
1 Post – 16 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I do not understand why Google has become so ossified. They must know they're strangling their own business, surely? Do they somehow think they're irreplaceable? That no one will ever build a better search engine? And the best they can come up with is AI-generated search nonsense? As if that's going to help.

Stop trying to make maximum profits for minimum effort, fire whatever useless exec is in charge over there, and get someone who actually wants to fix things before someone eats your lunch, Google!

I'm still using Reddit for some stuff, but much less than I was. I have no doubt this will fully replace it at some point just as Mastodon has completely replaced Twitter for me.

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Over on Mastodon, there are relays you can sub to to help populate things. I don't think there's any such functionality in this corner of the fediverse yet, but it's surely only a matter of time.

Rogue One has been mentioned. Also Prey. Easily the best Predator movie since the first one.

Yeah, there was definitely a lot of, "If you don't like it, go back to the bird site" around the time I first signed up to Mastodon. It seems to have fallen off a lot now. It presumably will here too. Even if something has only been around a short while, a culture gets established. There's bound to be some friction when a bunch of new people show up, and some of it will be unpleasant on both sides. Hopefully, things will reach a new equilibrium soon and it's one we can all live with.

The navy uses wired controllers to operate periscopes, not wireless ones, and not for anything mission critical. Although I think I remember reading some military drones are or were at one point using controllers because they're easy to train people on, but those are unmanned.

There's more than that too. Like Pixelfed for images and Funkwhale for music streaming.

Check out this Feditips thread for a bunch of stuff.

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Exactly. To look at the mind-numbing vastness of just our galaxy let alone the hundreds of billions of others and think we're the only ones is the height of hubris. Are they here zipping around in little silver balls that defy all known laws of physics kidnapping hillbillies and mutilating cattle? No, that's conspiracy theory nonsense. Maybe the US government is being overzealous in classifying things, but that doesn't mean it's aliens, even if some guy with security clearance said, "Yeah, they're totally real. Trust me, guys."

Definitely. Control is an absolutely fantastic game!

Is it though? Or is it that they need to satiate the VC backers? Could a platform keep going if it was content to pay it's employees and have some amount of reinvestment money and just exist without the need for infinite growth?

If you liked Shadowrun Returns, I'd definitely recommend the sequels - Dragonfall and Shadowrun: Hong Kong. That first one was more of a proof of concept kind of thing. It was fun, but it was more about showing the gameplay could work. The other two are a massive improvement in the level of storytelling.

I say sequels, but they're not actually related story or character wise. They can be played in any order. I'd say Dragonfall has the better story and Hong Kong has the better characters, but they're both great and well worth your time.

Most flavours of metal, hard rock, punk, some blues stuff like SRV and Gary Moore. Basically, if it has loud guitars in it, I'm there.

This is what I was coming here to recommend. April is a great character, and the series is really good. The first is very much old-school point & click, with the sometimes highly obscure puzzles that entails, but the story is excellent.

I visit here on my PC, but this is what I do for Mastodon on my phone, and it works great.

While you're correct, it's just a clunky term. I think some other way to refer to the whole thing will probably come along soon, and in a few years, people will regard saying fediverse the same way we look back on people talking about "surfing the information superhighway" or whatever.

Yes, I can't stand complete silence. I have a fan going at pretty much all times, summer or winter, and I definitely can't sleep without it. I have a white noise generator, but I prefer the fan because I'm so used to the airflow that the room feels dead and suffocating without it now.