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Joined 1 years ago


Just did around 150 contributions, looks fun so I might complete more quests tomorrow

Earlier this year, the State Customs Service of Ukraine registered 653 cases of disappeared humanitarian cargo for military purposes. Some of the missing materials included plates for body armor, night vision devices, thermal imagers, drones, and military vehicles.

How the fuck are they "disappearing" military vehicles, having a whole third of the donations just vanish is really messed up.

Ukraine has got to get its shit together and really fight corruption in a more meaningful way.

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Maybe if we flooded them with such tickets, they would finally see that it might be worth considering?

I've worked in customer support and most of the time these type of tickets just get a copy pasted response basically saying thanks for your feedback, kindly go fuck yourself.

If you want something that could be reviewed I'd suggest contacting their legal department or even their HR department. The other option is to look for individual employees emails and socials and just message them.

I recommend not doing any of these things though, because it can be quite annoying to deal with these types of requests, as you will likely not be the first person to suggest this.

I worked creating mass content for lots of websites, from product descriptions, to reviews and posts messages. We just inserted random typos after running Quillbot on the text and added ellipsis here and there sometimes.

I think someone in the team had a list of words they purposely changed in MS Word so that they could be misspelled all the time.

Now that ChatGPT let's you insert your custom global instructions I'm absolutely sure they are asking for it to misspell about 2% of the words in the text and talk in a more coloquial fashion.

As things stand right now, I don't think there is a discernible way to see if something was written by AI or not and relying on typos is not a wise thing to do.

Why does the screenshot of the title say 'Decent' instead of 'Descent'?

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I saw the article mentioned he had defended the Oct 7 attack so after some googling:

Soon after the 7 October Hamas attack – which killed about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, with about 240 kidnapped – Alareer caused outrage during a BBC interview by calling it “legitimate and moral” and “exactly like the Warsaw ghetto uprising”, the broadcaster said.

Yikes. Defending oct 7 was pretty fucked up move on his behalf but what Israel keeps doing is arguably worse. Both Hamas and Israel leadership need to be removed from this world....

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I had no idea what that meant either so I googled it.

TL;DR: islamism and right-wing extremism are turning the country into shit.

About 20% of the population was apparently born abroad, and lots of immigrants never properly adapted to the society, so some of them bring islamic values, which clash with developed nations values.

This makes the more feral parts of the society react in counterproductive ways, in other words, right-wingers burning Qur'an books.

Personally, I think Islamic principles do not play well with other societies and letting refugees come in to your country when they practice a religion that beheads you if you draw a picture of their leader is a bad move.

However, I do understand that being targeted by assholes that just want to incite violence, and hate you because you are different, would radicalize a lot of people, specially young and vulnerable ones.

Ideally a scientist would operate politically on the basis of improving society though objective, measurable and honest actions, however Sheinbaum is corrupt as they come, she's pretty smart but she's basically sold her soul to her party, which was founded by the current Mexican president, who has been dismantling as many autonomous bodies for checks and balances as well as transparency institutions as he can.

Sheinbaum is very likely to win since the president has a 2-3 hour live propaganda show almost every morning where he attacks journalists and the opposition and he makes cringe jokes.

We'll have to see if once she gets executive power she starts acting for the betterment of society or if she continues following AMLO

I think it's due to the stereotypes and the bad experiences, I've had pretty bad experiences with indians in gaming (racist, annoying, begging) and work (incompetent, corrupt, etc), but I've also seen that from other people with different backgrounds, more importantly though is that I've also seen some amazing tutorials in YouTube from Indian peeps and I've also found some great repos from Indian devs as well.

A British software firm, Threads Software Limited, has given Meta a 30-day ultimatum to cease using the name "Threads" in the UK, citing ownership of the trademark.

So it's just a threat with no actual value or feasible legal repercussions?

When Netflix went viral, things were nice, all the content I wanted to watch was pretty much there, for an affordable price.

