1 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Tbh, on my mod account, I'm staying just inside where they'll try to something. Not so that I don't get removed, but to drag things out as long as possible. In the meanwhile, I'm dismantling and changing the automod little bits at a time, making small deletions of popular posts, etc so that when they inevitably catch on, whatever scab they throw in has to work harder than I did to set it up.

Fuck spez, and fuck reddit.

No, you cannot complain about complainers complaining about complainers complaining. That's too far!

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This is the kind of thing riots should come from.

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That's true.

But, everyone should be working from the assumption that whatever they put on the internet is there forever anyway.

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It annoyed the crap out of me trying to sign up to kbin.

The freaking captcha is laggy as hell, and I finally get things confirmed, and I can't log in with the exact copy/pasted info I just used to sign up

Which is off topic, but I needed to vent lol

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Once you get it set up, all the anxiety goes away.

Back your shit up, and do it. Games that can't be played on Linux at all are decreasing. A dual boot setup solves that problem entirely.

Yeah, proton can take a bit to get set up and running, but there's plenty of help for it out there with a search. And, again, you'll still have the dual boot option. Linux really does cut down on the bullshit.

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My reason for taking part is the fact that the cheap fuck, spez, wants to sell our content, place ads on seeing the content, mine tracking data to sell more ads, but only let us do it on the app that's the most invasive, least developed, buggiest possible heap of shit that's available for reddit.

He does all of that while crowing about reddit's corpus of data, wanting to lock nsfw content to the official dumpster fire of an app so he can be a cyberpimp, and then repeatedly refusing to admit that he does nothing useful for the company that the mods and users actually keep going.

Fuck spez.

The api pricing is just the head of the zit. He's the pus inside.

I don't see it becoming a thing. You might run into an instance here or there that does it, but it's going to be a very difficult market. Advertisers want to be confident in reaching people that will buy things.

That's the entire reason Google tracks the fuck out of everything. They can sell ads that are precisely targeted to maximize returns. That's part of why reddit wants to push everyone to their own app. Facebook does it, Amazon does it.

But for that to happen on lemmy, an instance can't just spool up the source and slap ads into it randomly. Nobody is going to buy ad space on a single lemmy instance without ad targeting. And it would need to be a pretty damn huge instance even then.

Since lemmy is a project from some strongly anti-capitalist people, they're never going to make it easy either. Anyone else wanting to add ads to their instance is going to have to fork it, or use a fork. And guess what's going to happen once they do.

Bye-bye federation. They'll get delisted left and right. Just as a matter of principle. Lemmy is overall very rejecting of corporate enshittification, especially right now. It will take years before the culture will shift enough for an ad based monetization to not get rejected soundly.

Also, yeah, servers have costs. But at the scale of a lemmy instance, most of the ones that are sharing their numbers are in the low thousands at the high end. The smaller ones are in the low hundreds. And that's yearly, not monthly. So, again, it'll be years before there's even a need for the kind of monetization that would make ad sales an option.

And when monetization is an issue? There's still going to be small instances that don't need it. So it isn't like the fediverse is going to collapse into a corporate shit spiral as long as it's on open source software, federated, and so (relatively) easy to set up.

I'm not against ads. Never have been, though im damn sure against shitty ads that get in the way of doing what I'm on the site/service to do. It's why I don't use YouTube unless it's revanced; the ads are too damn invasive. I grew up with nothing but broadcast tv until well into the eighties because cable didn't reach here. And even after that, cable had plenty of ads.

But lemmy? If there's ever any significant ad presence, it'll be a decade or more from now.


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Anymore? I've literally never used it. Refused to, even.



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Don't forget to add -motorhead as well ;)

Unless, you know, you're awesome.

Yeah, this never works out.

Multiples of the same basic community is a good thing. It was good on reddit, and it's part of the entire benefit of federation. The only difference is that, here, the displayed names can be exactly the same because the C/ always comes with an @ as well.

While it would be nice if location based communities had an agreed on standard, good luck getting consensus between even the five biggest instances and all of those C/s. It would be a herculean task. And, it still wouldn't stop anyone else from just ignoring the consensus.

