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Joined 9 months ago

Thank you mr Fleshy. Don't you think multiple ranked choice is a better voting mechanism?

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So why was it presented as a voting manipulation? Is it deception?

And plov!

Is'nt it the definition? It's like saying drivers who drive fast are more likely to drive fast...

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The companies that deserves it....

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He acknowledge he lost his credibility and therefore he dissolves the parliament? He just gain my appreciation

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No end to Gaza war until the destruction of Netanyahu

That's the power of cult of personality, and the weird idea of being dependant on a few "swing states".

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I'm not gay, but I truely Admire him

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It was also a feature of early stage capitalism. But instead of analysing features, it's better to orginize and fight for political change

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Maybe all of the passengers are whistle blowers...

Yeah, it's quite a bit. But on the other hand, it's to support mozilla as a whole.

We privatized anything related to space exploration.

That's a huge NOPE. You can organize, unionize, fight

It's an opportunity for the free market to harvest the newly found resources at a fraction of the cost! Imagine the shares value!

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Whyyyy Mozilla? I want to love you, rally, but you wont let me.

Yeah, voting is not enough, instead of arguing and spreading despair, you can organize and be active...

Fascists took over my country, and now they use a devestating attack as an excuse to start a total war that might evolve to world war, while the rest of the world sees our country as a "faschist genocide machine" our own citizens oppose it, and suffer from it, but still being fooled by propaganda.

I'm teriified. That's the truth.

Dear colleagues,

I hope this email finds you well. As per my last email I'm delighted to inform you that last year's farter, who had proven himself of a great value and an asset, will be joining our team.

I expect nothing but the highest standards for the king's farting festival. He was most generous for giving us the opportunity to travel his land, we are grateful for his generousity and thus don't want to fuck it up.

Best regards, Xero

Oooo I love mysteries! I wonder how she fell

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Well yeah, but that's worth a lot.

Opening the club was the fight. Because all the reason the commenter above you said.

I think it's very much related. Avoid being percieved as gay could be related to gender as well as the set of stereotypical behaviours that are associated with gays. And it could be both.

That's the correct long term answer. But you might also add that there are forces that actively fight against this kind of prpgress, so in addition to what you've written, I'll add educate yourself and others, and don't fall to the cultural war paradigm the're creating to distract us.

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The concept of private ownership is weird, if you think about it. It's like penguins collecting stones they've found and not letting anyone come close

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No one ever stormed the capitol... /s

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Fuck them both!

That's trolling on another level!

The destroyer of Israel

Oh thank you so much!

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The h' and l' below are making me dizzy

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Oh you got me wrong, of course fascism is created to serve capitalists, but after the fascist power grab, they don't need to have the theatre of freedomâ„¢ and markets anymore.

This just in: Capitalism works


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Well, what you describe as not capitalism actually is capitalism...

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Senior Prompt Engineer

I've discovered a way to overcome this: turn off the phone. It's not the content that is bad, it's our addiction to it.

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Yeas, in the sense that fascism is borne in capitalism, but it's also marks the end of capitalism and what comes after.

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It's also worth noting that most of the Israelis are oppsing the government and actively protest aginst it