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Not having 60 fps might be an issue for a shooter or anything that is built on fast reactions, but it doesn't really sound like an issue in a city builder.

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On a side note: Why is this image (from Threads, don't know the version accessible on Twitter, as it's not accessible to me) a JPEG, and a very much compressed one, too? You see non-tech people sharing screenshot JPEGs all the time, but they are usually in okay quality and only degrade when shared and edited a lot. This one is basically unreadable from the beginning, and it's posted by a guy who studied computer science and leads a leading tech company since 14 years. Or is it really Threads transcoding and downgrading images so much?

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Amazing how still many of those developers post things like "Hey Elon Musk, something broke, please help us" rather than "Hey all, Elon Musk once again fucked with the system we're paying $42,000 / month to use, and there is nobody at Twitter we can even talk to".

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If you check it out, don't forget to have a look atthe somewhat hidden 3D mode. Though well made, the 2D mode is just a Google-Maps-like view, and the 3D mode is entirely different.

Blink has a younger code base that’s easier to build on. Gecko has been around since the early 90s and has some ancient evils lurking deep within.

They both are of very similar age actually. The old Netscape rendering engine originated in the early 90s, but Gecko was a rewrite from scratch that was first used in a browser in 1998.
Blink is based on KHTML which is based on khtmlw, which was written at some point in the mid-90s, but as well saw a complete rewrite in 1999.

Does ChatGPT's code get better if you include "You're an expert in that language" in the prompt?

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And it won't go into production next year. But workers will still be treated like shit.

How I Met Your Mother literally had an episode only about smoking, revealing that everybody in the main group has smoked at one point, and they all do in that episode.

Besides that, isn't the "smoking is cool" phase in movies a thing of the past already? Most movies don't show anyone smoking, and if, I would say it's most often not the hero, but often some shady guys.

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In the meantime I remembered the existence of Nitter (and that it still works!), and there the screenshot is a JPEG, too, but in much better quality (https://nitter.net/pic/orig/media%2FF0mvPmYaYAEUxU9.jpg). So it seems like, yes, the tech CEO publicly posts graph images as JPEG, but he does it in good quality, and it's the photo sharing community's microblogging service that kills the image uploads there by compressing them to death.

EDIT: In the next meantime, Threads itself seems to be dead, at least the embeeded tweet (or thread, or whatever they call it) in the Verge article has been replaced by a "View on Threads" button which leads me to an absolutely blank page.

It is an early stage software and such things can be worked out, you're right. But on the other hand, such basic elements should be based on a thorough concept before a single line is coded, and implementing something like a delete button with "Let's just make it delete the most visible stuff for now, we can always improve that later when there is time" is recipe for disaster.

In Germany and Austria, there was a tax on salt for cooking until recently (1993 and 1995, respectively). To avoid that people buy the cheap road salt and use it for cooking, such a bitter component was actually added, usually magnesium chloride (sometimes also capsaicin).
Many German sources still say you shouldn't eat road salt for that reason, so maybe this is still done (though it is of course possible, that those sources are just outdated).

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Correct, but done by ransomware operators.

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Mostly because they have to wait for Half-Life 3 in order not to confuse the customers.

Given that in the very same post he wrote "we need to go back, way back, into the mists of time, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and we started working on TF2", did you consider it could just be a joke?

What will people do? Sue him to provide the promised legal funds they need to sue their employers?

Yeah, an article with such a headline should be banned from all news-themed communities since 2016 at the very latest, when he proclaimed that autonomous driving is a solved problem.

Good hints, but these events likely were not very relevant.
While Lemmy gained almost 200,000 new users in the last two days, the active users increased by less than 3,000, just about the same as pretty much every two-day period recently. So pretty much all of those new users are inactive. That's not hordes of Redditors coming over and exploring Lemmy, that's hordes of bot and sleeper accounts being created.


I m sure I won’t miss this post in one month or even one day.

Well, maybe you won't, but others might. That was the great thing about Reddit. Found a sub that might be interesting? Browse its top content of the last ten years and you'll see. Have a specific programming question? Google it with site:reddit.com and you'll likely find a good discussion on it. Reading on old interview somewhere and wonder if someone ever fact-checked that one statement there? The guys at Reddit likely have.

