
1 Post – 123 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

What do you mean by nuked?

This is the first time I see the word halcyon being used irl

3 more...

Yea yea, but in the wild then

A sad day



Any distro is fine.

At most you'll maybe see a 1 to 3 fps difference due to a different DE, but that's about it.

I would check Protondb to see if your favorite games actually run on Linux before making the change!

For people who just start out using Linux, pick something tjay considered stable and looks a bit like the OS you're used to right now.

9 more...

The fuck?

To be honest, common sense is the best form of security. If you don't trust something, either run it in a VM, or don't run it at all.

To answer your question, Microsoft defender should be plenty.

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Used to be sword fighting, but difficult after I got into an accident and can barely use my hand anymore...

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These countries are fucked up

It's really about the software.

What the fuck...


Choosing not to use good software from the same company just because another software they offer is subpar would be an unreasonable decision.

17 more...

It's most likely the display driver having a stroke. Try adding nvidia-drm.nomodeset=1 to your boot options

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What a joke

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Find what the issue is, really. Hopping distros will not solve it. Maybe update the system package by package to filter out which one fucks it up.

12 more...

What a fucking rollercoaster. I don't see why someone would ban someone that added a lot to a project. Stealing credits is incredibly low and sad.

I'm sorry this happened to you :/

14 more...

He means X, right?

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Tip: don't put important things in just 1 place.

That aside!

Years ago when I first tried out Linux (I was around the age of 10), I didn't really pay much attention while installing Linux back then, so I wiped my entire data disk D:...

Man, what the fuck. You should've sued the hell out of them tbh. I think I would've flipped...

What's a tosh..?

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Only 10 years? Jeez

Nothing is wrong with it, people just tend to downvote if they don't agree with someone's choices.

I personally use Firefox, but only because I don't like chromium based web engines

The S in ICT stands for security

I'm experiencing the same issue with my monitors. I think it's because one monitor gets registered later than the other. I'm sorry, I don't know of a fix.

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Ugh, fuck ads

This is amazing!

Lmao, completely unrelated but back in the early 2000s, I played a lot of runescape. I got attacked by another player and pulled the power cord, smirking and thinking I successfully escaped. I didn't lmao.

I miss these :c feels like yesterday

I miss Gary :c

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Hm, I imagined it would be different since a phone these days is kinda a requirement to have (at least in this country) and a gaming console isn't

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I use both. It depends on what I need, really.


Who the fuck uses toilet paper after a shower?

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I don't understand this mentality to begin with? Downvoting without context is like cursing at a random person in public and then drive away.

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Damn :c... Such a shame :/

