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Joined 1 years ago

I fell down the internet rabbit hole. He gets 1.2M in pay. No bonus and no stock award. The rest are options. Last year he has sold 400,000 shares worth $69M. The year before he sold 1,950,000 shares worth $690M... Looks like he had a scheduled sale of 80,000 shares every 2 weeks. Which had been worth about $25M every time. It looks like he stopped it when the same sale started pulling in about $11M. So yeah, assuming a generous $500k fully loaded employee cost, they cut $150M in HC. So canning him would save about 40 jobs. And he'd still be a billionaire.

12 more...

On the upside, you could probably satisfy length and complexity requirements with just one emoji. ;)

It's my favorite of the options so far, I wish I wouldn't default to lemmy.world, but that may be pilot error..

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I miss 2008 Google

That artist had no idea how weapons work.

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Crazy story. Sounds like that wasn't a punitive amount, that's how much the cost Bungie. They hired executive protection services for the employee, investigators, lawyers (obviously)...

If you're going to start playing around with multiple OS's. Is really in your best interest to start using a data partition. Or better yet, start keeping your files somewhere else entirely and then backing that place up...

You can't really brick a PC by doing anything to the boot drive though. You may screw up the OS, but the bios is there to make sure you can boot off something else if need be...

For projects, yes... most of the things I want to build don't need to go fast, so the pi zero is amazing and so so small. If you are just talking little cheap computer to stash somewhere, then no. I do think it would be neat if someone made a SBC N100 in the "credit card" size.

I should say "was" sadly

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Are they just storing the sandbags like that so they can be piled up over the ends?

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Reddit.. Current CEO is the recipient. Aaron is the cofounder. The cool one.

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It's the Titanic tourists that died a little while ago.

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Absolutely. Roku probably would be doing fine if they stuck with the cute little TV boxes and didn't have to keep making growth targets for the parasites. That drive for constant growth has made their core product suck more too...

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That's the guy ;)

I'm shocked I tell you; simply shocked...

I actually went the other way and ended where you are now. Had an electric car and ended up letting it go when I actually did the math one $/trip. Between the payment, power and insurance, I was at looking at something like $50/trip.

Me too. On a 21" crt that I was so proud of. ;) it was the game in town before gnome. I do remember it fondly though. I may take it around the block for old times sake...

I actually moved everything to docker containers at home... Not an apples to apples, but I don't need so many full OSs it turns out.

At work we have a mix of things running right now to see. I don't think we'll land on ovirt or openstack. It seems like we'll bite the cost bullet and move all the important services to amazon.

Maybe note taking isn't the best direction. Moving stuff around is more design... Maybe something like draw.io charts? Or even one of the slide apps?

It is. Though they clearly had to set up the bomb to save the donkey. Which is good I suppose, but man I have a hard time following that thought process.

Investment... It's a bit too simple to just say money, but investment wraps it up better. Chips may not be open source, but they are physically there to be taken apart and reproduced. That's what a lot of those Chinese knockoff chips are (baring the ones where the designs are outright stolen). The only thing that stops you from doing the same thing as those bootleg fabs is being willing to soak time and resources into the project. It's just a big project. Like a Bloomfield i7 (which is old and fairly large) has 731 million transistors in it...

Xubuntu... It's light weight and pretty much everything is kind of Debian or kind of redhat anyway...

The charm of rolling my own died off when I got old enough to buy better hardware if I wanted to go faster...

Those events add up too. Even if you don't have a lot to say at the first one. You'll be able about jade carving at the park cleanup day or whatever is next. Also, outside events are extra good if you are the flavor of introvert who needs physical space..

It will be really interesting to see how the case law develops. Personally, I am more interested in things on the IP side. A lot of lawyers I work with currently view LLMs like a shredder in front of a leaf blower. Which, it kind of is.

If it really bothers you, I think you could set up authentik (or some other idp) and point all your login needs at it... Though, it's not going to make things easier for you, just the opposite. Probably a good learning experience though.