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Well, look who's looking like an idiot for setting up my entire house with Hue lights recently after running two bulbs with local control for years... sigh it's getting mighty frustrating having to deal with companies hoarding your data.

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Apple flexing their anti-competitive muscles again.

From locking down the OS to proprietary charging and a staunch opposition to right to repair, their track record has been nothing but anti-consumer for the last decade and a half.

And the worst part is that they've gotten away with it for so long and so often that they managed to inspire Android device manufacturers (ahem...Samsung) to follow in their footsteps. Someone really ought to step in and break up the company, Microsoft anti-trust style.

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Good luck enforcing that non-compete after firing 80% of your engineers Elon. I'd be really surprised if this holds any kind of water when it makes it to court.

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Dear God this is saddening to read. What just system saddles people with a debt they have no choice but to take on in order to hopefully get a decent enough education to repay the loan, but then fails to account for situations where the borrower's income is not sufficient to be able to afford more than the minimum payments? All the while applying compounding interest on the principal to make sure it'll never be repaid?

And to make it truly evil, makes it so that they can garnish both your wages and pension in case of a default?

Seriously, student loans and medical debt should both be interest free and prorated to the person's income in terms of minimum payments. It's ridiculous to force people into a life of debt slavery just for the shot at a decent education or the right to be healthy.

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I struggle to see how being held accountable is a bad thing. Even in public office.

Nobody should be above the law.

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This is like asking why Logitech doesn't make their own CPUs. The skillset required to make a popular front-end client are vastly different from building and maintaining a good backend system, not to mention the costs are vastly greater. It makes much more sense for the creators of these apps to take their skills in building front-ends and applying it to an existing succesful backend like Lemmy/the Fediverse.

That was the most infuriating thing about this whole post to me. Elon's braindead take is on brand and expected at this point, but that chart (or worse, the reaserch behind it) is the true crime here.

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Yeah, I'll look into that. It's just a shame to have to do extra work and spend extra money because a company decides to screw you over after your purchase.

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Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that California isn't always the regulatory hell-hole it's being made out to be by pundits. Non-competes are BS and I am happy California recognises this.

I haven't seen it mentioned, so let me say: Outerwear. Especially if you are into snow sports, the difference between quality outerwear and cheap garbage is not just getting wet sooner. It could very well save your life if you're wearing something that will keep you dry while maintaining breathability. And nothing beats lifetime no questions asked warranty where you just hand it in and it gets repaired for you. In the long term this saves a decent penny whil also reducing your environmental impact

Same goes for base and mid layers. Cotton will kill you, and lots of cheap synthetics don't breathe well. Spend money or higher end synthetics or merino.

Lastly, don't get cheap goggles from Amazon or eBay. Heck, don't get the cheapest models from even more reputable brands. You will want your goggle lenses to provide good UVA and UVB protection, while also providing contrast enhancing features like polarization and very importantly: fog resistance. You will not have a good time if you can't see where you're going. I can't stress enough how big of a difference visibility makes for your enjoyment and safety.

Okay, let's for the sake of your argument exclude organized criminally activity.

The fact that "bar fights escalate into gun fights" is fucking terrifying in its own right. And how on God's green earth isn't it absolutely insane that a "party that got out of hand" turns into gun violence?

In most civilized societies I'm not say risk of becoming a gun violence statistic for going to a party or an establishment that sells alcohol. The fact that this gets so casually ignored as "not a mass shooting, even though it involved multiple people getting shot" is part of the problem.

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Prigozhin marched on Moscow despite Putin's warning to retaliate against any rebellion, then stopped his advance after talking to Lukashenko and getting offered amnesty in Belarus.

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I get your point about motive, but I'd argue it's only relevant depending on your argument. If the argument is "we need gun control and government buy-backs to reduce gun violence through the availability of firearms" then using mass shooting statistics as defined by the gun violence archive is relevant. If the argument is "we need better mental health facilities to prevent people enacting public mass violence intentionally" your perspective is relevant.

Honestly thought, I would argue the US is so far down the hole any measure is better than nothing. Either fix gun ownership, the insane number of guns on the market, the mental health crisis, or any of these at once and you'll see improvements. Anything but "thoughts and prayers".

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EXistenZ - The final question "Are we still in the game?" really summarized the first watch experience. You have no clue what's going on anymore by that point. Same goes for Total Recall by the way - that movie also has you guessing what's real and what isn't throughout 90% of the runtime.

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This looks like an average road in the Netherlands. The only thing that seems odd is the lack of a bike lane, but otherwise this is pretty mundane over there.

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I'd much rather they implement the right to deletion. I know they will get their hands on a ton of data, regardless of how we write the clause. But at least let me delete that data when I want it gone.

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High pay means nothing when the cost of living is even higher. Making 20 bucks an hour sounds great until you have to pay 3000 bucks in rent each month.

Love seeing Morrowind references in the wild.

By the way, it's strongly implied in the game that holding those meteorites suspended above the city is a bargaining chip by Vivec to scare people into continued worship of him to offset the fading power of the heart of Lorkhan (which they used to become the tribunal of gods in the first place).

This is also why, in the expansion (after the Nerevarine destroys the heart) we see the meteorites falling to the earth after Vivec disappears. This eventually triggers the apocalyptic red year, which leaves large parts of Morrowind destroyed and explains the dark elf refugees in TES V (plus the expansion where you can see the mainland of Morrowind as a smouldering ruin from the shore of Solstheim).

