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Joined 1 years ago

Yup and they gave a large archive too! Other recommendations: Nothing much happens, and Boring books for bedtime.

Okay, story time? Have you ever read lips to a conversation and learned some juicy gossip?!

While I hated these repetitive comments on reddit, I actually think this obe is a most welcome tradition to post under any and all Trump posts - just this one, single comment and nothing else.

These look so cool!

I also take breaks but I am so much more short-tempered off my meds that I am starting to not like how I am, especially in the evenings when my mental capacity is spent. Any tips?

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Thanks for your advice! Since getting diagnosed and being more aware of how ADHD brains work, at least I've become better at identifying what makes me frustrated or mad.

Often, it's the triggers adding up by the end of the day, especially noise and visual commotion drain me. I can control my frustration most of the time (outwardly) but may be grinding my teeth or swearing under my breath, even knowing I am overreacting. I've had outbursts though and while only verbal, I feel like shit lashing out at loved ones over nothing. It's like know I'm overreacting but I can't stop myself.

I am trying to take control though, as you suggested. I got some Loop earplugs and NC headphones last year and have been using them daily when I know I'll be in a stressful situation. My partner knows how I get stressed and doesn't mind if I pop in the Loops, and I've been open about when I start feeling overwhelmed. It's helped a good bit with the mental drain but meds have been especially helpful for my mood in the evenings.

Sorry for the wall of text! Adhd made me do it.

I've opted for complete foods like Huel powder (comparable to Soylent) as it takes the stress out of eating for me. For some reason, drinking my calories is a lot easier plus it's simple to just carry around some powder and mix it with water on the go when I feel hungry but too overwhelmed to find food.

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Huel is very oaty, I had it for a while until I tried some other brands. I currently drink YFood Chocolate which is a lot like a milk shake, the other flavors are good too. There's a larger number of complete foods brands now than just a few years ago, you could try some to see if these are to your taste. I'm allergie to soy so my selection is a bit limited.

Oh my god same! I'm prone to allergies so I figured it came from the pressure changing upon decent decent but I would have freaked out if I hadn't known what it was! Hurt like a bitch, I could even feel my tear ducts pulsing!

I've been making it easier on me, by getting used crafts materials off of craigslist. Also, selling what I'm not using anymore has helped immensely with justifying investing into a new hobby :)

Oh my god, yes! Less frustration, less anger at insignificant things, and I guess less "cunty" overall which is the most important benefit for me. Just like you, I feel like a total asshole when I'm not medicated, and I don't like myself very much in these situations...

Sounds interesting, what do you find sets it apart from "just" setting alarms on your phone?