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Joined 3 months ago

We fell in love in a homeless place... We fell in love in a hooOoomless plaaace...

This might as well ask, "When were you young and broke and wanted everything you saw in a commercial and then started collecting ridiculous amounts of nostalgia product as soon as you had even a crumb of disposable income."

Thankfully I didn't fall for that nonsense.

: reclines on throne made entirely of first gen Zunes and Sidekick phones:

All it needs is a line saying, "Hand Blown Artisanal Glassware and Other Whimsical Notions"

If women are truly the fairer sex, why are they always cheating at cards?

Still waiting on a fax from them to confirm.

I top my mac and cheese up with tonic and finish it with a float of St. Germaine.

We should really chisel all of our memes in granite and stand them up in a field so that future generations may know our genius.

The bidet is the Swiss army knife of the bathroom.

Will I take "From Russia, With Love ' for $400, Alex?

I've, unfortunately, gotten in to the habit of having YouTube playing on my second screen when doing anything at my computer. Can't fall asleep without some history documentary playing.

Bad habit on my short list for eradicating.

That would be impossible, for I am the raciest uncle!

Edit: And before my inbox fills up, I'm only into Weird Aunts with a balanced cat/tattoo ratio.

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Oh, thank fuck. David Bowie's Area is still online.

I started taking graphic design classes in the mid 2ks and the amount of my brain that has been squandered making everything look like shiny candy floating in a polished plastic void is disgusting.

Then I learned how to make everything look like it was badly spray stenciled and drug through a post industrial alley so I could really stick it to the man.

"I have a busted old brain from the 80s, what distro would you suggest?"

This is pretty funny, but now I want to watermark all of my future work with outdated "Made With ..." Stickers.

"Made With Printshop Deluxe!" "Made With Microsoft Works!" "Sent From my Sidekick!"

Also, wouldn't it be foolish to send a bunch of angry young people to the country that they are supporting?

Seems like that would make it extra easy for Hamas to recruit American students, especially after they get to experience the horror first hand.

Interesting. Years ago before I quit I rolled my own and the best lose tobacco I could find in the States was Dutch.

Funny how things change.

That's an instant X2 score modifier right there.

Its kind of like a Boise Corn-dog, but it requires jumper cables and four cinder blocks instead of two.

Ugh, the whole renovation thing is a pain in the ass. My mom watches renovation shows all day while the house has fallen into smelly disrepair over the last twenty years.

She keeps talking about painting this or knocking out that wall or installing all new fixtures 'so it can be nice for the next people (she's in her 80s and plans on dying there).

I keep telling her that no matter how much money she wastes 'fixing' the place up, the people that eventually buy it are going to gut it and do their own thing.

One little old lady using a total of three rooms in a 4br3b house.

She dreams that I'll settle down and want a quiet place in the suburbs, but I hate the neighborhood and most of the people that live there. If she were hit by a bus tomorrow I'll call the first Cash For Houses scam I see so I don't have to deal with any of that.


"Smell once, wash twice."

Imagine how massive the camera that took that picture is!

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I actually noped out of a potential roommate situation when I saw 20 pairs of shoes on the stairs leading to the apartments front door.

I've seen airline bottles of Johnnie Walker for about $5 around me. I'd spend the $15 on a full sized bottle of Evan Williams, though.

Any idea if this will effect Simple Mobile? I know a lot of these bargain carriers are the same product with a different wrapper.