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Joined 1 years ago

Behind the Bastards!

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Two chick's at the same time.

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I was robbed when I worked as a cashier. I literally did all the work and found the dudes name because he came in earlier and paid with a card and signed his name. Gave them his name and they didn't care. Nothing was ever done, I still see the dude walking around frequently.

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He has destroyed so many lives, he deserves his destroyed.

Sync because I used it for 10+ years for Reddit.


Didn’t Twitter almost take him to court if he didn’t follow through with the purchase?

He is currently suing those lawyers.

Please, think of the oil companies and quit being selfish! /s

The patent

Hell yeah

He also did $20k payouts to some of the worst Twitter users.

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Magenta for the magenta god.

As a retail worker I was dealing with people without masks on day 1. People coughing in my direction, people being jackasses. Why are people like this?

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Hate it when I accidently swallow a spider or dick while sleeping. It has happened way too many times.

When I browse hot I get posts from months ago with two upvotes and one comment. It's more of an ice cold sort for me.

Obviously he put "Scrape comments = true" and then took all of our money with his advanced programming skills /s

Tweeting is literally in the dictionary. It's insane that Musk wants to throw that away.

There isn't an API for it to connect to yet.

I really wish they would add a left handed mode for comments.

I tried but I get a lot of you need to view this in the app. I just close the page and move on.

You're right, I am going to stop this addiction cold turkey. Never eating food again.

I remember when I was younger and I was on the phone with a friend of mine while we were sharing memes on MSN Messenger. I shared one and he typed lol, but since I was on the phone with him I could hear him not actually lol'ing. What a liar.

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It literally does at this point.

Behind the Bastards did a six part special on the origins of the police called Behind the Police. It is very good, highly recommend.

Yeah the dude who robbed me didn't wear a mask and you could clearly see his face on the tape. They didn't care.

I'm sorry that happened to you.

The description text is full of their ad stuff too while the GN videos is not.

I did hunter safety when I was 12 in Wisconsin.

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Good bot.

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Mosquitos can't harass me in my house if I burn it down in the process!

Isn't Digg still around? It will exist forever probably, but it is definitely a husk of its former self.


Digg, I see what you did there.

It's not even wrong lol

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Yeah, we call those boats.

Finally, a meme I can relate to.

The three people who did are going to be pretty lonely.

Yeah I clicked this link and it's completely blank for me. No posts, no nothing.

I read this and was like that is a good idea, I watch an okay amount of Twitch and the adblock arms race is getting exhausting. I look it up, $12 a month???