do you believe shouldn't be provided in a classroom setting?

No copouts. I don't think anyone expects a bunch of 3rd graders to have a discussion on 50 Shades of Grey.

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I embarrassed the COO of a large organization once in front of approximately half of that organization's management. Managed to get away with it. So yes, I can say with some certainty that being able to stand up and freely express yourself is character building and, frankly, fucking awesome.

You didn't answer my question. Let's try a different one. Once again without copping out: Give us a couple good reasons for why a book should be restricted in education.

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I don't suppose you've heard what's happened with the trans bathroom tip line in Texas? Cause I got bad news for you...

I do that shit when I have a web interview. Put up a guitar just visible in the camera, a small bookshelf, a floor lamp, make sure my tennis bag is visible despite not playing in ages...

Whether they realize it or not, people do take this stuff in. Not sure why some algorithm based on these very same interviews wouldn't do the same.

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There are lots of great answers here so I want to post something entirely silly and much much more recent:

About 8-9 years ago someone on Reddit transcribed and revised the entirety of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven to instead be about an Emu.

For the life of me I have never been able to find it again.

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Having worked in tech, though not as familiar with phones, I want to ask a question no one else has, which may be silly of me:

It's not a background, is it?

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Out of curiosity: How much do you make and what are your monthly expenses?

Alright... you'd be surprised how often a power button isn't pressed, or tower/monitor is not plugged in. Sometimes the fix is the simplest possible solution.

Statistically I shouldn't fail a 99% roll 7 times during a single mission in XCOM and yet here we are.

So I'm not going to go into detail. Instead I'm going to ask you to truly challenge your belief here and look into it personally. Consider the interest rates, average wage, rate of inflation, and total cost for rent and other bills. Factor in food and gas costs appropriately.

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That doesn't matter though. I do celebrate that you have managed to pay off several loans succinctly without defaulting. Sincerely, well done. However, that in no way relates to what I asked.

It's up to you, of course. No one here can force you. All I did was challenge you to examine what you are certain you know, that's all.

@PixelOrange@lemmy.world got it mostly right from my research, though their backgrounds will still have that bar. If you use a black, or near black, background, especially one not at your native resolution, that gradient will be most noticeable. Using other backgrounds that do not have a black strip along the top you might still be able to see it if you squint.

For those of you curious: Change your background to a solid black from the background menu in settings, or grab something similar elsewhere. Then crank your brightness up. Chances are it'll be there for you too if you're not running a third party launcher.

I haven't found a way to turn it off in native yet.

Good luck. It wasn't a post, it was a top level comment and I have a dim memory of it only being slightly related to the post topic.

I think, probably....spending many hours over a few weeks helping people experience and love Journey after I got my White Robe. Twirling around on the sand dunes, exploring strange places, avoiding danger, and finally seeing them pass through that mountain.

For me every time someone stuck it out added to the memories and I hope each of them remembers that chirpy white robed player who made the game just a little more fun.

I'll say this: Grabbed a free month of Prime through Google Play. Went to cancel it before it charged me again and I had so much trouble figuring out how I decided that I couldn't be the only one and ended up Googling it.

You couldn't quit in the Google Play Store. It wasn't even listed.

It wasn't any form of subscription or listed as a membership on Amazon.

You couldn't end it by following QR codes or links supplied to you on Amazon itself.

It wasn't in your Amazon profile or Google profile.

The ONLY WAY to cancel it was by scanning the QR code, following the link, clicking on a "Contact Support" button, clicking on another button under "Help Topics" that said, "How to end your Prime Membership", and finally you were taken to a page where you could actually end it. Obfuscated like a motherfucker.

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Look, I'm not gonna say Boeing did it. Though if they did, I'd bet money they drove.

I actually want to get into IT. I like tech, don't mind dumb situations, and enjoy helping people, and doubly so if it's sarcastically helping people. Fucking shame every company wants like fourteen degrees and your first born for a level 1.

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Oh no. Please don't target Taylor Swift. Oh gosh. Conservatives, this will just ruin everything for all other people. You can't do this. Her like bazillion fans are definitely too young to vote. Ah. No. Stop.

Lots of controversy around this game. Gotta say, no one really cares. Well no one who doesn't find something to complain about each day on social media anyway. Dunno about you all, though I am fucking tired. So much shit just wrong nowadays and while I do my part where I can, when it comes to games I honestly just want to sit down and have fun. Palworld is fun. Lots of potential that is likely to be built upon and just enough depth right now that I can hop into the world and actually feel just a bit of that original wonder from so many years ago. Something our old pals Game Freak and Nintendo have, much like Nvidia did years ago, purposefully opted to barely refresh the concept as time has gone on.

There have been plenty of fanmade Pokemon games that have done it better than the devs of the actual, official, licensed main games. Hell, there have been sideloaded Pokemon titles better than the cash grabs of the last few years. I for one hope Palworld lights a positive "better-than-thou" fire under Nintendo. The literal best move they could make now, imho, is run with the larger community response and release something truly mildblowing.

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Gotta say, this one's preeetty simple:

Game comes out

People play game

People play game a lot

Content runs out

People leave

Time passes poof! more content

People come back

Games usually have a pretty finite lifespan unless and usually only when built from the beginning to maintain playerbase.

Animals are still animals. It isn't dishonest to say that we should respect them and their space through understanding and recognizing their behavior. Don't allow your love for an animal cloud the basic judgment that every animal may have its moment. Don't be afraid, just be aware.

I don't know how it is in Germany, though I am convinced our methods in the U.S to educate and school kids and teens actively hurt critical thinking skills. They're not taught to make decisions. They're taught to follow set rules, ask for permission, and be ashamed if they fail. They're not taught to learn, they're taught to work.

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What I have gathered after seeing threads like this pop up on Reddit periodically over about 11 years, and most of the responses here, is...

Fuck if there's a reason.

No, seriously. Pretty sure it's become standard and as Capitalism and Management do, they follow whatever bullshit tradition exists.

That said, I personally have always felt factory and retail work fuck with schedules so much because it maintains control and limits sociability outside of work and work groups. Thus increasing retention by artificially creating social nodes we feel a part of and/or do not want to be removed from. Likely created by the same people who cut pensions and created things like Mining Towns.

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Everyone keeps talking about how Biden will likely win against Trump. I don't disagree. Most of my concern is if Trump is allowed to run just how much more brazen him and his team will be.

Not to mention how dangerous his supporters may become. Cults aren't known for their logical and clear understanding.

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Anybody ever notice how people like this chap here always seem so...angry in their replies? They'll go all in on insulting you somehow and cry if you respond in kind.


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If the ads are unobtrusive and interesting, and not clearly based on harvested personal data, I wouldn't mind.


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