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Joined 1 years ago

Chill man. Even my activity is dropping now, but that's just me thinking that Lemmy will be self-sufficient while I read my books. It's true that Lemmy is not as addicting as reddit, but that's for the best. I've actually gotten into new hobbies whose communities I might eventually join here.

This is an issue of privacy, though. There is a reason why people dislike google or their neighbour having access to their information, however mundane.

I remember when I woke up early in the morning for school, and played with a portable console while waiting for my mother to cook breakfast. A few minutes later, I realised I never had a console in the first place, and it vanished into thin air.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish you may also be interested in the story of XMPP

Cambridge Analytica. Not only did they influence the elections and general political attitude of the Philippines, it also affected US elections as well. I think there was a genocide that was caused by targeted campaigns too, not sure where it happened, though.

Content for the sake of content is pretty bad too, so don't force yourself. Conversely, you also don't have to force yourself to be silent (which other people and I felt on Reddit).

By good for the world work, you mean "Noble Professions"?

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If I'm posting a question, I simply won't have anything better to say to someone who answered with more expertise than me 🤷‍♂️. If I say thanks to everyone just for the sake of it, I feel like I'm clogging up the comment section.

2 days ago we had a moving up ceremony, and the speaker said that the secret to a successful life is "Honor your parents and Honor God". That advice wouldn't apply to everyone...

Do you have more information on that? I think I might have that, it also interacts in a vicious cycle with my emotional sensitivity (which is something I know most people with ADHD have)

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Are the mods of those communities able to see the total amount of people subscribed from every instance, though?

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More confused than disappointed tbh. I've always wondered how I could make that happen again. Don't worry, some years after that I learned how to emulate games to my phone.

Goddamit, the chains have returned

I'm a bit new to self-studying logic (and rhetoric) but I think you should learn about "Formal fallacies" and "Informal fallacies". Formal fallacies are those that arguments that are systematically false, like all A is B, some C is A, some C is not B, therefore all C is A. But in real arguments you have to convert those organic arguments into these terms (which could be the hardest part), and then you find out if it is a fallacy... I remember there was a way to find out if arguments are valid based on adding stars, I'll probably send it later... But be warned, an argument can be "valid", but still have the wrong premises! You can say, All cats are on fire, therefore some things on fire are cats... and the argument would still be valid, but rest on false premises... Informal fallacies, I think, are somewhat out of the scope of formal logic, but they are still considered faulty arguments, like Strawman...

Oh, that's a shame :(

I would've recommended mods announcing the amount of their subscribers in milestones. But at least it's more accurate in measuring the amount of active users who actually engage in the community!

One on lemmy.world (June 15th), this account I've made on lemmy.fmhy.ml (July 3rd), and one on lemmynsfw (also July 3rd). My lemmy.fmhy.ml account is my main now, I only login on lemmy.world if I want a more up-to-date feed and content, though the lemmyverse has already gotten bigger and has more content nowadays so that's no longer necessary.

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Why does this always happen to me too? Is this some sort of psychological phenomenon?

On reddit you'd regularly see people calling the people who downvoted them names

I'm literally less than a decade old and only own a phone and a shitty HP laptop

And with different purposes and contributions

What was the Swamps of Dagobah?

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Me. My mode of transport is usually open-air, so I dislike breathing in dust and smoke. And I hate the idea of people potentially judging my face and facial expressions.

The low effort commenters have come over from Reddit. Yikes.

Lemming loaf!!

Our role now is to continue making this a viable alternative. We must walk so they can run (away from Reddit)

Yep, it would've been open-ended if you asked others what they thought of the various instances and website.

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. Unsurprisingly, I've become more conscious of my bedtime, but one small diagram was significant to me— having small periods where you wake up every 3 hours or so was a normal part of sleep. Since then, I've become less stressed over the quality of sleep I was getting, which then improved my sleep quality...

Sometimes I use Reddit to search up nonfiction book recommendations on r/books with searx.be (it automatically fetches you results on the old reddit website) because to be honest, it's pretty much one of the few places where I can find nonfiction recommendation for niche topics or just nonfiction readers in general (that isn't just about self-help books). Not only that, the users generally give a synopsis so it's easier to find what book you'd be interested in. But since Reddit made porn less accessible, my reddit usage dropped significantly.

Mostly Informal fallacies, but I liked that book too!

I know, but iirc it takes time for posts to be shared across instances?

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Yeah, I wish there was a feature that lets you switch between total-only and lemmy format.

You also have multiple right-wing shitholes that promise free speech and also drive us out. I'd say the favor is returned here.

Not sure, but that's how my relatives call them.

Thank you a lot!

Bruhhh I thought you were someone else. Welcome aboard

Your friend or classmate would be like "You've got games on your phone?" then when you're not looking they'll try to access your social media.

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Yay decentralisation...?

Yeah, what the hell was that? Lmao

You just need one account to browse mostly everything. For example, I'm from lemmy.fmhy.ml yet I can see your comment which is hosted from lemmy.world

Though I recommend joining smaller instances (like mine) to spread out the server load and make it faster to browse stuff.

With that logic, people like you deserve to be punished for being complacent with negligent homicide and property damage. My country is being wracked with extreme weather events and my countrymen are now inconvenienced with rising costs of and lack of water supply due to lowering water levels due to the extreme heat because of climate change, and guess what? Lots of people dying to heat stroke, because of the high humidity levels. There is a limit to the temperature people can survive with those humidity levels. People like you only care about convenience, even though hundreds of millions of people will suffer or even die from it because people like you DON'T CARE, and you only will when you complain about the incoming climate refugee crisis. Someday it will be so hot out that poor people won't be able to protest outside, and the rich people ever more out of touch with reality because they'll never get out of their air-conditioned houses.