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Joined 12 months ago

Gotta love the wording in this article "Hamas, which is committed to the destruction of Israel..."

It's because the "state" of Israel is inseparable from a military blockade that imposes a starvation regime and illegally settles lands in the West Bank in direct defiance of the UN. It's like saying I'm committed to the destruction of the US because I'm committed to ending criminal wars of aggression, unconstitutional mass surveillance, and a prison system with 2 million residents.

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I love this. "Israel invades Norway" would be such a great news story to follow.

How about you only have to work 28.8 hours a week?

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Saturn is a mixture of gases. It has a solid rocky/hydrogen core surrounded by a layer of liquid hydrogen/helium. You could argue that this intermediate liquid layer might have solid particulates, and this would agree with the definition, but overall Saturn is too complicated to be classified this way. A better extreme example would be something like Earth's oceans.

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Corporations want to be perceived as people, and they are protected by law as such. A person who knowingly manufactures weapons that are being used to commit a genocide is a psychopath. Psychopaths typically feign empathy to appear normal and blend in with society. Lockheed Martin supporting Pride is an example of such behavior.

Of course corporations are profit maximization engines, not people. By allowing them to act like people, we are normalizing psychopathy.

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Literally children who want big loud vroom vroom trucks with lots of chrome.

Well, capitalism has been hinted at here, but as far as I can see, nobody has suggested that we try to change society so that it's less oppressive. I realized a while ago that profit doesn't motivate me, and it sounds like you might have as well. I suggest (in addition to following the excellent medical advice) that you seek out your local socialist organization. Life doesn't have to be this depressing.

Cool. Enjoy your dystopia.

Al is a major element in the solar system. Most rocks have Al2O3 on the order of 3-10 wt.%. That includes chondrites (the major class of meteorite) which have plenty of feldspar, a mineral that's like 20 wt.% Al2O3, and calcium-aluminium inclusions (CAIs), which are as their name suggests, Al-rich.

An AI would give a generic definition of Saturn and a generic definition of tea and then say something irrelevant like "scientists disagree about the exact composition of Saturn's core"

They are usually uneducated and poor with trauma in their backgrounds. They have no idea what they're signing up for.

Yeah see here you go. Response to "meat is bad" is "meat is fucking awesome."

Evidence for meat is bad: I mean just drive by a factory farm. Look at any of the standard practices of the industry. Objectively horrific by any standard.

Evidence for meat is awesome: bro check out this sick bacon weave. Guy Fieri. Etc. all of it divorced completely from the process, and acknowledging meat only as an industrial product that comes packaged as a block or cylinder.

It's an absurd argument. Nobody is arguing that meat isn't delicious. We're saying that everything about its production is awful.

It's really hard to educate 80% of the public.

You had to be there.

This is a bridge too far for most people, but you could have an equal society just by setting a limit to salary differential. If the highest salary was capped at 5 times the lowest, that would be fine. The largest socialist organizations in the world (militaries) have this kind of system.

I love how people try to make this some kind of cultural issue about picking restaurants or providing options. Anybody who spends 5 minutes looking into the industry will realize it goes against basic human decency.

And nobody on the internet is asking obvious questions like that, so counterintuitively it's better at solving hard problems. Not that it actually has any idea what it is doing.

EDIT: Yeah guys, I understand that it doesn't think. Thought that was obvious. I was just pointing out that it's even worse at providing answers to obvious questions that there is no data on.

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They've been saying this every election. This line is the norm now. There never was much of a democracy.

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Have a look at Biden too. An emaciated husk clinging to tired mantras and totally blind to the present reality. Visibly fading but refusing to abandon the exceptionalism that brought him to power. Thinking the world still believes in the hollow vision that he imposes on it at gunpoint. Shrugging off any reasonable critique of his completely outmoded positions. Sounds just as American as Trump.

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