Even before the blackout it already happened way too often that you stumbled upon an interesting Reddit thread just to see that one of the central comments has been deliberately deleted by its author and so the whole thing gets less helpful. Would be a shame if the system itself would further delete even more content.

Scott E. Fahlman proposed using :-) and :-( to mark jokes and not-jokes respectively in internet posts in 1982, and they (and lots of variations) have been in use ever since. IBM's Codepage 437 character set (as used by the original PC) had two dedicated smiley characters even before that.
There was no golden age of the internet where there were no emoticons.

The English voice recordings for Cyberpunk 2077 were all done in London and LA. So it's basically sure that it wasn't Poland, and it's much more likely that it was LA than London in this case.

Well, you are right that Microsoft never applied this large-scale, nor does it currently run any underwater datacenters. But project Natick anyway ran for over five years, with the first prototype having been deployed in 2015 and the last one recovered in 2020. So apparently not exactly the definitive future of Microsoft datacenters, but much more than a photo op.


but is a given that the more expensive the wedding is, the shorter the marriage might be.

So have a dead cheap wedding and the marriage will last forever?

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According to Wikipedia, they were arrested 3 years ago, not 5. Of the 9 people arrested, 2 were released after 3 days, the other 7 were charged, but only 1 of them was still kept detained after "a few months", and he was released for health reasons in April (though he still is charged).


Musk may be erratic in other things, but his preference for the letter X is a constant, just ask x.com (1999), SpaceX (2002), the Tesla Model X (2012) or X Æ A-12 (2020).

In that very toot they literally say they will defederate as soon as there is any reason for it, and they will be watching for such reasons.

They are eating sandwiches when they are smoking weed. They are smoking actual cigarettes when they are smoking cigarettes. Ted's kids are shocked when they learn this, I don't remember them reacting to the sandwich stories.

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Tesla, not having a PR department, is notoriously hard to contact, but the one with the poop emoji is Twitter.

This only affects a fraction of games (those that have to process their shaders), and then only on first startup.

They cut the size down to 30 MB on iOS in 2019, but they're back to 110 since (on Android, it's 60 MB).

EDIT: In terms of updates, they are pretty stable at one update a week on both systems.

No. There are studies about that, see e.g. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/misinformation-desk/202212/study-few-people-read-what-they-share for a more recent one. That's also why Facebook, Twitter & Co at various times implemented various features trying to push you reading the stuff you post.

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Together with Greece, they were the first country to join after the 12 founding members - years before Germany and decades before Spain and the other half of the current NATO members.

US is probably the only country that went back on rail transport. Every other country is taking it as far as they possibly can.

I don't know for other countries, but Germany (that has a decent high-speed rail network, to be fair) had a rail network of almost 55,000 km in the 50s and less than 40,000 today. More than 300 train stations have been closed since the year 2000 alone.

EDIT: sources:

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That's the point of banning by hardware ID.

Doom is just the shareware version, just like most of the others (some already called with that fancy modern name "demo"). Some are freeware, some have been released into public domain after they went out of sale.

Microsoft Teams has a completely different technical base than Skype for Business. Other platform, other language, other tech stack, other APIs, other protocols, other features. The one that just was a reskinned something was Skype for Business, formerly known as Lync, formerly known as Office Communicator, formerly known as Windows Messenger, formerly known as Exchange Conferencing, ...

Does Elon Musk really believe that X is now worth $4 billion, as his scorching post suggests? Maybe not.

Well, maybe I just read another article wildly blowing up a story based on a tweet Elon Musk spent 4 seconds thinking about.

It is a privately held company with no plans for IPO and no dealings with venture capitalists

According to https://pitchbook.com/profiles/company/64901-80, there's over 100 investors in Epic, and of course there is Tencent holding a 40% share.
But those investors are not much of an issue either, because you forgot one important point in your list: Epic is swimming in money (and Unreal is just a side business for them).

Number 1 is wrong. Salmonellae primarily live on the shell, but they possibly propagate to everything that touches the shell, including obviously the inner part of the egg.

Number 2 is good to know: The lion stamp eggs are from chicken that have been vaccinated against the most common salmonella infections. There is no 100% guarantee that it is effective, but together with hygienic measures and regular controls, they can be seen as virtually salmonella-free. Worth noting that vaccination is a requirement in many countries (e.g. Germany), and EU-wide for big farms.