
3 Post – 125 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Always like reading things people tell me not to read, I've never read this before, so it was interesting to read.

I love the contradictions of how the American people are to blame as well because we elect our leaders but then he goes on to say that our leaders are bought by the Jews and elite. Make up your fucking mind, not like it matters anyway though.

Also, Satanic American Invention sounds like a great band/song name lol.

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It's never about freedom of speech, it's about freedom of their speech and only theirs.

So with some quick math, if everyone that played the game spent the same amount of money each person would have spent $126 on it.

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Good thing I scrubbed all of my posts and comments that I could. Fuck that site, straight up and down.

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Also, the fact that the reasoning behind this is because they don't want the justices to be pressured by partisian issues is ironic considering....

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As someone who wanted to love Elite Dangerous but couldn't get behind the grind and monotony of it, would this game be worth getting now?

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Change your name to something obviously fake. Years back I had my name as something that wasn't my actual name, they asked me for my ID to verify my identity. Well, I sent them some gross pictures I conjured up from the internet and uploaded those instead of my ID and it didn't take long for them to just completely deactivate it.

All these psychopaths saying kill the cat or catch it and relocate it are fucking deranged. Talk to the owners if you know who it is... firstly, I'm sure they would at least be receptive to the problem and if they're not then maybe look into legal outlets. If you've gone out of your way to post on lemmy you're technically savvy enough to look up local laws. people have also posted actual remediation methods that aren't terrible and could actually improve your lawn in some scenarios as well so maybe try those out if you're into them.

I'm positive that no one wants to lose a pet in any capacity. Just some simple communication with the owners could solve this, and if not, there are other options.

Sorry you're going through this though, shit sucks. Pun intended.

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I'm sending this to my old wetlands ecology professor and I'm almost certain she's going to print this out and hang it in her office.

So how do I force steam to not update skyrim so it doesn't break my mods?

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Thus actually happened to my friend a few weeks ago. Went from a 40 dollar ride to 20 after passing on the 40 for a little while.

Most of the top division men are at least 300 pounds so yea if you get a bunch of them together this is totally reasonable lol.

I really wish that he wasn't stopped from attending it like he wanted too, this would be such an open and shut thing if otherwise. Now the courts are all hung up on if he participated or not. He obviously fucking caused it but you know, due process and all.

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Yea I'm sending this to my right wing catholic pastor cousin right now lol.

That poor man sitting in between those two...

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What the holy monopoly is this. Basically the three worst major game developing companies have now joined forces. Activision, Blizzard, and now Ubisoft. Holy shit. Yea guess who isn't playing any more titles put out by them, big yikes.

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I see what they're doing. Stress her out enough to kill her. Classic.

"He's Dr. Tran, and He's got a PhD in KICKING-YOUR-ASS"

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Honestly, I never thought someone could feel morally superior about not pumping their own gas.

Honestly a good smoothie from somewhere is all I can get down when I'm feeling like that. Filling for about an hour or two though but pack with vitamins and goodness.

Fuck I laughed so hard at this.

This dumpster fire keeps getting hotter and hotter.

Do what you want cuz a pirate is free.

Years back I was part of a focus group for VR and one of the questions they asked me was how accepting I would be of ads in game and well they got the most heated response from me with that one.

Ah so that's why gas prices have spiked. Haven't been paying as much attention lately, didn't they do this last time during election season as well?

God damn, leave it to the internet to do this kinda shit. Sounds like a quick way to get an STD. Different strokes for different folks I guess hahaha.

GIS nerds unite!

But seriously, great way to see the technology used and data distributed. One day I can only hope to grasp a more complete understanding of the software and how to apply it to do shit like this.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm over here in the corner enjoying the metal gear collection on my PS3

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Living down here, I always find it funny when a hurricane is in the gulf - people start praying it doesn't come their way. Like, yea God, fuck those people over there but we're cool so fuck up their lives and not ours, please ok thanks.

Nah, you got the vibe right. Awesome to know there's a whole website dedicated to this, and lasagna....

First thought that comes to mind is the under barrel flamethrower attached to this bad boy.

Makes me think about the video with the huuuuge bulky black man thought everyone pooped in their hands and caress it gently into the water.

My first cat died from kidney failure. She was about 15 or 16 at the time so she wasnt exactly young. But it really affected me as a kid because I grew up with her. So glad this to read this.

Shutout to local libraries for free DVD rental.

Yea it took me all of 1 minute to get them ordered, really simple and quick.

Fuck, it looks like I'm finally going to have to buy the Samurai Jack game.

I haven't even opened that site since I came on lemmy barring some Hearthstone quest trading, so I really don't know if it exists any more and in whatever capacity if it does.

Totally forgot about millionairemakers tho, I did see that one as a bit more active through the years and found the concept pretty awesome.

I like the idea of food over money, though. It's kind of my same approach when helping the homeless. I'm sure it was a moderated space to make sure the cash got to the person it was intended for but there is much more room for malicious intent with a wad of cash than sending a pizza to someone.

I drive 20 minutes out of my way to shop at aldi rather than win-dixie (which they've bought recently) down the street for my monthly large shopping.