
1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Thankfully this was discovered before hitting stable distros but I'm hoping it increases scrutiny across the board. We dodged a bullet on this one.

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I'm glad they are not rushing a new one out until there is some genuine leap in the tech. I think we have become accustomed to pointless upgrades every year which offer nothing substantial other than lining some shareholders pockets.

In my case the longer they take the better 😊

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One guy during the probation period called IT saying his laptop was broke, they told him to bring it into the office. It turned out he was on another continent and didn't bother to tell anyone. As expected he lost his job.

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The current work week, there is no need for it to be that long with the advances in technology. Capitalism, its a pyramid scheme that is unsustainable.

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Good fuck this company. I'm sure all the military contracts will keep their pockets lined unfortunately.

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Provides a better service and doesn't just jack up the price. Steam sales are some of the best discounts around. Embraced Linux and worked to build upon its open foundations to deliver a great handheld which is open . Great customer service in general. Obviously there will always be people pissed off but going by sales and the general vibe I think it largely favors a positive position.

I think steam is a private company so there are no shareholders to crack the whip. They seem to be good to their staff too and give back to the Linux community.

They can all go suck a lemon. Shell , coke , nestle , google, Microsoft, Netflix and rest. Fuck the lot of them


I prefer x264 since all my devices can play it, though x265 is great for file sizes.

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If I was going to do it I would only host the site on tor or i2p. I'd only host magnet links with minimal metadata and aim to have the site work without JavaScript. Maybe a small flask application or something to populate the pages using templates. Very basic, light weight and secure.

I would also release a monthly dump of the site to allow it to survive in the event of a takedown .

This way you have a minimal attack surface , you are protected from legal threats as they dont know where or who is hosting and they dont have a hosting provider to send the notices to.

With regular dumps of the site , taking it down becomes futile as there are copies out there in the wild, that can spring up the next day if needed. Its like a diversified seed bank if you will 😉.

"You will rent everything and own nothing".

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After steam sales and the deck I could never go back to a normal console

Dental plan

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Linux kernel


Gnu Hurd





Vulkan / DXVK



Sorry for your loss. ❤️

EA and Ubisoft.

Most clothing brands... I'm not paying a premium to be a walking advertisement and its all made in sweatshops anyway. I'd rather some non branded stuff so I'm contributing less to that whole system.

I dont care about all of the android watch or apple airtag stuff either. The new phone can do xyz.. Great still dont care as its a tracking piece of shit that will break in a few years.. I may as well keep my current piece of shit until the wheels fall off.

Subscription services. I used to use Netflix back in the day when you only needed one subscription and changing the DNS still worked.

I use free Spotify with brave adblocking and newpipe for music. I hear sailing is lovely this time of year.

TLDR: I avoid most corporations where I can , I think valve are the only one that I dont mind interacting with.

Still on metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain. I'm taking my time. I've put about 60 hours into it so far and still have lots to do. Not bad value when I picked up ground zeros and TPP for like 7 shmeckles in a steam sale.

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Not sure what works best in your case. I'm a Debian cat myself but I have been considering openbsd as a future option.

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Torrenting is one thing but I wouldn't be trusting a VPN to protect from anything to attract the heat of the law or government.

Of course it did 🙄.

Curious to see what it can emulate with the new specs. I have the steam deck now but the form factor or the pi was always nice.

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Thats it. I'm sure we all have a huge backlog or old games to get through.

Great News 👏👏👏

Vitamin C , lots of water. Rest and real non processed food such fresh fruit and vegetables. I also avoid carb heavy meals when unwell to give my system a break. I still eat some carbs but just keep it light.

Their pricing is ridiculous.

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Bravely default for the 3Ds or emulate it with Citra

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I used them as extra photo backups in case my device and server and backup were to be destroyed. They are cheap and provide an extra option just in case. They are not great for really long but ive found if taken care of they can last for years and they are cheap too so why not take advantage.

7z usually.

Sounds like some journey. Do you have any specific memories that stand out during your travels ?

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I'd try each application one by one. Maybe write a script to monitor load and stop the program if it goes past your desired threshold and notify you.

It could also be a setting in some app like photoprism or immich ... I think one of them uses tensorflow to classify images. That would increase the load if thats running in the background.

Maybe try them with an empty directory so there is no data to process and see if you encounter the error. Then add some data and see how the load is.

Tried ghostrunner but ot was not for me. It was just not fun to play and felt way too difficult. Playing a bit of stardew valley and recently started tunic too.

You could try it with geforce now. I used to play it on stadia a bit but I decided to try warframe when it shutdown. That works fine on deck

I have a rough outline of things I'd like to see. Such as some tourist attractions , nature sites , zoos , museums etc.

We do as many as we can but also eat out along the way. We avail of metro , trains and walking where possible. If the city has a river or canal tour we usually do that too.

Mainly it is just to unwind and get away from the rat race for a few days.

I know I used to develop for it. My point was directed at the funding . The web needs a strong alternative to chrome now more than ever. Neutering projects like servo does not help. Also most non technical people don't even know of Mozilla and anyone that does probably associates it with Firefox.

Anyway I'm downvoted for having a valid opinion. Whatever

That was really interesting. Thank you for sharing with us.

I know someone who uses both. Some of it is for realtime sports and others is just for shows they dont want to have to download.

Many others use some form of plex shares or real debrid

Yes I get that but personally I have a huge backlog to get through and there are lots more games the current one can run that have to come down in price too so I'll be busy for a long time before I start looking for a new one.

I usually opt for 720p for movies and SD for shows. They're good enough for me and I can store way more. The other thing is the devices and screens are dated now so at some point in the future I'll probably want to get it all again at better quality but for now it does the job.

Also good for banks in case you lose your phone

I'll pick it up in a few years in a sale when all of the bugs are ironed out and the proved has dropped