Then it all went to shit with geolocking and everyone having their shitty streaming service.

I liked how on Netflix you could initially change language and subtitles, then for some pretty fucking stupid reason they decided to remove languages and subtitles, so I went back to the bay.

Regarding games, it's pretty messed up how Mexico is the most expensive country in the world to buy games, steam normally increases the price up to 75% more than the base price.

Just for context, in my state the average monthly personal income is around $7k MXN which is around $400 USD

Starfield premium edition was being sold for $135 USD. Imagine paying more than a third of your monthly income just to play a bugged ass Bethesda game.

For women who assembled iPhones at a Foxconn plant in southern India, crowded dorms without flush toilets and food sometimes crawling with worms were problems to be endured for the paycheck.

Fucking disgusting

There are multiple people falling prey to Nigerian/Philippines romance scams, thinking a celebrity/influencer/hot person is using an alt account to contact them because they fell in love with them at first sight.

They give thousands of dollars, millions even. They take out loans, sell their houses, lose all their inheritance, all because they think they are special, when in truth they are just lonely enough to believe the lies that make them think their life has any meaning at all.

The way these scams operate and how Trump manipulates people is virtually the same. It's impressive what loneliness and egocentrism do to us and how vulnerable we can be to the most obvious lies.

It would be better if you could just order the meal(s) from the start of the flight with an option to change them at any moment by using the screen in front of your seat.

It's such a pain in the ass to have to be alert for when the attendants show up and also trying to understand which options they have when it all could just be shown on a screen on your language.

Multiple countries are moving towards fascist populism where the myriads of completely stupid people get to be told how to feel about an issue after a crafty politician oversimplifies the situation.

Even if they are not winning right now, they are getting more and more popular. Democracy is showing how bad it works with an uneducated and easy to manipulate population.

It was incredibly disappointing when I was exploring a world and landed near a factory, killed everything then I pick a random spot and I land once more near a factory, to my surprise EVERY SINGLE THING was completely the same the same Vaa Run loot hidden in the vents, the exact same food in the living quarters, the same locked weapon rack and the same enemies at the same positions. This is the laziest fucking game I've seen in a while.

I'd go to universities all over the world and ask teachers and students to show me their projects and ideas to help society. There are some incredibly smart people out there that could change the world if we helped them.

Catholicism spread their regionalized interpretations of Jesus and other important figures, for example the virgin Mary is represented with attributes similar to those of the locals as well as the colors of the country flag.

In Mexico we have the Virgen de Guadalupe, she's "morenita" (light brownish skin) and she's wearing a green robe, she has a red aura around her and she's on a white ish background, similar to the Mexican flag 🇲🇽

In Argentina they have the Virgen de Luján, she's wearing a light blue robe and her hands suddenly pop out of her robe right in the middle of her body, simulating the structure of the Argentinian flag 🇦🇷

In Venezuela, they have the Virgen de Coromoto, wearing a blue robe, red pants and she's under a yellow structure, once again, similar to the country flag. 🇻🇪

They used the virgin here as LATAM countries are centered around respect for one's mother, so normally you can find people calling the virgin as they would their mother, and then you sprinkle the flags colors for further identification.

Also just so you guys know meme is pronounced may-may in spanish.

It's more like meh-meh, our vowels don't have additional sounds.

For more accurate pronunciation you can think of Spanish vowels as if they had an 'h' at the end.






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I'd argue that actual systemic changes are required to not only punish, but also prevent these things from being allowed to happen.

I admit having free press that can report it is definitely a good step forward though... although now that I wanted to double check some facts on the article I see that it was just removed?

🤔 Can you check if it's still available to you?

I know of a certain big company that has a bug report UI in one of their main products that literally goes nowhere, it used to go to a table in the db, then they removed the table since it was not really used and they wanted to get more storage, so someone quick fixed the bug report to go to a Google sheet

Nobody really checks that sheet and it is not automated or used for anything at all, the person that created that sheet was also deprovisioned some time ago.

