1 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's no longer just a Reddit alternative for me. Lemmy is Lemmy, and I like it. I'm still waiting for the 3rd party apps of Kbin though.

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This is literally an act of terrorism

Like the old days, man

Holy shit? Do you have a source for that because damn. It's something I would expect though.

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That’s true… Because biologically as men, we want to believe in them. We inherently cut them more slack.

Women in every professional position: Are you sure about that?

I mean when a woman has hobbies or interests men would think it is impossible for her to have those 😂

Haven't logged in on Reddit for a while. It feels good not to doomscroll for hours a day. Lemmy is less addicting and less time-wasting and actually has valuable comments whereas Reddit's comment section is mostly pure garbage that I feel compelled to upvote (probably my compulsive tendencies though). But I still use Reddit to search up stuff, however on Old Reddit I think they added a feature where they put recommended posts IN THE COMMENT SECTION and you have to scroll for a while to access the other comments. Idk if that's new or it's something I just noticed but that's such an asshole design.

At this point I'd rather buy a super outdated smartphone. They're small enough for my hands and pockets, dirt cheap and still functional, and most of the good games left on Android are only available on those old versions.

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I actually logged in just to vote yes on the subreddit polls asking to extend the blackout, and... yeah. It manifested as acknowledging that a 2-day blackout wasn't going to do anything, and after that they would continue to argue that we shouldn't proceed.

Lmao I saw a 5 star review that said the official app was "better than any 3rd party app", that it had "non-intrusive ads", and asking for an ads toggle for premium users to be able to support reddit. I can't even tell if it's some sort of elaborate sarcasm. Wild.

From where I am in the Philippines, it's a huge fucking deal. We've been getting supertyphoons more frequently, more intense and abrupt storms, and if not that, regular temperatures more than 30C°, and our country being an archipelago, is humid AF. We've been getting more crop shortages, more droughts, even constant hours-long water interruptions in the big cities. Not to mention, the huge damages due to those typhoons.

The rule is quite prevalent in the Philippines

Barrier of Bureaucracy

I mean the last seizure was by ICE+FBI

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Be able to have multiple save slots, change the outcomes of a timeline then save it within a savefile, and being able to bring items from different savefiles to the others. Would be cool to collect different iterations of games and movies.

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They're literally supporting Reddit for a shitty user experience


Read Dynamic Filtering and Blocking Mode. You still have to manually block the ads, but you can block it across every website.

When I was new to using uBlock it took me a while to search and read what to do. It definitely took me more than a minute to watch the tutorial video that was linked from the Github. It just sucks when people share these unrealistic expectations with total newbies. I was on the receiving end, too. I just installed it without knowing how to set it up properly, and I kept on hearing "Hard Mode" without knowing that you can actually do it on mobile.

If you say that it takes 20 seconds to install and nothing more, you're just encouraging someone to just install it and expect it to be the only thing you have to do. You're not even telling them that you had to configure it to totally block social media trackers and ads on websites!

And ffs, this place is becoming like reddit. I'm being downvoted just because I said something that would've been realistic for someone who is new to uBlock, that it has to be set-up and it will take a while.

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Also the circumstances you were born in affects you as a person.

That's so sweet!

Also you're too focused on trying to defend yourself from that one accusation, as if that's the only thing challenging your argument? What about that point someone made that in some points of history, regions of relatively high development change over time? Like at this point in time, Europe is the one with high development, but back then, it was in warmer areas, with cold areas not being as developed. You know, like the Mediterranean? Known for mild winters? Which Greece and Rome were located in?

Not just the US. Cambridge Analytica is trying to manipulate our politics through scummy means such as misinformation campaigns. And our country is being fucked by the effects of Climate Change while western countries are celebrating because "it's more sunny and warm now! :D", and "finally more viable real estate!"

Colonialism has done really bad things in the African and Middle Eastern continent. When they withdrew they irresponsibly drew the borders and now civil wars happen all the fucking time

Well you're missing out. Try reading:


Especially Dynamic Filtering and Blocking Mode.

There is another comment that said their default settings still let an ad slip in. Same thing happened to me before enabling Dynamic Filtering, then found out some trackers and ad servers are persistent. Plus, hard mode allows you to block trackers more.

Oh shit, it is. I don't think I've ever read that, and most people probably haven't too, if I looked at the comment section on any post on r/all I would see the reddiquette broken many times (I am personally guilty with non-transparent editing). Most of the behaviour I found annoying on Reddit were breaking the Reddiquette rules lol.

As someone who joined Reddit when it became mainstream, I didn't know that something like "Reddiquette" existed, and that it had changed drastically in its history. I thought it just boiled down to social norms like "NO EMOJIS ALLOWED", don't ask obvious questions (which can be subjective), or answer a question that was meant to be rhetorical.

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I mean, not many people would call Eastern Asians "white people"

A huge chunk of anime subreddits, some nsfw subs, mealprepsunday and 1500isplenty, suggestmeabook, antimeme, copypasta, coolguides, collapse support, and my city's subreddit (I get to know more about my city, since my residence is far away from the main center of activity). And those small communities for singleplayer rpg mobile games I found interesting. I know they're never going back, most people won't even bother with mobile as a platform for games anyway...

Back then, I found out that Android is more cutomizable than Apple, as well as cheaper. Not only that, I felt like Apple was restrictive at times.

xManager Spotify.

In my experience Odyssey has that too, even on unrelated videos, and they're often liked for some reason. Atleast on Youtube you see those comments only on newest

I think people still pirate music by downloading them off of youtube



Intelligence doesn't trend to an objective "perfection of the brain", nor does it give you more access to universal awareness. You'll still be limited to a human's perception. Someone with 190+ IQ can still believe in false conspiracy theories due to the nature of the human brain. They may be able to easily solve a problem and deduce the nature of patterns, but will still fall to human cognitive biases.

There was that whole controversy about the Wish trailers because of Youtube compression...

Their content has better reach on Youtube, though. And has a better comment section which would be relevant to the video (which Oddysee has a problem with)

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"dutiful consumers" kinda icks me lol

The 2nd option, as a consumer lol.

I just had to find an instance (or "site") that allowed sign-ups and register. My first account was on Kbin since it seemed less buggy on mobile. I feel like they think something's complicated just because it's on a website, or because there are multiple options.