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I mean lookingbat the details for the basis of the suit. They think they can sue someone for teaching a criminal how to do something. They think they can sue the makers of body armor for selling a guy who was not a criminal at the time of purchase, an unregulated commercial product. They think they can sue YouTube for providing motive for whatever he did.

In the law world theres a word for this. Its called a shakedown. This is grieving family's who are vindictive. They dont care who pays, but somebody has to pay in their eyes. Sadly on the merits this case will die in court pretty fast and nobody is gonna see a dollar unless alphabet and spez's lawyers decide they are feeling charitable. Which they won't because settling would cause implications of guilt in the public eye.

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I'd say to him. Too fucking bad dipshit this is america. If u dont like me being here rest assured I do not care and you can kiss my ass lol and if u wana try and kick me out theres the second amendment so that I can kick you out of this lifetime :)

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Honestly thats all Lemmy needs. Just more content body. This software is already a really amazing drop in replacement for reddit. To be honest its easier to navigate the federation aspect with Lemmy than it is for other federated services like mastodon in my opinion.

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Shoot the drones down. Air compressors and PVC piping can create effective and legal anti air flak guns.

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They want to put out the fire. Let us show them the strength of the Hydra. Cut off one head and a thousand more shall take its place. We all remember what happened when they tried to end the piratebay.

I be establishing an anti drone firing squad in NYC. We will shoot down any law enforcement drones we find. Fuck the NYPD. fuck the mayor. If your drone flies over my property in NYC it will be shot lol.

This actually isnt a terrible strategy. Right now the news sites require profit for survival. Leading them to do well frankly... Whatever it takes to make that happen. Which leads us to the road we are on now. If their survival was subsidized and they were simply paid to provide the service of good journalism. This would be beneficial as journalism at its core is a PUBLIC service. That is currently being sold as a commercial commodity.

God has no place on campuses. And god has no place in the government. God is dead.

Sounds like these southern courts should meet the peoples militia.

I agree with this perspective. The CEO felt like the more reasonable guy here who wanted to respectfully and professionally clear his name through polite conversation. And the writer here seemed very aggressive. The line of questioning was outwardly hostile and accusatory with literally nothing for good evidence.

Let's develop an AI that can detect where ads in videos start and end. And cut them out client side. Anti corporate advertising AI :D

Its ironic. On a decentralized platform we are discussing how a big issue with streaming services is that they are not centralized ^-^

I dont even disagree with you. I just think its interesting that we dont apply the ideological standard of centralization and monopoly being inherently bad evenly across the board.

Im not really sure I have a greater point to make here. I'm not trying to knock or dissent what your saying at all.

Just a stoned observation.

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I would say that what you say makes sense but it doesn't really work super well in practice. I'll give the best example. North Korea. We have choked them on food, energy, medicine etc. For going on 70 years now. They are still a cancerous blight on the world. With nukes. Sure I guess the argument could be made that they stay inside north Korea and keep to themselves though.

When your in a warzone, the police no longer have jurisdiction and handling of the civilian populace DOES fall under the army. The aid trucks should be militarily escorted and those protesters should be forcibly moved. Blockading humanitarian aid is an international crime if your a civilian doing that you should be arrested and charged as a criminal.

Just do a judge trial instead of a jury trial. Lol

Well sort of but not really. They can justify that the Chinese ownership makes this a national security issue. Which makes this 100% legal. Now the American shareholders of tiktok however just like last time they tried to do this with tiktok have a claim that their rights are being infringed. Last time they tried to do a tiktok ban the shareholders sued and won.

This is a strawman argument. The Jew and Christians aren't the people in question here. But the people being talked about have been very upfront and very self proclaiming about exactly what their motives are. Their motives come from an age where everyone was using religion as the end all be all of power grabbing. But it does not change that ya this is basically the ideology of Hama's. Jerusalem has been fought over for thousands of years. But now whether people likenitnor not Israel is a real country with a real albeit troubled government and a very and well organized western backed military. And if the militants of Palestine have to insist on claiming what does not belong to them by force? Then the reality is that they will be neutralized with finality or win the fight. The law of conquest will once again as it always does, determine the owner of Israel. Its sad for all the innocent lives caught in the middle. I think we can all agree on that.