Also since many things have changed the only thing that is pulled to the sheet is the first field to specify the category of the bug, all the descriptions, files, photos, logs and more granular items are just not going anywhere.

When this was reported the only reply from management was "QA will check it later" this was 2 years ago so...yeah

Weirdly enough, I see a very similar top comment on a lot of music videos for, it's always saying how that song was their mom/daughter/wife/loved one's favorite and how they played it on their funeral or how they would sing it when they were happy before they passed away due to cancer/incurable disease.

I get that it's a very likely and possible scenario and that people would like to share similar situations but I find it funny how often I see that type of comment.

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I think the main issue is the fact that learning about how every single component in a computer works, would take an enormous amount of time and dedication, you cannot just inspire the interest in people to learn about something they are completely uninterested about.

You may see others as blind, careless individuals that want to get their data milked, but we all have to make sacrifices for convenience. We just cannot be interested in every single thing.

At a societal level, we all cannot and shouldn't be knowing what the Unix philosophy is and what it represents for software design.

That being said, I do agree with the main point of being taught inferior PC practice, education in the schools I attended was mostly done via rote learning rather than explaining the tools that we have created to solve which problems or situations.

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He was so great in B99 😞

Israel is going full Pikachu meme after trying to commit genocide against Palestinians

I was curious too so I googled it:

Scam baiter Jim Browning bamboozled by scammers into deleting his own YouTube channel

From what I read, some scammer tricked him by impersonating YouTube Support and telling him he would lose all his adsense revenue, which prompted Browning to fall for it.

Not quite a gadget but I bought a sleeping mask some years ago and it has definitely made sleeping much easier.

I used to struggle a lot to sleep and having total darkness helps a lot, so I recommend giving it a try.

They also auto delete comments with links, I was doing a tutorial and saw lots of comments asking for help with some issues so I replied to as many as I could.

I reloaded the video later during the day and saw that only some of my comments were visible, I checked the history and saw only some comments were there. Since I had originally written my comments in Notepad++ I saw only the ones with links were removed. You can bypass it by making the link not look like one but it's annoying if you wish to help people.

Some clients have post and comment score across instances visible, see Voyager

For anyone else that is curious:

Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) is the fastest-growing news agency covering Israel and the Jewish world. We provide news, briefs, features, opinions and analysis to 100 print newspapers and digital publications on a daily basis.

Phones can have double sims, and WhatsApp web (been out for years by now) can be used on any decent Desktop Browser, it can also be installed as a PWA and I think there is a WhatsApp Desktop version as well.

I would add to this to consider facts but context as well, facts can bring a misrepresented reality when they are presented as an argument without taking into account the whole background that produces them.

Already uninstalled, Starfield was just entertaining for 80 hours, which is still great, but definitely not as Skyrim or Fallout4, I've got thousands of hours on those. Out of the people in my social circles, the ones that are still playing are doing so because they can only play very little due to work, but everyone else is already moving off with 40-60 hours in the game.

I remember there was a time when you could just hear of his multiple successes and he appeared as a funny genius that was pushing technology to the next level. I was happy drinking that Kool aid.

Then he started showing his true colors and showed us how wrong we were.

Subtitles forced as on.

Or at the very least, the option to choose subtitles right away at the very start of the game.

I fucking hate when games have intro scenes or full chapters where you can't pause or bring up the menu and you cannot turn on subtitles and I just don't play games without subtitles (when the game has dialogue).

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It's a very common word in other languages (Spanish) but my brain didn't even process it correctly the first time I saw it in English lol

choices don't matter

It was a painful experience to have to murder everyone in the scarlet fleet station to continue with the quest. I couldn't get rid of the bounty since it was in the millions by the time I was doing those quests.

It was just so bad...

My gf used to send me AITA posts but she says they have just turned into revenge porn fantasy and it's boring for her now

They had some amazing coupons a few years ago, I remember buying Jedi: Fallen Order for like $4 USD