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Wouldn't it be funny, if that would end the doom scroll cause suddenly it's a disturbance and can't be skipped like other non liked content, so it breaks the trance and leaves the user with anger instead of numbness?

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I saw Alien 1 just a couple of weeks ago for the first time and I was amazed how good it still looked. The design of the spaceship and the alien itself still looked amazing in 4k on an OLED TV. And also the story still seemed like a fresh idea. Of course there are moments with stupid acting people, but all in all the decisions made felt plausible and logical, not the normal stupid horror movie group. And also the story twist came (for me) as a real surprise and not like a thing you knew after the first 5min. (And I'm also surprised that after all these years it's still a surprise, cause everybody knows the alien but not the story of the first movie?)

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Thank you for adding it. Big difference.

As others said Switzerland. It's beautiful and all but really expensive. It really took away a big part of fun when I went there. But not only that, I thought the swiss people seemed sometimes kinda "rude"or maybe a better word for it "cold" and a little annoyed if it came to tourists. I get it, it's a small county and a lot of people are visiting each year, but it still wasn't fun for me to be there and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone to go there.

And North France near the German border like Strasbourg. The city and the region is beautiful as well, but the people are often like the cliché everybody knows and that sucks if you're a tourist. But the south of France like Marseille and the Provence is always worth a visit. The people are chill, enjoying life in the typical mediterranean way and are often friendlier (and often speak English at least in the bigger cities/tourist areas).

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Or add "in The Sims" if it's human, child related

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Schneesturm (snow storm) or Ameisenkrieg (ant war) in German.

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Money. Even if 5 people scream and get a refund or don't buy it there will be 100 that don't care and just pay. It's the same with every bad thing like preorder, dlc after dlc, microtransactions for cosmetics more expensive than an full title indie game or pay to win in a full price triple a game (like star wars battlefront 2). In the end the group of people just buying is bigger.

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Both and question everything you read/hear and try to double check everything that seems important.

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Just to explain it maybe a little: the German far right party has a rethorical mixture of 3. Reich speeches (damn autocorrect) and modern US republicans. And the people supporting them have the same mindset and fact denial maga fans have.

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The ring

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I know you're absolutely right but holding a grudge helped me with my depression and anxiety, cause then I didn't feel the need to be the best around a person and that everything could be my mistake. No, there is a stupid person that I dislike and most likely it's their fault!

Even if it's not the 70s or 80s, I still grew up with lots of second hand smoke in the 90s. Once a year my village had a little comedy thing (german carnival) for one evening in the local gym. You couldn't see the stage after the first hour if you were like 10m away from the stage. It didn't matter, smoking, drinking and just a little music and everybody was happy. And it was the same in every restaurant or subway station. It just felt normal, it smelled the same no matter where you went and everybody smelled like cold smoke. After it got shut down in quiet a rush, the new normal came so quickly, that even today nobody can believe how it was just 20-25 years ago.

And also there is still a big US infrastructure at hand with all the bases.

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Did he send flowers?

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Not just Germany. As said in the article 19 donors stopped payment with nothing but "trust me bro".

Or both.

Oh definitely! And not only cause humankind tend to forget something. We are a really western, at best on top asian and arabic region focused society. So we wouldn't know if a guy in South America figured out the earth is round or saw gravitation like Newtown.

Edit: and if you wanna read about how much Christianity destroyed knowledge everywhere they went. I would say chances are 99,9999% someone got erased from history

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Wasn't it that COVID came as a surprise for most scientists cause they bet on avian flu viruses? So it isn't any new info and a fear they've had for quite some time now.

I heard from a guy from the German COVID watch (RKI), that the probability for a new epidemic is around 2.x% each year and around 1.x% for a pandemic. That's why there is a big epidemic around every 30-50 years and a pandemic every 80-100 years. What type of virus will be the next big thing is nothing but a guess and often wrong (like COVID out of nowhere), cause it's difficult to predict the next mutation of a virus. That's also why a lot of flu vaccines in the past didn't have the effect they hoped for (mostly it's still a very good vaccine!).

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Yeah, but you still have to pay social taxes on top for every worker. That's why salary and labour cost are two different things. And boy is it a difference in Germany.

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Even if bitcoin wasn't just a pyramid scheme and all but right now there are 900 new bitcoins each day, after the next halfing around the corner it's still 450/day. So each day there will be more new bitcoin then he would buy in 1 year. Even the easiest numbers don't add up even if he is just a 40yr cryptobro Trump version.

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I'm really bad at name creation and wanted to try a character in an online game. Who could have guessed the name "try" was already taken... So I turned it around, it sounded alright for a dwarf char and 15 years later it's still my username.

