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But undervoting isn't really a problem. No one is being disenfranchised by not casting a second vote (or ranking all options), they just aren't availing themselves of the full range of options. Even just voting for one person could be an intentional choice if you don't really care about the other options or want your first choice to have a better chance of winning an expected head-to-head.

This is at worst an indicator the government should run some informational campaigns, not a reason not to use multi-voting systems.

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So just don't make it that way.

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I read the statement that was linked here, and it just seemed like they were saying that they should be respectful and follow our rules?

Read through some of the first set of links if you haven't. The same admin who's trying to gently suggest they don't troll is talking about how their instance won't brigade lemmygrad because the energy is better focused on the wider war against liberalism in the fediverse. It calls into question exactly how real that suggestion is vs. just a pro-forma attempt to head off this exact result with a toothless suggestion they know no one is going to follow.

I'm not real sure how much the Threads Algorithm is going to pass through Mastodon content (and even less sure if it will even be able to pass through Lemmy content). I think the much more valuable aspect is you can pitch your Threads friends that they can move to the Fediverse and actually get to choose what content they see rather than which influencers paid Meta to fill up your feed.

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People seem to just be assuming the gun control comments were an insurmountable anchor around his neck, but after Uvalde polling put him just down 4 points (43-47) for trust on gun issues. There's a lot more wiggle room in the gun debate, even in Texas, than people think.

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Conservatives believe it’s vulnerable to a legal challenge, and some say it’s just a matter of finding a plaintiff with the legal right — or standing — to sue.

The plaintiff in the other case didn't have standing either, so why would they need it this time. The court is beyond simple hurdles like "precedent" or "standing".

I think their admins are doing an honest job trying to put out reminders for good behavior (**edit: I hadn't originally followed the links to the admin's comments elsewhere, I no longer think they're doing an honest job), the problem is that the sub they grew from never heeded similar admonishments and their federation post explicitly says they will not be moderated for activity outside of hexbear, so it's really just a suggestion, not a rule.

I don't agree with anti-western ideology being a good reason for defederation, but I do expect hexbear to be a major source of trolling from past experience with r/CTH. Reddit post-Donald and post-CTH bans was a noticeably less trolly (NOT saying they're even remotely equivalent, just both were sources of trolling and were banned at the same time).

I don't really mind lemmygrad users. They're often pretty tankie, but I don't see much trolling from them. They state their opinion about China/Russia and frequently get downvoted, but I haven't seen them explicitly try to be disruptive to communities/people they don't like.

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For a lot of people "unpaid time off" isn't a favor. You're asking them to pay to vote.

Plus the rules frequently only come into play if their work shift makes it literally impossible to make it to the polls. If they could wake up from their third shift job to get in line as polls open before making it to their other job at 7:45 sharp, then no time off for you. If you need to get your kids to school during that time slot? Too bad, that's time you could technically be voting, so it's not your employer's responsibility.

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I have a hard time believing someone who throws both the "printed too much money" and "backed down on student loans" talking points at the wall is a real person with a coherent political ideology.

It looks like you snipped some of your original comment in the process. It just ends mid sentence now.

While it's true the lion's share is unpaid taxes, he owes $50k in child support. I'd still call that a deadbeat dad.

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Polling generally showed Democrats supporting masking by a massive margin. The most recent poll I could find (April 2022) had support for mandatory masking on public transportation among Democrats as 80-5.

it’s just we reached herd immunity

What? No we didn't.

Do you really believe that will stop their users from trolling? They explicitly say that they won't impose consequences for actions on other instances, so it's basically just a friendly suggestion. Add to it their statement's elsewhere implying there will be non-lemmygrad brigading and it's kind of hard to believe they really care all that much about their users not trolling "the libs".

Carcosa (i.e., the same person who said follow the rules on other instances):

So lets say hypothetically I get banned for being an asshat on another instance.I wont get banned on hexbear ? Right ? (Not that I plan on causing trouble)

That is correct

And them on lemmygrad:

I can assure you there will be no lemmygrad brigades, that energy would be better funneled into the current war against liberalism on the wider fediverse

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And even if not voting and making it easier for the greater evil to win IS stupid, that's not an excuse! Stupid people are a core Republican constituency, but they do the work to trigger them to go vote.

So sure, let's say young people are stupid. What are you going to do about it? Because complaining about how they didn't be not-stupid isn't getting any more votes.

It's never going to be literally 100% of users on an instance. It's more of a balancing act of "is the communication with this instance a net positive for our users". It takes a good amount of unmoderated toxicity to balance out the benefit of just regular old communication, but it doesn't need to be literally everyone all the time.

They aren't their trees to trim, they're the city's. Businesses can apply for permits to do it, but they didn't.

Unless this is a prelude to going third party, he's not spoiling anything in the Democratic primary. He's probably more of a play to deliver anti-Biden/anti-Democratic-Party messaging.

Office buildings are test tubes, schools are petri dishes.