This law was JUST put in place

This is a very old blood feud. Taiwan's government is the former government of mainland China (the republic of China) prior to 1949 communist civil war. The ROC ended the qing dynasty, the longest monarchic dynasty in Chinese history and instituted democracy. When the communists took over the republic of chinas leadership were basically fled and the country and established Taiwan. To the CCP Taiwanistill represents the republic of China, and just like north and south Korea, the CCP is still at war with the republic of China (Taiwan).

Nobody is saying that you should necessarily CELEBRATE his suicide. However. In a society and a government system that is failing to respond to its public on nearly every level. You have 2 options for what to do to stop something that needs to be stopped in the here and now not in 10-15 years. You can commit acts of terror and use force of arks to disrupt your government internally. Maybe get a gang together with firearms and disrupt arms shipments by attacking manufacturing plants or sabotaging arms convoys. Or kill yourself in an act of protest to get more public attention and pressure to the issue. Or you can bitch and whine and make noise like many of us do. Do I recommend anybody else engage in what that man just did? No. But I'm not going to dishonor and disrespect the entire life of a human being for desperately trying to draw attention to a noble cause. Its tragic what he did. But do not discredit and dismiss the life of another so callously.

Amen dude. This is the best take iv seen so far.

Well sir. Given that the algorhythm designed for procuring that content is literally the best at its job bar none. And having also had personal experience with this. One of two things or both is happening. #1 you like to partake in partying and you seek that out sometimes. And the software knows that. #2 you associate with drugs dealers who are in your social media circles.

Let's be clear. This content isnt shown to you just because. Its being shown to you because you have displayed a pattern of seeking where these items come into play or you talk to people who regularly engage in this.

I'm a 28 year old man. I have never been shown a targeted advertisement for feminine hygiene products. Also I had never seen advertisements on social media for literal drugs and shit until I went thru a phase where I developed a pretty bad coke habit for a while and had a lot of dealers in my phone.

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His comment is nihilism incarnate. Nihilists are people IMO that should largely be outright dismissed.

Comparing Brendan eichtoo Hitler doesn't seem logically coherent but let's just use your fringe example. We do actually continue to use shit invented by Hitler all over the world to this day. Volkswagen to give an example. Lemmy is made by tankies. So... The answer is that so long as the thing is sufficiently useful. Yes.

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Thats literally the premise of 90% of the show. Hes stated that several times. He started the podcast with the intent of it being a bullshit fun project to have his Bros come on smoke weed and talk shit. Which is great entertainment and funny. Now he has said it many times. He wants to talk to anyone his cave man brain finds interesting. He admits hes very uneducated on a lot of matters and tells people that outside the realms of fitness and nutrition you shouldn't be looking to him for advice or following what he says. The reason his viewership is as large as it is is because he thinks about things very very similarly to how honestly most people up here in that I know in new england think of things. He thinks about shit in the same way the average working class dude does.

The point is. Renewable energy isnt there yet. Hydro electric is the best we have. If you want to replace a gas or coal fired grid. You cannot do it with 100% renewable energy. The only tech we have that can replace fossil fuel grids is nuclear power. I'm not saying its the only way. I'm saying its the only thing that works at this time unless something happens to radically reduce energy demand and the type of radical reduction required simply isnt gonna happen. As for the profit. Windmills dont make money. They cost money. They are more expensive to maintain than the energy they produce. 2.5-5m USD to build one. They cost 1.3m USD give a few thousand per megawatt of electricity producing capacity. Maintenances costs can range around 45-50k annually. Land costs. Business overhead. Etc. You go thru that to produce 1-3 MW of electricity.... Thats not enough to do much of anything. And u cannot suddenly demand a huge spike of energy from a windmill farm like you can from coal or gas or nuclear. Solar same thing. Sun not shining? No power.

My point overall is these are not good cost effective alternatives to current energy production. They are expensive and inefficient alternatives to what we have. Are they greener? Yes they are but under the current technology. Green energy doesn't get the job done that HAS to get done.

