
0 Post – 46 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

No, that's not what a troll is.

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Start a company and share ownership with all your workers.

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So just keep walking up to the Ukranian lines saying you surrender until you get close enough to throw a grenade.

Throw grenade, then immediately resume surrendering. This one war hack will blow your mind!

This pretty much reads as an admission, yup.

Hell, link one. One link.

Now explain how you came up with 100 as a good number of scholarships before defining the word "victim" to not apply to anyone currently alive.

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With consent it can be nearly anything

I mean, yeah, killing every dead-weight Republican would result in a dramatically better society, but there are ethical reasons why we don't just execute all the shit-for-brains right wingers.

You always need corroborating evidence to convict based solely on a confession. Does not have to be much, but uiu need some extra fact tying the person to the crime.

No, you should not pay reparations.

The government that was responsible should, though. It's its own, independent entity.

All the other majoe manufacturers sell way more vehicles than Tesla, and are rapidly pivoting to the electric market. Tesla is pretty fucked.


"Is Amazon finished yet" Holy shit my sides!

That's not how lotteries work.

Nice try Chris. You can't puff up a substandard product without admitting you've done such a bad job at so many aspects of this scam that you've had to redo, like, all of it

Note: I do not blame you, you are raking in mucho bucks with no end in sight to the gravy train. Keep chugging!

You should not comment on topics you don't understand because you sound really, really dumb.

No, you can.

Those two idjits?

You straight up defending "Human Shield" Hamas after they blew up their own hospital and blamed it on the IDF isn't the moral high ground you deserepately need.

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Koogler approves!

Not for everyone, but it's a little weird that self-proclaimed communists are apparently completely incapable of putting their money where their mouth is.

Easier to bitch on the internet than work for actual change, isn't it?

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Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.

"You people are sick, this man is dying!"

-some regular looking guy with a large jaw

Yeah, like the guy with a $3,000 suit is gonna open a drawer

Too much money chasing too few goods?

Wrong. Supply is fine.

Prices are going up because people are willing to pay higher prices than they were. We still have not found a new ceiling. It's not "all the money printed by Trump" that caused a giant spike in inflation (that only played a small part). It's record profits in a variety of industries convincing anyone and everyone to charge more.


Seriously, just masterbate.

Oh God, I don't even know where to start. How do you "argue in good faith" with someone who cites a book revire as evidence? And then you bother to look at the book reviee and it says nothing about winning at trial/after charging due to wealth?

I think we need to start letting other people decide if our text is super or not.

You clearly have no idea what I believe but are stupid enough to lie to me about it -- like I wouldn't know my own beliefs.

Why should anyone ever take what you say seriously? Much less even attempt a conversation when you're not capable of having a real one?

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You think you provided a rebuttal -- thanks for proving the point you completely missed.

You think posting online is real communism. Lol.

Maybe, but it's your take, not mine.

I wholeheartedly agree. Yet self-proclaimed communists are arguing against them!

Somebody doesn't know what whataboutism is. I do love how you couldn't answer the question though, proved my point very effectively

Whereas I love playing AAA games for free because other people spend money on cosmetic items I just don't care about.

Apex Legends? Yes please, keep charging for skins and not the game.

So Egypt is an apartheid state too, right?

And Jordan?

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Oh so you "isolated the stats" then.

Great, share them!

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Me too. Except there is little evidence that this was a war crime. Maybe save the outrage for the clear-cut stuff.

Hard to call it "effort" when they've been in an alpha state for a decade.

Why are you using facts with people this entitled and delusional? You think it will help?

It won't . . .