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Joined 1 years ago hospice since February 2023.

Depends on the phase of construction. The pressure hull will be fully complete before being floated for the first time, with most (if not all) systems installed. But there still may be operational testing, training, etc. going on that is part of the construction process. Those types of things can take place waterborne (and in some cases are required to), which frees up space for construction of the next hull to begin.

"Sooner or later this will end in agreement," was Putin's message, arguing that Nato was coming to realise that defeating Russia on the battlefield would be impossible.

Does Putin realize that NATO is effectively fighting Russia with both arms tied behind it's back right now? We're funding Ukraine (who are doing a phenomenal job, fwiw), but we're not even giving them the top of the line hardware. If the US actually got involved, Russia would pretty much instantly lose any glimmer of air superiority they have, and Ukraine could advance all the way to Moscow under NATO air cover. Like, the only reason Russia still exists is because NATO hasn't even tried to fight Russia on the battlefield yet.

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As much as I detest SpaceX and the literal child in charge of the company, their craft at least has a track record of safely bringing astronauts to and from the ISS. Boeing doesn't even have that.

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Basically, DoD schools benefit from a high level of funding, strong and consistent leadership, and a focus on across-the-board improvement. Now when can we roll this same attitude and funding out to all the public schools in this country?

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EGS isn't any good on PC. What makes them think a workable console version is coming any time soon?

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Not in my opinion. One thing the tapes also show is the layout of the capitol building, and (to a certain extent) what the response to the insurrection looked like. These are two valuable pieces of information for the next time they try this.

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The US Federal Government offers 13 paid sick days a year (that rollover indefinitely)...and between 13 and 26 vacation days (depending on service time)...and all federal holidays off paid. It's not quite on the level of Europe, but it's a damn sight better than most of the rest of the country.

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The really funny part of this whole thing is that I never knew about the rumor you mentioned until this whole thing happened. Streisand effect much?

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My dad had a double lung transplant several months ago...we were told by his transplant team that, with transplants, rejection is a "when", not an "if". However, if caught early enough, the docs can do an incredible amount to combat rejection.

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No, they sail her around all the time. The USS Constitution is a commissioned vessel in the United States Navy, crewed by active duty sailors. They use the term "afloat" because HMS Victory is the oldest commissioned naval vessel, but she is kept as a museum ship in drydock.

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My favorite part of all this is that they actually have nothing on her. All their attacks are based on surface level observations and blatant racism, not anything about policy or scandals or anything. Frankly, the worst thing that could happen is someone unearths an old picture of Kamala ordering a hot dog with mustard while wearing a tan suit.

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It's also worth, I think, pointing out that, for example, Lincoln has the 6th (I think) most recalled model as well as (again, I think) the second to least recalled model. So it shows that, in a lot of cases, it really depends on the model of the car rather than the manufacturer.

Except Tesla. 100% of Teslas current lineup is in the top 5.

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There are a few hidden gems (I enjoy Plague inc. and Rebel inc. on occasion, for example), but for the most part, the majority of mobile games are mtx-laden cash grabs. So the actual quality is commensurately low because the devs figured out they don't have to put in real effort to implement gambling and hook addicts.

See, it's all planned, because they then arrest the criminals and ship them right back to the front! So efficient!

What he is not free to do is require (or pressure) players on his team to take part in the prayer, or make it seem as though it is an officially endorsed action by the public school system. But he absolutely has the freedom to pray whenever he wants for whatever he wants.

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Oh god it's not even emojis they fucked up. It's a whole-ass illustration

To add on, this union represents a large number of skilled pipefitters and other tradespeople who have done the exact same work on several similar Intel facilities within Arizona. It's pretty clear that TSMC wants to take US taxpayer funding (for a project designed to stimulate the skilled trades in AZ, as well as create jobs for Americans) and instead of paying market rates for American workers, pay a lot less to bring workers over from Taiwan.

