6 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah probably, but Nvidia can afford lawyers and delays for years. Much longer than any oss group could afford

Can't speak for everyone but here are the reasons I prefer an actual jack:

  • 3.5mm headphones are extremely universal and can be used for any audio device. USB-C and Bluetooth headphones cannot

  • Bluetooth is extremely inconsistent when paired with multiple devices and often gets disconnected because of competing devices

  • I can't charge my phone and listen to USB c headphones at the same time

  • Manufacturers claim the removal of the jack was to improve the water resistance. I have never dropped my phone in water and would be willing to risk it.

  • I already have too many wireless things to charge

  • I have a small stockpile of broken wireless headphones. Meanwhile my 10 year old wired headphones are collecting dust

  • I have never lost something more often than that tiny ass USB to 3.5mm dongle adapter

  • I distrust large corporations with incentive to get consumers to buy more stuff from them

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'unique opportunity for impact'

Impact can't pay my fucking debt

Hollywood will just do what they always do. Pour billions more into lobbying the government until they pass something that will allow certain exemptions.

/r/asstronomy here I come

So instead of "I read this tweet on Twitter" it's now "I read this X on X"? That is fucking dumb.

Maybe he'll be dumb enough to sell the Twitter domain to pay bills and some rich hero buys it and puts Mastodon there instead

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Guess that'll be the last time they put a game on steam

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As much as I hate to admit it, these willfully ignorant racist fucks won't stop until they get another war.

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Gets even worse the more years of experience you have. You end up being the solo dev trying to figure out a stupidly over complicated 20 year old piece of software written by a sadist that loves WCF and using tcp sockets to send data between classes in the same project

They want a war, and won't stop until they get to live out their fantasy of being able to use all the guns they love so much.

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A Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of 5.2 W/kg technically does exceed limits and device manufacturers agree to meet regulations. However, SAR values are not constant and can vary with real-world usage. Phones often operate at lower power levels, reducing actual SAR exposure.

A weak microwave, for theoretical comparison, would likely put out hundreds of Watts per kg.

People are way more likely to get heat damage from the battery than the radio waves from a cellphone

Honestly I kinda wish it would give shorter answers unless I ask for a lot of detail. I can use those custom instructions but it's tedious difficult to tune that properly.

Like if I ask it 'how to do XYZ in blender' it gives me a long winded response, when it could have just said 'Hit Ctrl-Shift-Alt-C'

Funny how he refused to separate conflicts of interest when he was president but thinks it's a good idea now that he's in legal trouble

I'm willing to bet that not one single wealthy person benefiting from these tax cuts thought: "Hey cool I'll pass the money I saved from these tax cuts down to the less fortunate"

Its a gift and a curse. For work I always seem to somehow pull miracles out of my ass, but only last minute. It's likely that days of panic and anxiety are what fuel my miracle powers

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Or just massively forgetful and under prepared. Like me every time I take a flight somewhere

Not a proxmox pro by any means, but it can do both VMs and containers. I have a few VMs for various Linux distros to play around with. I also have one dedicated VM for all my security related tools.

Stuff like PI hole, jellyfin, logstash, etc. dont really have any need for a full OS, so a container works perfectly. Plus having a full OS with several things running on it makes it more difficult if you just need to restart one service

I started doing everything in VMs but over time realized some things were better to maintain as containers

Gotta keep them investors happy.

For now. They will raise it again months later

Are you actually able to delete your stuff? I've tried a couple days in a row to delete my posts and comments and they kept coming back. I even tried editing my posts but they just revert back to the original.

Haven't tried in a day or so but I assume reddit is restoring from a backup or something

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Tried this last night and my posts are back too. Thinking about editing each and replacing with some shit about spez. That will surely get it removed

I think most people in theory are against big corporations, but when it comes down to it they just go 'it is what it is' and just accept the big corps without any attempts to break off that path.

My wife is like that and I think it has more to do with not being very tech savvy/or willingness to try something different.

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All about that powershuttle

Anyone got any spare money to buy ads on reddit? I know it's giving them money but maybe it'll help bring more over

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