
1 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Who are you and how did you read my diary?

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Why would you make the immigrants suffer his presence? They have it hard enough as it is. I prefer to think he'll get to make some nice friends in prison.

Yeah he worked in Microsoft before that and when he ended in Nokia the path was quite clear what it would be. But I've had the chance to talk with many engineers that were working at Nokia back in the day and the problems didn't start because of Microsoft.

Basically Nokia had the whole management divided between symbian, maemo, and windows mobile, and as they couldn't agree on a future path all the efforts were divided. Symbian was quite a disaster at the end and it wouldn't have gone far most likely, those that wanted to continue with it didn't have a clear view of the changes coming in the mobile world.

Maemo was great, really advanced, based on Linux, and working really well, maybe too advanced even, specially for your common users back then. The whole system was constantly put down and delayed and the first devices sold wouldn't even work as a phone, only the 4th ended up with mobile connection, which didn't help at all to make it useful (wifi was not as big as it is now) and sold.

Finally there was Windows Mobile which was still starting basically then and had far less strength, but with the support of Microsoft behind it it was easier to push it out. I don't understand why it still has such support when it comes to the UI, I personally never liked it and it felt too simplistic and boring, but the more options the better I guess. Of course once Microsoft managed to plant his own guy inside Nokia they managed to favor the balance towards Win mobile and the other two were left behind more and more.

So Microsoft was a key part in what ended happening but they were not the ones that put Nokia in trouble. That was a lack of direction in the management level.

It's simple and quite short, and I'm not exactly sure why this is the first one that came to mind but here goes anyway https://store.steampowered.com/app/785790/WHAT_THE_GOLF/

There's also the https://goose.game/ which is quite fun and silly.

I'm sure I got more ideas but those were the ones that came into mind without checking.

Edit: realized this is for the deck, not sure if they are confirmed to work but I don't see why they wouldn't.

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Hear me out, a game of having a tea plantation, in space. Finally astronauts can enjoy a cup o'tea.

It was already tough being in a world where it's hard to see the difference between the onion articles and actual news. Now we're on a completely new level where news can be the result of playing CAH. It's kinda funny until you stop to think how terrible it is.

I can't see anyone mentioning Titan A.E. man I love that movie, the mix of hand drawn animation and CGI was great for the time and I really enjoyed the world building.

It's either Matrix or Fight Club, I guess it depends on the day

I did try, but I think the next step was an UK phone number or something... The thing is that they try as hard as possible to block it. And I just want a workaround for it, if there's any...

I recommend you to watch one of the director's earlier movies, Dogtooth, that was the best movie he has made and I'm pretty sure anyone enjoying Lobster will like that one too.

I just wanted to say, it's refreshing to read a well argumented comment such as this one. It's good to see every once in a while there are still some people thinking things through without falling for automatic hatred to either side of a discussion.

Maemo was so much better than any os coming after it... Meego was in my opinion the wrong path to take. I still miss the N900, what an amazing device it was...

Same here, Fenix 6 for a couple of years and definitely nearly as good as pebble, but I still miss the comfort and size of pebble. The screen is a bit better I think though and the battery seems to last me more but I barely use any of the fancy useless stuff like gps and what not.

I doubt the community that pebble built can be replicated by any other company... I really miss how simple it was to start creating software for the pebble and talking with other devs.

Thanks a lot! I'll check what they have there!

Thanks for the info, I'll check that DNS proxy. But my issue is not geo blocking itself, I already passed that with VPN but they also require an account with a lot of details in order to watch the content. I have tried creating an account to manage it but without success and it felt too much effort, I'd prefer to find some alternative. Thanks anyway!

I would love to hear your opinion on something I keep thinking about. There's the whole idea that these LLMs are training on "available" data all over the internet, and then anyone can use the LLM and create something that could resemble the work of someone else. Then there's the people calling it theft (in my opinion wrong from any possible angle of consideration) and those calling it fair use (I kinda lean more on this side). But then we have the side of compensation for authors and such, which would be great if some form for it would be found. Any one person can learn about the style of an author and imitate it without really copying the same piece of art. That person cannot be sued for stealing "style", and it feels like the LLM is basically in the same area of creating content. And authors have never been compensated for someone imitating them.

So... What would make the case of LLMs different? What are good points against it that don't end up falling into the "stealing content" discussion? How to guarantee authors are compensated for their works? How can we guarantee that a company doesn't order a book (or a reading with your voice in the case of voice actors, or pictures and drawings, ...) and then reproduces the same content without you not having to pay you? How can we differentiate between a synthetic voice trained with thousand of voices but not the voice of person A but creates a voice similar to that of A against the case of a company "stealing" the voice of A directly? I feel there's a lot of nuances here and don't know what or how to cover all of it easily and most discussion I read are just "steal vs fair use" only.

