0 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

4D Golf is the most mind-fuck game I've ever played! The end of the game threw me for a loop

Nuclear Blaze is a short but action packed. The art style is also amazing!

TF2 is in a near unplayable state. Valve has neglected it and as a result it's not hard for people to bypass the anti-cheat. This has resulted in bots overtaking the game. This has been a problem for years, but there have been some recent pushes to get Valve's attention. First was #savetf2 which resulted in Valve tweeting that the "heard us" and had things planned. Well nothing happened and now we're trying again. #fixtf2 is the newest push and has come with extra steps from the community. Many people, including myself, have switched our reviews of TF2 to negative to hopefully get Valve's attention.

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TCP is a protocol where all the data is verified when sent. There is extra back and forth communication along with the payload to check that the payload arrived safely. Its great for downloading files when you want to make sure nothing is missing or damaged. UDP is more like a constant data stream where the sender doesn't care if it all gets to you. The advantage is that you send less data overall, useful if you don't care if one frame of a video stream looks weird.

One protocol isn't safer than another, its all about how much bandwidth you have/need. Torrenting over TOR uses up way more bandwidth than needed. Depending on the implementation, TCP can use 50% more bandwidth.

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That seems malicious, never attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence. Valve's non-standard employee structure means nobody has to work on TF2. There are a lot of other fun things to work on at Valve, not some decades old game that doesn't make a ton (relative) of money anymore. This is probably the biggest flaw of Valve.

2.875 here, my monthly payment is $545. I want to move, but it would be financially stupid to do so

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If you give me what I want to watch and no ad's then I'll pay a fairly high amount for it. The moment there are ad's I'm out. I'm so sick of ad's that are forced on me. Slightly unrelated, but billboards should be banned outright.

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He can't pardon himself in these cases. They are New York state felonies, which means the governor of NY would have to pardon him. If they were federal, then he could maybe pardon himself.

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This AI upscale isn't the best, but it replaced the original so I guess no going back. The music is still 10/10

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play bot? I'm not quite sure what you mean, but ya all sorts of bots are flooding TF2. There are the normal aim-bots, but they also spam noise makers, voice chat, and text chat. They will also try and vote kick and normal player.

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Im full time IT, a huge chunk of my job was learned through google. My current position looked incredibly different before we had phones and could research everything on the fly. I feel bad for tech's who didn't have access to research tools like we do now.

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I have premium now and use revanced. I can't stand the create button in the middle of the screen. I have no desire to make shitty videos for their platform. I would use the default app if I could just customize what buttons are on screen so I don't accidentally press one. That seems like a great accessibility feature, but I guess they don't care about some people.

Apparently they replaced the original video with an AI upscaled version. You can see some things aren't temporally stable. Some lines fade in and out as the camera moves.

I'd say they are slightly better as they do a good job if you aren't paying attention. The reality is they need more training, but the law of diminishing returns kicked in long ago, so progress will be slow.

I recommend:

  1. Ublock
  2. Sponsor Block for Youtube
  3. Return Youtube Dislike
  4. Hide Shorts for Youtube (I actually like shorts, but only on my phone)
  5. Stylus
  6. Decentraleyes
  7. Don't Accept image/webp
  8. Rotate Image (rotates images in 90 degree increments)
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Eating fast food. I do a ton of driving for my job and am frequently hours from home. I could pack my own meals, but the company covers lunch if I'm away from the office. I don't have to stop for any health reason, I just don't really like the taste after five years of the same things over and over. I'd be more ok with it if there were more options, but I'm in a rural part of the country.

For me it's photography. I originally bought a camera and lens second hand. Now over the past two years its become rather a lot of money. I bought a Nikon Z8 last month and it was definitely worth the money.

Yes but how well does it handle mirrors?

I've never clicked an ad, but that doesn't mean they were entirely ineffective. There have been a few times where I've seen an ad then went and searched for the product to find reviews and things.

The argument may be that driving isn't in the constitution. You don't need a permit to travel, just to drive a car on public roads. I like my guns but I'm fine with permitting if you are carrying in public.

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my coworker asked to borrow a router for troubleshooting. I changed the SSID before giving it to him to: "2 inches and loving it"

gonna have to disagree. 2A was established because we had to fight in the revolutionary war. We literally did the exact thing that lead to 2A being necessary. If we peacefully broke off from England then maybe 2A wouldn't be in the constitution.

Now that is some real performance art! Hope he records it. I vote for tannerite as destruction method.

I solve problems related to how lightning rocks talk to each other. Often there's an issue with how automatic scribes decide they don't feel like talking. Some days I must travel more than double the speed of your fastest horse using a metal box with wheels. I will often complain when my metal box picks the wrong music to play.

I'm holding on at least till the stock split

Probably not. The US electric grid is 60hz and France is 50hz. An inverter large enough to rectify the AC electric into DC then invert back into 60hz AC would be absolutely massive. It would also be severely inefficient. I'm not sure what system them will be bringing but I'd guess it's something like what the US military uses overseas.

I spend a lot of time driving, audiobooks are the way to go

Believe is also my favorite from them. I remember when "Evolution" came out and being disappointed by how forgettable it is. I actually had to go search for it so I could remember the name of it.

The Nikon Z 400mm F4.5s lens

i can dream

I have a PC for all my games except one, Bloodborne. I have a PS4 and that's the only thing I've used it for.

never bought a paper map. Have picked up one at a park or something, but haven't done that in a decade.

I dislike this "only guns from 1700's" argument. The constitution didn't make a distinction between shotguns, muskets, pistols, or even cannons. We know that the intent of the 2nd amendment was to make sure if the government got out of line we could put in a new one. That isn't possible anymore, but would be even more impossible if we restrict "new" guns. TBH, I think the writers of the constituion would be fine with private citizens owning cannons. Some quick Googling indicates private ownership was a thing: but I'll have to research more.

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That would probably be up to the judge. Theoretically house arrest can be set at any home which could include an out of state address.

The glass on the lens doesn't even resolve that much resolution. I doubt it's even physically possible to make a piece of glass that perfect. There is a reason people still buy medium format cameras over full frame, the glass elements can be larger and therefore small imperfections are a smaller fraction of the lens. This is also one reason bigger telescopes are always better. Diffraction also kicks in faster with smaller lenses. Even if your glass was perfect, then diffraction of the iris blurs your image.

You seem to be delusional. Do you know what fatigue is?

The value of my house has gone up by about 50% so I could definitely put the money forward, but it still would be a questionable decision.

Cancer tried once, but I really hope its something else.