Doing all those things would cost hundreds of times what it costs to build a reactor. There are reactors already engineered and that exist elsewhere in the world capable of powering entire cities for over a hundred years that are easily decomissionable unlike the older 1970s reactors that we have. Also renewables are unable to produce power on demand when load demands spike suddenly. U need fossil fuel for that currently. Not to mention the process of creating solar panels is one of the most environmentally damaging manufacture processes and the only country that possesses the materials to make them is China.... Oil receives metric assloads of government subsidy. Why should nuclear not get the same? Nuclear power is the only thing we know of that has rhw ability to fill all of the functions that fossil fuel power plants have.Idf theres actually other options then cool but iv looked at every alternate energy source and rhw big thing that sticks out is a couple things. If the weather gets too cold, or too hot, theres a natural disaster or other condition that necessitates a very sudden and high increase in kilowatt hour demand renewable energy sources buckle. And then your left having to fire coal to meet the energy need.

If you truly oppose genocide. You should be plotting a coup against the US executive branch.

That would only hold true if Donald trump was officially convicted of the crime of insurrection. A crime which so far he hasn't even been charged with. Until he is charged tried and convicted of insurrection the 14th amendment isnt applicable here and I'd bet my money that's exactly what the surpreme court is going to rule on.

If they are serious about wanting to remove him from the vallt then they should start there. By trying him for insurrection.

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So let me get this straight. I'm expected to believe more kids are dying from guns than overdose? Based on a "study" that NBC news didn't even deign to put a citation to in their article?? Iv never met anyone who died of gun violence.Iv And more than 20 who OD'd before turning 18. The verbiage. Not a new study. A "new analysis" of the data that again they dont provide a single citation to. The clear partisan language targeting lack of legislation as the reason for people dying instead of any mention of the real issue. Mental health.

Its NBC news. I dont expect real journalism from these guys.

The first amendment says you do in fact have to tolerate them sir. You may not commit acts of violence against them for their speech or you get put in prison. Thats the way it is.

This right here. People like you that push that shit at teenage boys. This is why they are turning right. I know a lot of people who flipped parties purely cuz they can't stand that sort of bullshit. Or that flipped because they are wick and tired of every straight white guy being called a racist. We are all pissed that our parents and grandparents fucked up the system with their apathy and blind trust in institutions that fucked us over.

You dont. You just have to be tolerant of their existence because theirr existance is protected by right and law. If you punch a Nazi your still getting charged with assault and battery. If you kill a racist your still going to jail. We dont illegalize views and ideas in america.

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Afghanistan is not a savable place. Just embargo them and revoke their rights to travel anywhere. And if they step foot outside their borders kill them or bring them to the west if they are a civilian.

Running from the police with an active arrest warrant while your high is pretty relevant lol

Then everyone should be voting third party. This 2 party system is going to lead to a complete shutdown of our ability to govern and it has already made the US into a phony democracy. Peoples willingness to participate in it and just accept it is why the country has gone to shit. Because most of the people in the US can't think outside their narrow worldview of bipolar red vs blue tribalism.

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Then we can use third party candidates to determine who the power actually goes to. At the end of the day. America is so bipolar split tlboth parties are now completely at the mercy of anyone who can garner 10% support. RFK Jr at this point can literally be the decider or who becomes president and who doesn't. Maybe we can use that as a tool of power to force the 2 parties to open the voting system up or have their power cockblocked from them every election cycle.

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A can of monster has around 300mg per can. People walk around drinking those like waters everyday. The first death made national news. Then they put a warning label onto the product. AND they put a warning label on the drink dispensers. At that point if u manage to hurt yourself with the product despite all those warnings that's your fault. Its like saying we should beable to sue somebody who's selling coffee if they have a customer that drinks 10 cups in a morning and has a heart attack.

McDonalds was sued for their hot coffee burning a customer. They put lids with caution hot warnings on them and put it on the cups. After that all burns incurred are not their problem. Same case should apply here and likely will in court.

The state cannot start being allowed to make determinations about what religious groups may and may not adopt children. Thats fundamentally on so many levels not fucking ok.

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