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Toyota would also really like the grid to be able to support whatever they're claiming, or the laws of physics to bend in their general direction to make this possible.

I take that as a badge of honour.

I haven't seen Morrowind's mentioned, but some of its side quests are very grey in their morality, in ways that later Bethesda games aren't. Definitely recommend if you want to make choices that keep you wondering if you actually did the right thing, and whether it was in character with your character.

But then again, that goes for the whole story. There's just enough hints and mentions throughout to make you wonder if you actually are the chosen one or just someone stumbling their way through the game, luckily having events line up with a prophecy.

It's hard to imagine Bethesda ever attempting something so ambiguous again.

I've been a KeePass user for over a decade and it's always been good to me, especially when using Box and OneDrive to sync it between devices. The ecosystem is great with enough plugins and support to make it fit your use case on any modern OS.

Can't recommend it enough. Especially over other options that are offered by a commercial company (LastPass for example). Not only because you're intently placing your trust in them to not expose your data and keep it secure, but also because you're giving them a lot of leverage to turn around and hold your passwords for ransom at some point in the future (when they IPO for instance, as a popular example) or lock you out after they fold for whatever reason.

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UAE is cheating since they outsourced it to the Netherlands to do their sea reclaiming for them.

I know it's a joke, but with the level of scrutiny Germany has attracted for its dark history there's litle chance people wouldn't have heard of it by now ;-)

I recognise RATM when I read it 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘 🤘

I'm not sure the statistics agree with your assessment of it being "many to most". For many people there simply is no choice. You either take out a loan, or you'll be stuck working minimum wage for the rest of your life. And even for those that do take on an amount of debt that seems reasonable based on their prospective career path - that's still a BIG gamble that can spell financial ruination if, for whatever reason, said career fails to materialize.

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Overall I think one could argue that by the time of the events of TES 3 nothing the Tribunal was doing was particularly good looking.

If it wasn't for the Nerevarine Dagoth Ur would've eventually converted all the inhabitants to zombies, with the Tribunal being mostly powerless to stop him.

Which is probably the most ridiculous thing ever. Bankruptcy should treat all debtors equally, and we should treat personal bankruptcy similar to corporate bankruptcy. Instead of creating classes of debt that survive a bankruptcy by default, how about we just include them all into the debt restructuring process? Figure out what the person can and can't pay and make a plan based on that? It just feels exploitative to make some debts exempt from having to do that.

I know, this was inresponse to the other post about which parts of the GDPR to implement. If I had to pick any one feature to carry over from the GDPR into whatever legislation we get on this side of the ocean, I'd pick the right to deletion.

"Fighting solves everything" - These guys are really out there thinking they can punch the genie of social progress back into the bottle. If this were a parody people would say it's too ridiculous to be true.

We did try have a moose riding mounted unit at some point if memory serves.

David Lynch made a lot more stuff that falls into this category - Check out Lost Highway too some time.

This annoys me too, but I find that lots of shops turn off the headlight's automatic mode when brought in for service. This leaves hapless drivers unaware of the fact that they are driving around with just their DRLs on until they either get a ticket, complain about it to the dealer, or figure it out on their own.

I will gladly, cheerfully, trade any 39c day for a -39c day. Cold is easily manageable with more / better clothes. Even when dressed for the heat, it still saps your energy like crazy and makes you feel like shit in the process.

Never to late to build another canal...I feel the shipping in the gulf of Mexico would benefit from a shorter route to the eastern ports.

Thanks for reminding me of how good David Wong used to be at capturing popular thought and placing you into a certain perspective. I might not agree with some of the generalizations of that article, but it does help understand their perspective.

Yeah, that's stretching it a little (probably based off the Cracked article from a while back). Ace of Base was named after Ace of Spades (a song by Motorhead) as a reference/homage, anything beyond that is purely speculation as the band have categorically denied it.

And yes, Ulf was indeed in a band that wrote some pretty heinous stuff but he has both repeatedly apologised for that, made clear he no longer believes in any of this, and made explicitly clear that Ace of Base never shared these ideas.

Sources for those wanting to read up on it: Original article in Vice: https://www.vice.com/en/article/rm35nr/ace-of-bases-secret-nazi-past Speculation laden clickbait Cracked article that spawned a bunch of unfounded and unconfirmed theories about the origins of the band's name, meaning/readings of their lyrics, etc: https://www.cracked.com/blog/how-90s-pop-band-secretly-sold-nazism-to-america Follow-up in Huffington post: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/ace-of-base-nazi-past-lyrics_n_3148797 and https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/04/26/ace-of-bases-ulf-ekberg-addresses-neo-nazi-allegations-_n_3161454.html

Companies are held to certain expedience standards when it comes to removal. If you request it and the company doesn't delete within the described maximum time, they will get fined under GDPR.

Man, that's even more depressing. I will never understand why (mostly conservative) governments try to keep people down like this. I thought the human experiment was about lifting people up out of poverty and misery, not invent arbitrary systems that keep them there. What does society stand to gain from creating effectively a class of outcasts at the bottom of the social ladder?

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But at some point the upper class depends on more than just cheap labor. You need educated people to innovate, you need a well-paid middle class to support a consumption economy. If everyone is uneducated and destitute the whole house of cards upon which the upper class is able to exist will collapse.

I just don't understand how the concept of "a rising tide lifts all boats" is so lost on some policy makers.

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