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Federation only duplicates stuff an instance's users subscribe to, so if you're a single user instance it wouldn't copy anything you don't see (if you actually vet your subscriptions and regularly view their content).

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And those were the good old days when they were just trying to be subtly racist, rather than the now times where they're just straight up trying to smuggle Nazi dog whistles in.

The placed pixels don't have a username associated with them. The bot drawings are done with obviously fake accounts, but each pixel still has an account.

I will never not downvote a link to the Daily Caller.

Daddy Kavanaugh wouldn't warrant a complete refusal to answer. "My father paid my debts" isn't a scandalous statement at all and would put to bed a cloud that's been hanging over him since confirmation. That they're not saying such suggests the truth would be a worse look than just leaving the question open.

It's not like the rich countries are self-evidently sober and stable in their politics and climate impacts. The richest one just had their own wannabe fascist and has both been responsible for a large part of emissions and rarely met their climate goals.

And with Threads Algorithm controlling what you see, it's not even clear that subscribing would show you them. This is a much more meaningful decision for the Mastodon instances.

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There are plenty of rightwing pipelines out there for young people, regardless of their parents. With people like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson, along with a much more online life so they can find and reinforce each other, I'd say it's a much friendlier environment for right wing radicalization among young people than 20-30 years ago. The backbone of the Republican party may be old bigots, but at least some people in the movement are working very hard to generate young bigots to replace them and racism, sexism, and transphobia aren't things only old people are prone to.

What's the point of this hypothetical? It's both not remotely close to where we are currently and has redefined the consequences to absurdity.

"Would you still wear a mask if the consequence of infection was a single light sneeze?"

"Would you wear a seat belt if the only consequence of car crashes was a small bruise?"

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It doesn’t really seem like they’re accounting for the fact that this means that the participant candidates are going to skew towards people that are overweight, which is like the 2nd highest risk factor for cancer generally.

You say this based on what exactly? Because that's a trivial thing to correct for in an observational study.

They'll avoid the problem in favor of short term benefit. Any belief I had that the Democratic insiders had a long-term masterplan went out the window with how little they've done to pump up Harris. I don't even want her to be an eventual nominee, but I thought they'd be purposefully building her as the trusted heir apparent. Instead they just dumped no-win issues on her while making her mostly invisible in the administration's wins.

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This is the same argument about banning on Reddit, but as a former mod, my experience is that very few people will actually go through the effort to spin up an alt to keep trolling. A handful will (we had one person who put a note in their calendar to send a "mean" modmail every month for a weirdly long time), but most are just lazy bored posters who have fun messing with people they don't like, and if they can't conveniently browse their targets for opportunities, they'll just go do something else they find fun rather than go through the effort. Despite accounts being basically free and meaningless, banning trolls was unexpectedly effective.

Defederation is a one-way block of incoming traffic from the blocked instance. I'm on and can still see Beehaw content posted by Beehaw users even though they've defederated from, but if I comment on that content it will only be visible to users. Beehaw has protected its communities from commenters, but its content is still accessible by anyone for any purpose. Instances that federate with both sides don't change this.

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If you're not on that link will just collapse back to a view.

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It's getting downvoted for the "crazy left wing" part, not the "what has Biden done wrong" part.

From a brief browse, it looks like the day of the week is mostly hashtag spam, presumably for the purpose of trying to get noticed by using an easy and reliable trending hashtag. I saw one post about the Wednesday Addams TV show, but everything else was literally the day of the week. About half of the uses were in long lists of hashtags.

Seriously. It was a solid first draft of a solution in a world that didn't have many contemporary examples to draw from, but then it was just left as a draft and almost never updated (with a few notable modifications for which "all men" were created "equal").

There's a reason we don't instill a clone of our own form of democracy when we regime-change a place.

Eh, so be it. CTH made its own bed and in the thread talking about federating users are demonstrating why people should be skeptical of the value of federating with a troll-prone instance. The mods of CTH back in the day also sometimes asked their users to behave themselves, it didn't really work. And since their admins have explicitly said they won't police trolling elsewhere, it's really nothing more than a passing suggestion.

In an ideal world, waits and sees if they're really committed to keeping their shit on local. In a non-ideal world never federating with instances extremely likely to troll is also a pretty good choice.

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I don't think the Fediverse has privacy as a primary feature. If federating is enough to grab some hidden data, it's a simple matter to set up a small dummy instance to get that access.

Yeah, but there's a real difference when that VP is a Joe Biden or Dick Cheney who didn't really have an expectation to be the heir apparent, and when the president is old enough that not finishing a term is a real possibility. There's an uncomfortably high (though still low) chance Biden actually has to be replaced on the campaign trail, and while that's never a good thing, it's a lot worse when you've saddled your VP with tasks like solving immigration and getting voting rights passed when she never really had the power to do either of those things. "Eats shit on tough issues so the president doesn't have to" is a valuable service from a VP, but not if you want people to be ready to accept her at any moment as a drop in replacement.

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