I, too, am now struttin'


There's, but it's brand new.

Eh, I don't at flatpak or snap unless I have no other choice, but i get why it would be annoying to have the delay.

That being said, I wouldn't be concerned until almost a month. It's a big update that's going to need more debugging than usual. Makes sense to hold back for a bit.

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Remove the current board, spez, and pretty much every executive. Roll back the decision, issue an apology to all users, undo the bans issued to protesting accounts (except awkward turtle), and kiss my hairy ass.

Yah, if it gets handled, you won't see it usually. You have to go looking. I'd have to Dick around on the web version to find the handled issues (no need on my part, so I don't use it enough to remember), but it is there somewhere.

It hurts my brain

Being a company was fine. Having outside investors, shitty leadership, and a lack of common fucking sense was the problem.

Scatole and indole. Two chemicals produced in the gut by bacteria.

Seriously. Liquid ass is one of the two.

So, let's get this straight.

You rolled up into someone else's house and brought in some stuff they don't want there.

They took that stuff, threw it out the door, but didn't toss you out.

You then jumped their shit in their living room, and you're surprised you aren't allowed over any more.

And, now, you're on the street corner complaining about it.

My dude, the way people throw around "power tripping mod" when what really happened is just the mod don't what they're there for, the phrase has lost all meaning. At this point, when someone says that, you don't even have to read further because it's a damn near guarantee that it's just someone that didn't like the mod decision.

Now, a c/ should have rules up, so that anyone rolling up knows what is and isn't cool there. Kinda like everyone knows not to bring up religion or politics at my dinner table, or they get uninvited and possibly have bread thrown at them. Maybe even something messier.

It really doesn't matter what the forum is, there has to be moderation because people are assholes. That's just how we do as a species. Without moderation, shit devolves into slapfights and pissing contests. Which ruins the forum for everyone.

I'd rather have a power tripping mod than deal with twits stirring shit and starting drama

You can't decide that kind of thing. If it doesn't happen organically, it won't take off.

Did you select subscribed?

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Being real? Sponsor ads in video are fine by me. It's no different than tv and radio did for ages. The individual vidiots hawking whoever sponsers them just isn't an issue. It's as easy the tune out as radio spots used to be.

If YouTube's direct ads weren't fucking obnoxious, I wouldn't even object to those, but they crossed into obnoxious a decade ago with those.

It's the freaking combined wall of ads that happens when it's all together that is infuriating. You've got ads before a video, during, it, after it, splashed new below and beside it. It's just crap, and gods forbid you misclick and go back, it starts all over again.

Ahhh, when did Windows 10 come out? I've been on mint since then, though I've tried live discs/drives of the major distros here and there. I like mint, it works for me.

Man, the Sundays were my jam for a while at the time :)

Me too :)

That song in particular, I played enough that the first tape snapped in the middle of it.

Tbh, even if it isn't something you like long term, supporting the effort is a good idea if you can afford it.

But the "good to go" is questionable because it's a first effort. There could be bugs and glitches with the interface that can't be predicted until more users are on it.

Wait, I can be associated with carebear porn? SIGN ME UP!

Yeah, you'd think. And is something I hope they implement.


It's a very customizable keyboard. Which means that you can duplicate the layout you're used to from most others, as long as you have the patience. Alas, you have to have the patience lol.

And half of that doesn't work via jerboa lol

He did a heel turn.

He bought twitter after trying to wiggle out of the deal and then ruined it,, decided to go full right wing crazy, and consistently keeps trying to pretend he's not an idiot with a lot of money.


It isn't a standard app, as in an apk you installed from the play store. It's a web app. Basically a mini browser

It's a issue.

It seems to be intentional. Which would mean it would be wise to start migrating to other instances for your lemmy use.

Have you tried megalodon? Does more than the official app, but with a similar layout so the learning curve is a non issue.

A judge isn't a privately owned business. If the judge really thinks it's the same thing, they need to be disbarred