Can this only end properly with a full reform of copyright? It's not like authors are nowadays very well protected either. Publishers basically take their creation to be used and abused without the author having any say in it (like in the case of spot if unpublished a artists relationship and payment agreements).

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Well damn, thank you so much for the answer. That has gone well and beyond what I'd have called a great answer.

First of all I just wanted to acknowledge the time you put into it, I just read it and in order to make a meaningful answer for discussion I probably need to read your comment a couple more times, and consider my own perspective on those topics, and also study a few drops of information you gave where sincerely you lost me :D (being a neutral monist, and about Searle and such, I need to study a bit that area). So, I want to give an adequate response to you as well and I'll need some time for that, but before anything, thanks for the conversation, I didn't want to wait to say that later on.

Also, worth mentioning that you did hit the nail in the head when you summed up all my rambling into a coherent one question/topic. I keep debating myself about how I can support creators while also appreciating the usefulness of a tool such as LLMs that can help me create things myself that I couldn't before. There has to be a balance somewhere there... (Fellow programmer brain here trying to solve things like if you are debugging software, no doubt the wrong perspective for such a complex context).

UBI is definitely a goal to be achieved that could help in many ways, just like a huge reform of copyright would also be necessary to remove all the predators that are already abusing creators by taking their legal rights on the content created.

The point you make of anthropomorphizing LLMs is absolutely a key point, in fact I avoid all I can mentioning AI because I believe it muddles the waters so much more than it should (but it's a great way of selling the software). For me it goes the other way actually and I wonder how different we are from an LLM (oversimplifying much...) in the methods we apply to create something and where's the line of being creative vs depending on previous things experienced and basing our creation in previous things.

Anyway, that starts getting a bit too philosophical, which can be fun but less practical. Respecting your other comment, I do indeed follow Doctorow, it's fascinating how much he writes, and how clear he can expose ideas. It's tough to catch up with him at times with so much content. I also got his books in the last humble bundle, so happy to buy books without DRM... I'll try to think a bit more these days on these topics and see what I can come up with. I don't want to continue rambling like a madman without setting some order to my own thoughts first. Anyway, thanks for the interesting conversation.

Snakes on a plane. I still haven't watched it but I had to get it just for XKCD...

The french movie Titane, the plot sounded so weird I had to watch it, and it was far crazier than I thought... Somehow not the worst I've seen but damn it made me feel uncomfortable as hell.

Wow thanks! Really need to try that one! Live tv is not my jam tho, I don't care much for stuff I can't choose when to watch.

But you are talking about a completely different thing. Here's what it boils down to:

Obviously, we prefer to exhaust other options first

Does it look like that? Not really... Not when people are cheering for some asshole to be assassinated. This is not about the value of one life, this is not about the use of violence of armed forces to try and save others, this is not about the lives that trump would destroy. This is about people cheering for a murder, this is about a public figure inciting violence publicly... Did you notice the reaction of someone like Biden or Sanders (the two examples I know of, surely there are others)? immediately rejecting the actions of a violent man that decided to open fire against a big amount of people, it's irrelevant who he was aiming for. The only solution for anyone talking in this thread is killing trump, instead of voting the other (albeit very imperfect) party. It's still months before the election and everyone is acting like trump has won already and the only solution is killing him. Wtf.

I guess this thread and conversation has shown me why the US has such a gun problem. Why the police is absurdly violent against anyone they consider a threat. Why someone would resort to shooting a bunch of people if they've been bullied for years or whatever and feel threatened. Fucking sad...

All of this is not about me wanting trump alive and well, I don't want the orange turd around, I'd hope preferably that he rots in prison though and that he has very "nice" cellmate with him, but if he's gone from the surface of the earth all the better for the rest of us. That is not the same as inciting for violence, or approving the assassination attempt that has killed someone else.

The thing is that "excellent" is something they are not... Look I enjoyed the movies too, they can be quite fun. Some aspects are great, the action and stunt work is in my opinion flawless for the time. Some other things were great too and some others not so much. But in general, really they are not good movies if we try to be a bit neutral, and at the very least they can't follow the complexity of the theme from the first movie while making it look so simple like that one did. It may just be the case of standing too close to the sun, the movies as part of the trilogy just can't compare. So people have a feeling of rejection to them. And probably the one thing people find it tough to come to grips with is the fact that the first movie had great action, that helped the movie go forward, while the others just seem to have random action scenes that are just not part of the story. It's just about how they are added into the story.

But don't let that bother you, enjoy the movies, I still do, they are just not the masterpieces the first one was.

And no, its not about wanting the first one again, in essence, I wish the movies would have managed to expand the story in a refreshing way like the Animatrix did. But they just fall flat instead, simple mindless fun that kinda finish the storyline quite OK for me.

