
2 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Are there any foundations that distribute donations to various FOSS projects?

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Couldn't watch the Olympics on Peacock because of this. Super annoying.

It is a politically savvy and ethically correct move. Really nice when those line up.

But we can't get a database for firearms?

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Wow, sharks @439mya, Polaris @70mya. They're more than 6 times older! This is NUTS!

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Always warms my heart to see the amount of respect these athletes have for their competitors. Sometimes people are awesome!

Ok, I see a lot of false info in here. EE chiming in here.

Minor efficiency improvements: consumer electronics, batteries, solar panels, CPUs/GPUs

Major efficiency improvements: power transmission, wireless power transmission, electric motors, high density electro-magnets (used in fusion, MRI, etc), 'traditional' energy generation techniques that spin a thing to produce electricity (wind, nuclear, hydro, gas, (even coal, but let's pretend coal doesn't exist)).

Outside of my expertise, but I'm speculating major improvements: wired and wireless data transmission (antenna tech)

The implications that excite me the most are mostly around transportation.

-Realistically, of existing technologies I think electric motors are the biggest winner with superconductors. For the most part, the size and power of electric motors are constrained by how to get the electrical waste heat out. With superconductors you don't have electrical waste heat. You can create incredibly small, powerful, efficient electric motors with super conductors. This means efficiency gains in so many of our big 'energy sinks' right now. Transportation, air conditioning, manufacturing... I mean it would be a largely unnoticed improvement to almost every aspect of our modern lives.

-Cars with close to 100% regenerative braking (superconductors+capacitors for temporary energy storage) You could stop at a red light and accelerate back to the same speed 'for net-zero energy'. THAT IS BANANAS! A current conventional gas car burns fuel for ~30% efficiency, the other 70% is waste heat. Then after you've done all that inefficient work to get moving you hit the brakes and USE FRICTION TO TURN YOUR MOMENTUM INTO MORE WASTE HEAT! Bugs the bajesus out of me! Superconductors would make it much more practical to recoup energy when stopping a vehicle.

Then you can get into cool new technologies:

-Mag-Lev trains would be super cool. I don't see a huge practical benefit since the mechanics of train wheels on rails are pretty efficient as is, but come on... levitating trains? so cool!

-Rail gun style space launch systems (unfortunately, this comes with rail gun style weapons too, sorry everybody!)

-Tokamak nuclear fusion reactors are currently constrained by the strength of the magnetic fields they can produce using electromagnets. The limiting factor is largely cooling for these electromagnets and the associated superconductors. Room temp superconductors allows for much more compact designs for the magnetic confinement infrastructure used in these facilities.

-You could make a friggin mag-lev skate park. Hoverboards! REAL FRIGGIN HOVERBOARDS could be produced!

-(I think) We can actually start talking about 'active support' structures. Buildings that would not be possible because of the compressive or tensile strength of known materials can be supplemented by active support through electromagnets!

-This removes probably the biggest constraint in electrical engineering and design. We will see amazing technology come out of this that none of us can predict.

EDIT (I'm just gonna keep adding these as they get mentioned elsewhere):

-Magnetic energy storage. Similar to how an electrical transformer works: You induce a current to flow which 'stores' the energy in a magnetic field. In the case of magnetic energy storage you just leave that current flowing. No resistance means it will flow indefinitely. You can then extract it directly or through interaction with the magnetic field.

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There seems to be a lot of resentment about brands honoring pride month. I get that it's mostly a ploy for more customers, but even so I don't think it deserves the criticism it gets. Support for the community is widespread and mainstream and I think that should be celebrated in all its forms. If this public corporate pandering ever goes away it should be a red flag that the mainstream support has waivered and everyone should be worried.

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Wow, fuck grandma. Why have modern convinces if you're still expected to work as hard as the last generation? Shouldn't our goal be that each generation has a shorter work week than the last?

There's no way this is real...

It's a monarchy... So yeah...

Can someone provide a summary on what this means? I thought there were malicious exploits in this. Why is it back up and the perpetrator unbanned?

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I hate tipping in general, but I understand some people like to show their appreciation for a service done well. If that's the case, tip the repair person doing the labor, not the landlord!

Just in general, let's stop tipping like the people doing a job need my generosity to survive. Pay the people what the job is worth and stop asking me to make up the difference.

Also the fact that 'less moving parts' doesn't mean lower complexity or maintenance cost. Train wheels are a very robust and efficienct mechanism and most train designs are not being limited by them.

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Thank you for the context. I feel like you could find similar sentiments today over less severe harms.

Honestly, that type of retaliation is happening right now by the descendants of those that wrote the Psalm. Goes to show we really haven't progressed much in how we treat each other in 3000 years.

No need to be scared. It's a loving relationship.

Most, if not all, laws should include annual inflation adjustments. That includes minimum wage, social security, food assistance, as well as minimum fines for breaking laws. Inflation is built into this economic system. The Fed is mandated to keep inflation at 2%, we should not be surprised that these laws become outdated.

