
4 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Everyone will forget about twitch's involvement within a week. Just like every time literally any big event happens with any company.

That's why I like this place. Feels very old school somehow. And it's an actual protocol, like back before everything was the same handful of companies running everything with their own BS software.

9 more...

Humans treat this planet like we've got someone else to go.

I have never, ever put my birthday or age on a CV. Fuck that.

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Imagine being this fussed over it. Jesus christ.

Barbie movie Predictable

Were you expecting a post-modern masterpiece?

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It says they duplicate and backup all files at various locations: https://help.archive.org/help/archive-org-information/

No no no, don't you see? You need to cutoff all communication with them and get them arrested and ruin their lives bro.

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The worst comment section of all belongs to Instagram. Absolute cesspool full of the most moronic people i've ever witnessed. Smart phones killed the internet. We need something that isn't THE internet, and is only accessible if you have the patience and knowledge to connect to it.

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Agreed. I don't want this place to explode. Smaller communities are ALWAYS better.

Probably hit too close to home.


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The shit memes.

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You have no idea what crisis is.

Jesus bro. Gatekeeping much?

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I remember when our school had a filter. Turns out if you just looked up the websites IP and put the IP in the URL bar instead of the web address, it would load the site perfectly fine lmao.

I hardly see why it's relevant at all, no. It's like a fucking kids painting putting your age on there lmfao.

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Feel free to post these on !oldweb

It's a place to share links to interesting or unknown sites, old style websites, personal websites, link collections etc.

Worked for an online poker company. The information they stored from users devices was insane. Registration and connection ips, mac addresses, disk serials. Basically any identifiable piece of pc information they stored in their database so they knew who was logging in where and from what computer.

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I liked tildes a while ago, but I don't think the signup process helped them. I think it was invite only iirc.

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I completely agree with you, I was there for 10 years. The place definitely became hateful, the users changed, the culture changed. The site just feels horrid now unless you're in some super niche sub.

The people aren't assholes. The place is not that big to be totally ruined.

Serbian film. I genuinely regret watching it and I think everyone involved in creating it should be investigated.

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I agree with you. This place can actually be above all that shit. Plenty of apps to use if you want that sort of mass produced trash.

I agree. This post seems like a half-assed attempt to get people to switch to Linux. 90 weeks. Jesus.

Honestly, now that I've watched them more recently I enjoyed them a ton. At least Lucas had an idea of where he wanted to go with it, unlike the shit Disney trilogy.

This is exactly what I think. He doesn't care if everything goes to shit, he's not going to give in.

Do yourself a favour and don't watch it. You will gain absolutely nothing from doing so. You'll just end up feeling disgusted and filled with regret. Truly a piece of shit movie all round.

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This place thinks it's so damn intelligent and above everyone else. Bunch of fuckin' Brian Griffins here.

Stemroller sounds insane.

The issue with reddit is that it turns everyone into know it all assholes. The discussion is absolutely horrendous over there. Here it's so much better and more sensible.

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Absolutely unreal. 50 million views in 9 hours. The game looks amazing! First viewing I was a little underwhelmed, but watching the trailer again on a bigger screen and it does really look fucking great! This is going to be the biggest selling game in history, without a doubt.

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That movie was ten times worse than TLJ, an a absolute shitfest from start to finish.

Man I loved 4. So many people seemed to dislike it but I thought it was a fantastic game and a MASSIVE step up from the previous gen titles (in graphics and physics etc.)

Old web revival. Personal sites. Protocol based chat.

It definitely is dying. The younger people are dropping off because they don't want to be on a social media network with their mum and their fucking nan.

Cool, I've heard of it. What client is good to use?

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Everyone in my office just fucking moans about everything, all the time. It's honestly exhausting. The company is actually really good and gives a ton of perks. Just do your job and go home. Stop trying to bring everyone down with your shit.

To me, it just seemed ... dull. Like, the conversations characters were having weren't interesting. What was happening on screen wasn't interesting. I felt myself suddenly snapping back to reality several times each episode after my mind aimlessly drifted away from what I was watching. And I'm someone who doesn't need Michael Bay explosions and constant action to enjoy a tv show. Really hope they turn it around and do something interesting with it. Absolute snooze fest.

I agree. The people blaming the website are ridiculous here.

Timmy, age 5.