Now the fourth part... That was brilliant, a brilliant crap, but brilliant nonetheless. If my guess is not wrong, it was a great middle finger to the movie execs that wanted to squeeze more money out of the movies.

Yeah I have a VPN already and recently I've been considering changing mail and calendar and storage to proton and have my account there, but didn't check their VPN service yet.

Without the VPN I couldn't even get to try the playback, but with VPN I still need a way to circumvent their account requirements.

I can understand that some people don't want to deal with changing keyboards even if they don't want to be tracked. But you are literally here asking about keyboards. If this is not the place to talk about this then what is? Anyone interested enough to wonder about what keyboard they use should consider their privacy as the main aspect for a keyboard, as it is an app that can see everything you write, including passwords.

but the reality is most foss apps are far inferior user experiences to corporate apps

This is absolutely wrong and too often repeated as a mantra, and not because they have actually good UX, but because the corporate apps have it worse even (but they set the standard so anything that isn't like theirs is bad). From all keyboards I have tried (many, including corporate ones, closed source, etc) the closed source ones have usually the worse UX. They start better and then worsen over time. You said you like the personalisation options, but often there's less options in any closed source corporate keyboard. It took them years for gboard to actually let users have the number row always on top. I could have that in other keyboards long before gboard. Swiftkey was wonderful, but over the years it got so bloated that it lagged when used. There's unfortunately not a perfect keyboard, but through all the posts in this thread there were a lot of good recommendations that allow you to choose good customisability, respect of user privacy, and also fringe use cases not often supported. And in general, the worse options are the closed source ones.

The only real downside of Foss keyboards is that as they have more options they usually require a bit more set up time which puts many people off.

I'm currently using Heliboard, lots of customisability, Foss, good language support and a must for me, multi language support. So far I am making less typos than with many other keyboards. The downside is no swipe support right in the app, but you can get it to work too if interested using 3rd party libraries.

In the past I've been using gboard which was OK for a while but started making more and more typos and wrong corrections over time, that plus trying to degoogle myself pushed me away.

Also anysoft keyboard, pretty nice, and was quite happy with it but again started getting tired of some typos I kept making.

I am keeping an eye on futo keyboard too, which at the moment doesn't support multi language support, maybe in the future when implemented I'll try it.

Sincerely I am baffled at the take most comments have on this... Does this mean that because trump is a fucking fascist piece of shit that calls for violence against anyone he doesn't like we have the right to call for violence against him? Just because trump is a disgusting waste of biological matter that rapes kids do we have the right to rape his kids? What the fuck is with all these comments calling coward to jack black for pointing out how out of place is such a thing to say... It's a joke that I could do, in a group of close friends, that I know how they will take it. I'm pretty sure jack black would have found it funny in private. But in the middle of a show? Do we really need to remind people that calling for violence is not OK? Yeah we could take his comment as a joke... But what if some people in the audience are unhinged enough to take it seriously? The comment was definitely out of place. Freedom of speech has limits, and his comment is very much crossing the limit.

Look, I'm not going to lie, if I hear trump drops dead randomly tomorrow I wouldn't feel particularly sad (or at all) but I wouldn't ask for him to be assassinated or call for terrorism against republicans no matter how wrong I think they are and how dangerous they can be. What the fuck... there's so many people here hoping for a fucking asshole to be assassinated it's kinda scary even. That's not the solution against trump or republicans...

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And your proposal is that justice should prevail by a public mass shooting to kill the orange turd?

So your thinking is that because trump tried to end democracy, now you have the right to kill him?

The only way to defend yourself is with guns and killing those who attack you? I wonder what group of people keep proposing that...

People like you, already defeated months before the election, saying that voting doesn't matter, have a lot to do with the end of democracy. Go vote, make it matter.

Shit's real fucked, you have in the states a candidate for presidency instead of being in prison like he should. And the problem is that no one has killed him yet? No wonder that justice won't work...

Either you are just trying to help the orange shit posting this kind of defeatist comment on purpose or you are just as bad as a republican that keeps saying those who oppose him should be killed.

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Don't use fallacies to defend violence. Killing trump is not the only way to avoid that from happening. Becoming a terrorist and promoting violence against a political group contrary to your political opinion is not OK no matter how dangerous that group is. You are using the same discussion techniques that fucking maga asshats use. Seriously you don't see the issue on the way you are defending the idea that assassinating a political opponent is the only way to defeat that opponent?

You are defending the republican gun nutjob that went to shoot trump and accidentally killed someone else? You are saying his decision making was the kind of behaviour to glorify? The same kind of nut job that will happily join in the death squads you talk about? What the fuck, how does your brain work? How can you not see the hypocrisy of what you are saying...

Of course that's assuming a sincere take and not just some piece of shit bot or account made to increase violence hatred and division.

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