It feels like an unnecessary way to keep politicians relevant since they have to keep voting to update these figures instead of just building inflation into the law.

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This is the way.

Command statement = an action

Question statement = a status

I took some antenna theory courses back in the day and yes, you are correct. Some frequencies reflect off the upper atmosphere so there would be a longer effective range at higher incident angles (going into the top of the head) but it wouldn't completely block radio waves. Going from memory, the wavelengths that reflect off the upper atmosphere are long enough that a tin foil hat wouldn't cause much interference anyways.

TLDR: Fashionable, but not practical.

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Love your optimism

Looks like forced perspective. I think the hawk isn't looking at the little bird, but from our angle it looks like they're face to face, so we assume they are much closer than they are.

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Hard to tell if this is a proposal to fight over hardware or an offer for free stuff.

I choose to believe the former because it makes me chuckle more.

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Honestly, probably the most contested* area throughout history. Maybe after Anatolia, but that has been relatively peaceful in my lifetime so it feels different.

*And by that I mean contested by the most powerful players at their respective times. I'm sure there are places that have had more consistent fueds at a much smaller scale.

(Also, Samsung makes their own chips.)

Example holds up better with Google (for Pixel line).

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The overwhelming majority of the heat from processors is not from resistive power dissipation, it's from transistors switching state. This will not go away because of superconductors.

Trump: "I have a Jewish friend that gave me Mein Kampf."

Editor: "Close Mr Trump, but the Friend was not Jewish the book was not Mein Kampf."

News: "Trump had a friend."

Me: "Did anybody fact check this? ... Well, I'll be damned..."

While aeroponics are cool and interesting as hell, I'm pretty sure this is a bromeliad which are adapted to living on tree branches. They collect and hold water using funnel style leaves, not through aeroponics style root mist.

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Suspiciously timed post, right after they announced a release date for GTA 6.

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Perfect analogy with the mule.

Stumbles his way into being a background character; an annoyance to the main actors and the plot. Then turns out to be the puppet master all along. I love this fan theory mostly because it is the only way to make Jar Jar a retroactively tolerable character.

I recently heard "Freedom is the availability of choice." This not only feels like the correct definition, it also includes how poverty strips freedom away by limiting choice. When we say freedom we typically mean political freedom, but I think we should adapt this definition so we can also include economic freedoms.

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I agree that planting trees is generally good, but doing so can't sequester the amount of carbon released by humans since the start of the industrial revolution. We need other avenues to do that. If we returned forests back to how they were 100,000 years ago (untouched by modern humans) the new trees that would grow wouldn't be able to soak up the CO2 released. Returning the forests to that state with the current world population isn't feasible either as we need some of that land for agriculture.

I get your sentiment, but we're beyond a 'plant trees' solution.

They all have access to the Internet now. This would be much more detrimental to learning if other resources weren't in everyone's pocket.

Eurasian empires have been shaped by this for millenia. Nomadic horse tribes harass existing empire until it starts to crumble. Tribes annex land and establish new empire/ruling class and give up the nomadic lifestyle. New nomadic horse tribes show up and start harassing. Rulers who are only 1 or 2 generations removed from living a nomadic lifestyle and conquering call new group "barbarians" and "uncivilized" for their brutality. New horse tribes topple empire, rinse and repeat.

To list a few: Mongols, Turks, Huns, Scythians... It was like a revolving door until gunpowder showed up.

Each generation completely ignoring the atrocities of their forebears while also framing their successors as monsters. Tale as old as time.

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Great advice!

Seems to be the case for most mental ailments. It's hard for some people to grasp that other people experience life completely differently. It took me a long time and some very patient people to finally teach me that.

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That is not what free speech means.

Free speech means the government cannot prohibit free speech. A private institution can take any lawful action they want in retaliation/reaction.

I agree that it really sucks that saying something true can get you fired, but this isn't an infringement of the first amendment.

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If anyone is actually interested in breaking this cycle, "Getting Things Done" is a great book that addresses this issue.

In relation to this: identifying what needs to be done isn't sufficient to start doing it. It is much easier to work on something when there are distinct tasks associated with it, so the next step after identify is create a list of all the tasks you need to complete along with all of the tools or resources you'll need to complete that task. Then, when the time comes to actually do any of the tasks there are less mental barriers of 'prepping' and more just doing.

This obviously won't fix motivation problems, but it does help.

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I understand your frustration, but unless the voting system is modified to approval or ranked choice you are probably not acting in your best interest voting for a third party. I hate that fact as much as you and I want to see it changed, but that's the reality of the system we're in.

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It's a double edged sword. If they allow this to happen, democracy crumbles under a new admin. If they do anything to deter authoritarians getting into power is technically anti-democratic too.

Either this admin undermines the belief in democracy by stopping an authoritarian administration to participate in elections or they allow the authoritarians to run and hope the electorate aren't complete idiots (in a voting system rigged towards the authoritarians via the electoral college).

Certainly could if it had good contact. If it was air gapped (held up by hair), it could be an effective barrier for shorter wavelengths.