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Joined 11 months ago

If you don't embrace snaps just don't use Ubuntu.

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No i don't find that site any useful

No. To bypass GPL you have to be a big company, not respect the GPL (not respecting the law is called risk management) and gain more than what you would owe if someone sues you

Cost? Framework is not really "Linux oriented".

Why do you want other people to switch to Linux? I don't understand making fuss with relationships for an OS. Especially if they have Windows programs. Plus now everytime there is a problem, s/he will always call you. What does s/he think?

Signed. As a French, absolutely not surprised

When I see people recommending Devuan or non systemd OS i'm like why? The newbie has no idea what the hell is systemd despite maybe that some people hate it for some reason so it must be bad lol

The real question is who uses Powershell for Linux

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Proton is a fork of Wine which is much much older than that

I feel like it is too complicated for a desktop user. Linux is already complicated enough. On Silverblue I had to do some mental gymnastic to make some things work because everything is just made for Workstation. I don't think the advantages outweigh the benefits

Documentation is not enough good for me to care and I hate when there are multiple ways to do things, I still did not understand how I should install programs on NixOS

It has sandboxed google play and services

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Photopea is not FOSS tho

If you are technical enough to change your DNS server, you are technical enough to circumvent that

Do you want to distribute it (in mass)? Otherwise i don't see the point you can run a script that you use every time you install the OS

It's just when you have peripherals, you might just not find a driver for Linux at all

What?? Are you criticizing the kernel (which you can but with actual arguments) or the esthetics of the UI which has absolutely nothing to do with the kernel? You don't seem to understand what is a kernel

Unless you really buy specific hardware... I don't see myself buying 2008 thinkpads like Stallman because the CPU has proprietary microcode lol

Since C++ has Turing complete compiling, I guess technically it can go infinite compilation time

I guess Linux users just don't like to pay is true?

Because sueing is never great

I'm sure if you have for example windows and linux machines to manage it has applications xD

No problem getting a Framework in France

"To get around this, I would suggest basing the official Linux distribution on Debian but with a few queues from other distros"

"Now there are 15 competing standards"

Plenty of people use Ubuntu LTS on servers

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Doesn't the software app work on Arch?

If you install Gnome on Arch how is it that much different for Fedora?

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I mean there are plenty of Red Hat employees working for Fedora and in Fedora board... They also own Fedora trademark.

Does the back include Linux logo or smth? Otherwise it makes no sense


Idk is it CAD software? I know there are webapps for that now

Bad for performance and gaming right?

I complain about TPM because it made my system unable to boot without desactivating it, i don't really care about TPM but the implementation seems disastrous

You do realize non tech people have absolutely no idea about package formats and such?? If you don't understand something you should probably not worry about it

Ok if they are browsing and reading emails BUT you are the administrator. But apparently s/he has a Windows only program s/he relies on... Using Wine will only increase the probability of the program crashing

Oh yeah we really do need yet another DE


Sure but they don't play 3d video games do they?

Cause the GPL is a virus

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