ZWQbpkzl [none/use name]

@ZWQbpkzl [none/use name]
0 Post – 14 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Is "generally lacking in features" relative to desktop Firefox or other mobile browsers?

Also idk why you'd want Material UI. Not even chrome uses it AFAIK.

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I like #Nix, I do not like what has happened to it.

With no explanation of what happened, the conclusion is almost certainly Internal politics.

It seems like forgejo split from gitea because it looked like gitea was going the route of gitlab. Idk if NixOS is going to commercialize though. Based on recent gossip it sounds like they're overly adverse to commercialization. IE banning people for having DoD connections. Aux's talk about special interest groups makes it sound like they're going embrace that like redhat.

Sounds like deadbeef

I remember using foobar2000 on windows and then trying out deadbeef on linux. The problem is it falls into a demand gap on linux. People drawn to foobar2000 tend to be power users but on linux there is way more options available for power users.

Like how the author enjoys the directory based music browser for the exact same reasons I did. My music wasnt tagged correctly but it was manually sorted correctly by me. On linux the solution is to use beets to automatically sort and correctly tag all of your music.

Then there's the issue of the player. On linux the titan is MPD, a music player server. MPD has no UI but and client can have any UI it wants. Then you get stuff like, mpc, ncmpc, ncmpcpp, cantata, etc. Once you learn about all the possibilities of MPD, you dont want to use a foobar2000 clone unless its a MPD client.

Also writing plugins in a custom language (fooscript) is usually a bad idea. Just use Lua. Its literally what lua is built to do.

We must first ask What GUI program are you trying to run as root?

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MPD. Is the way. Queue is playlist. Save queue as playlist. Playlist in folder. Load playlist to queue. Load playlist to queue. Playlists con...conc...concatentatetded. Concatenated.

Check the memory usage of your rbpi because it should be barely scraping by if you have the max 8gigs. Too many jellyfin sessions open and you might be running into real problems.

Jacket and Prowlarr are redundant. I'd stick with Prowlarr. Also i never heard of Real Debrid before but it sounds redundant to the entire setup.

Go through your sonarr/radarr settings and configure quality profiles.

Popular alternatives really are that bad. If you just walk into a phone store and get an android its going to be loaded with far more bloatware from google, the manufacturer, and the telecom. It's just a visibly worse product. You can always research, buy direct, or flash your own android and get a better experience. Or you can just buy the apple product which - for the average user - is not crap, it just works. Same with buying a laptop from Best Buy or a prebuilt desktop. Apple designs their products to be like an appliance, something that just works and you dont really care how.

If MS Authenticator still works with totp urls just like any other authenticator then you can just use some open source authenticator. Some password managers even have one built it.

I have a standing fatwa on snap only because it comes installed and enabled by default on Ubuntu server. Maybe it's good for grandmas laptop but it's kill-on-sight in a server environment. Every Ubuntu server I've seen has eventually been taken offline without any warning because of snapd doing some auto update.

Ubuntu server should have snapd disabled. Ubuntu shouldn't be the default distro for VPS providers. AFAIK its only the default because its the distro most people might have prior experience with.

While I'm at it, Fedora is also on my shit list as dnf requires over a gig of memory to do a major version upgrade.

Setting up a custom reverse proxy is time-consuming and requires advanced knowledge of nginx/apache2.

ezpz with Caddy. tailscale + caddy can get this done pretty easily.

Also, not hating on nodejs, but this project screams like it shouldn't be in nodejs. Maybe if there was a webui included that would make sense. Otherwise I'd expect C or Go.

How did know you're not using the MS Authenticator? Does the MS app phone home what logins your using?

There's programs like kdesu which you can use. Idk if you can (or should) hack a context menu for a run-as-root option on everything. But you can make aliases or specifically application menu items for the specific apps you want to use.

Just highlighting how simple of a player it must be to reach a stable state so quickly.

11 commits, 1 branch, no README.

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