I just wanted to buy safety pins. I couldn't find any. Looked at the supermarket, dm even mall like stuff like Galaria Kaufhof, nothing. The only place at that time I could buy some was amazon or as you said, another soulless online retailer with the worst shipping companies.

I guess you're right, but especially Instagram for me is something that relies on this numbness doom scrolling comes with. Every other thing has another driver. Like YT or Twitch is something for entertainment like TV, so (semi) active watching stuff, Facebook and twitter (now X) is something to get angry about, but Instagram is unsatisfying scrolling without knowing why. But why let it stop here and there, if it breaks this drooled scrolling. And if you're in need of this feeling, there is also tiktok (as of right know, until the unstoppable ads are profitable).

Always love it seeing/hearing it live. But I think "Ghost love score" is even better, especially the Wacken 2013 version. Those last notes!

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(couldn't find it on any other side, so it's a like to the bad r page, sorry!) A couple of years ago I laughed way to hard on this pic: https://images.app.goo.gl/Mxz1apkpmAsPTsiS7

As sad as it is I think you're right. The same was said about facebook and even though they had a bumpy road it's bigger than ever before. Nothing being sold at the stock market follows any logical rules, it's so much emotion that sells stuff. And as long as it makes money, nobody cares about racism or pedophilia or any other bad thing. I thought that's why we hate capitalism that much.

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Then you should visit south europe. Europe is divided by the alps in a lot of things, like potato or tomato as main ingredient in meals. But also in culture itself. Everything north of the alps is kinda cold and seems unhappy/angry and stressed all the time and south of it people seem chill, happy and friendly.

Nothing of high, high value either but one time I bought a box full of Yu-Gi-Oh cards at a garage sale. It was just a small christmas box but full of cards, often even in sleeves. The guy who sold it even asked me if he should get rid of them. He didn't know the box had something in it and thought I just wanted the box itself. I denied and asked for the price. The lowest he could get was 50ct for an item. Since it was a box and cards it was 2 items, so 1€ in total. The most valuable card is around 30€ at the moment, the full box around 100-120€.

If I understood you correctly that's nothing you can learn. It just happens for most people when they see something they like or admire. I myself have trouble with stuff like that, but that's because I have a soft form of autism and an anxiety disorder so keeping track and not losing myself completely in a situation is mandatory for not going insane.

South Korea rated it in February and a couple of other countries as well. Wasn't there a rating on April 1st?

Some people on reddit mentioned, that a game has to be playable to be rated, but not finished (like bugfixing,...).

But it's definitely good news!

Oh I feel you! I ate spaghetti Bolognese ice cream a couple of years ago and I couldn't stand it. Ice cream is great and Bolognese is great but not mixed together.

As mentioned by other commentators, negative, emotional news sell the best and the news nearly perfected this method during the last couple of years. Yes, it isn't as good as pre pandemic times, but it's not the worst. For me it really helped to limit my news time to max. once a day (like in the past with the newspaper in the morning or a news show in the evening) and watching things called "good news". In Germany some TV shows have this category so I never searched it on social media or YouTube, but I bet there are some channels/pages dedicated to good news (like there is a new treatment for disease XY or here is a good step in the fight against climate change, but sometimes just news like "the big panda isn't as endangered as it was".

Oh absolutely! And I really don't know the names and all, but I heard a lot of great scientists and authors just stole the work of their wives and never really accomplished anything other than stealing (which was totally fine during those times). I can't imagine how much rage and anger those women felt. So helpless and in the best cases belittled...

Nope. And everybody will scream cause they payed 70 bucks for a broken game, just like Bethesda is known to produce.

Just keep looking at the list. Payday 3 is also there. A publisher known for maybe a worse dlc and microtransaction policy than EA with the Sims, but it seems that doesn't matter a bit.

I definitely miss knowledge stuff like r/eli5 r/nostupidquestion r/space r/science r/todayilearned

I browsed reddit a lot learning new stuff everyday while drinking my morning tea. But the thing I miss the most are the comments. So many posts got debunked or verified or explained even more with sources in the comments. Because of course there is a guy or a girl somewhere learning all about one type of drywall installation for 30+ years telling everyone why this wall installation in the gif can only be in 5 mile radius in Norway.

Oh please let someone refuse to marry a hetero couple.

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Right now I'm at 8 different jobs in 5 different companies. I switched jobs inside one (totally different job profiles). 4 of those jobs were during school and university time.

I hope so and I'm the same when it comes to buying games, but e.g. the steam charts telling another story. Most people seem to not care about negative reviews especially if it's a game they heard about before.

Oh nice, duden itself isn't consistent with it's content. Searching "Schiffahrt" gets me the result that the triple f is the old way of writing it: https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/Schiffahrt

But I don't understand your last sentence. If both are correct than both are the right way. It's just like "größer wie xy" is correct for a couple of years. Maybe it doesn't sound nice, but it's correct.