Shinzo Abe was assassinated over his ties to/support of a New religious movement in Japan. Put your tinfoil hat back on and go to your room

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This is such a non-issue it's ridiculous. There is honestly more of a danger from heavy metals in the fish they ate than from radiation. Tritium is a very, very low level beta-emitter, and at the concentrations they're releasing (less than 1500 Bq/L, ~4E-8 Ci/L), drinking nothing but water contaminated at that level for an entire year would yield a dose rate of less than 4 mrem/year (based on the NRC math that 60,900 pCi/L for a year yields a dose of 4mrem). For context, 4 mrem (40 μSv) is the amount of exposure you receive in a flight from NYC to LA.. That is damn near a rounding error on the average yearly exposure to members of the public.

But people gotta be scared because Joe Public doesn't really understand radiation, and fear sells.

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¿Por qué no los dos?

You can 100% get a clearance if you've smoked within 7 years of applying for one. Hell, you can get a clearance if you smoked within the last year. You just have to a) disclose the fact, b) be able to show mitigations as to why smoking weed won't be an issue while you have a clearance, and then c) not do it while you have a clearance. It ends up being not so much about the fact that you smoke weed as it is that you're not following the law, and that's the real clearance risk (from their POV). Getting a clearance is really about proving you're trustworthy to the investigator.

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And that's why the ICC issued a warrant and any sane country should execute the warrant. We just want to talk to him...

How about we stop with these false equivalencies, huh? Two of the people you listed have many, many issues, yes. But they aren't literal traitors to this country. One person on your list has caused unmeasurable, irreparable, and grave damage to national security through, among other offenses, mishandling of highly classified national secrets. I'll let you figure who is who.

The key word in the guidance is "persistently" misgendering. So if someone gets the pronouns right 95% of the time, that's hardly "persistent". These guidelines target employers/people who willfully and purposefully mis gender/discriminate. If you're trying to claim these rules make you afraid to talk to trans people, you might want to take a long hard look at your own biases/phobias.

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Helldivers 2, and the recently announced requirement starting at the end of the month to have a PSN account for a game many people bought a month or so ago on Steam.

Nothing for the customer. It's just convenient for the theater to charge more for the ticket.

There are some commercial rolls I've seen in the US that seem to be a happy medium...the holder itself in the stall has a thin plastic rod for the TP to go on, and the rolls have a very small opening in the center (and no cardboard) to go on that rod.

Is this the part where we start up the rumours again that Mike Johnson is anti-MAGA by trying to protect the FBI from Trump vigilantes by only blurring out the faces of informants, and just seeing what happens? Chaos for the sake of chaos?

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That is correct. The ratio is nanograms of substance to kilograms of bodyweight

Damage is damage. Anything that keeps those ships in yard and not useful to the Russians is a good thing. Especially because now Russia has to sink men, money, and time that they may not necessarily have into fixing them

It seems pretty ironic that, in future studies of critical race theory, the current era of trying to ban the teaching of CRT will be used as a textbook example of how ingrained in our culture racism really is

After a point, yes. However, that point comes when the sensor you are adding is more than the second type in the system. The correct answer is to work into your algorithm a weighting system so the car can decide which sensor it trusts to not kill the driver, i.e. if the LIDAR sees the broadside of a trailer and the camera doesn't, the car should believe the LIDAR over the camera, as applying the brakes and speeding into the obstacle at 60mph is likely the safer option.

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I think the meaning is that the fascists aren't actually communist.

All Ukraine has to do is nothing. The Kuznetsov has about a 75% chance of sinking every time it puts to sea

I'm waiting for a condition of the bailout to be separating Boeing Defense from Boeing Aerospace, so the aerospace side can fail

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Me and my RuneScape account are plenty offended, thank you

That no one is making up a) his glowing endorsement of an antisemitic tweet and b) that advertisers have had their ads show up next to antisemitic (and otherwise racist) tweets, which is not a look many brands want to go with. We don't have to make this shit up; it's just what ol' musky does. And if it walks like an antisemite, and it quacks like an antisemite...

A paradoxical picture is emerging. On the one hand, Western countries are obstructing supplies of our grain and fertilisers, while on the other they hypocritically blame us for the current crisis situation on the world food market," said Putin.

That ain't a paradox, chief. You illegally invaded another country, got slapped with sanctions, became an international pariah, and are now desperate for anyone to do business with you. If Putin really cared about exporting grain, he wouldn't have backed out of the Ukraine grain export deal.

The audio from that is absolutely haunting to hear.

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