
1 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Since Goku existed and has always been a Christ figure?

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Cheaper by a lot usually

Edit for clarity: this is strictly speaking on non pharma stuff.

We all are, apparently.

What a strange lil bundle.

Just Stewart.

more like "ejaculate conception" amirite

sorry that was so bad

Did that guy's eyes actually look like that or is that like multiple images stitched together? Maybe he's a robot?

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No shit? No wonder fanatical is so shady.

Duck Detective sounds like a shameless rip-off of Ducktective. Alex Hirsch would probably love that

You fucked up by not using the coupons

Edit: sorry not trying to blame you, you wouldn't know they do it this way, but they have extra high prices with really good coupons that are always active and can be used over and over. The best is the mix and match for $6.99.

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They're joking of course. Nobody wants this life.

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Well duh. But if you only have a certain amount of money the big chain can be your only option, and in that case the coupons are essential.

Edit: also, there's no reason to download the app besides slightly better tracking of the delivery. Website is still fully functional.

I get providers and insurance companies flagrantly violating ADA all the time with me and my housemate's care. They don't give a shit and nobody is holding them accountable if you don't have money for a lawyer to threaten them officially.

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Unfortunately this isn't an option for many folks, as they have insurance because there's no way to afford the bills that they would be sending if one didn't have insurance, even if a hefty discount was applied.

May I ask, is there a reason you don't use proton/wine instead of Windows? There's lots of downsides to windows nowadays

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Why tf do people think jokes like this are funny? Prison rape is real and there's no way it doesn't completely traumatize the victims

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Well certainly that too. But I'm talking about the Americans with Disabilities Act.

I'll just leave this here

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How the fuck is that a joke?

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Read that at first as "The Senate just voted 72-11 to kill Sanders" period lol. I was alarmed but somehow not surprised.

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Imagine sexually assaulting someone? Ew no thanks

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Me: reads the comment

Me: reads "German gaming magazine"


Still me: clicks the link and is disappointed when it's all in German

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What is this comment even trying to say

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That's called "shifting the Overton window" in case anyone wants to look up other examples

You gave one item of evidence, I would assume they're saying it's not enough to be able to say that about unions (that they have always had issues with women). They addressed what you said and added to it, so neither?

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I'm so psyched people are still talking about this. That was a relative of mine who threw the pie in her face!! My mom is always so proud to tell that story and now I get to be proud too 😄

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Well sure, but people use dog whistles so it's important to recognize them. Context can be important but sometimes it's subtle, that's why they're called dog whistles.

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I love this. This is like positive gaslighting or something.

What is the source of that image? I'm questioning its validity. They have cannabis as more dependency forming and physically harmful than GHB. Unless it means something it doesn't say, like they've weighted the results by how many users there are of each drug or something.

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I don't know if it's true that making drugs legal means more people try them. It might make sense in a certain sort of way but I'd like to see data before accepting it as truth.

Is Tucker Carlson gay or is this some attempt at a joke?

Building self esteem requires esteemable acts.

Uh what? It was created with evil intentions, and basically from the get go have been a villain to millions and more recently the entire world. This is not a new thing.

Big Elden Ring energy dog

Just do what? It sounds like you're saying they'd hurt the journalist but the only context available makes it seem like you could be talking about the onion headline.

Edit: Did a little reading, fuck they're scary.

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Wow that is fucked

Agree. There's nothing we can do to bring back the ability to look up harm reduction information for drug users, for example.

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I'm not sure why that's "obviously" nonsense. It's not hard to believe that that is something they could actually be planning.

Are they posing or getting ready to fuck up that person in the forefront?

God damnit I wanted to say it

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