
1 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Ye, me too brother. People think 🤔 Russia is like easily changeable or something... I think people forget just how many Russians and other people Russians have killed and imprisoned since Russia began so to say. I think people don't understand that Russia never had a democracy... Ever. I don't think people get that it's not easy to live and survive in Russia no matter when and where...

Also it's as if people pretend not to know that if You protest 🪧 anything in Russia; you're fucked.

People also don't know that the policemen rape people / men in prison. They torture You and rape you. At anytime You can be put in an MMA style fight against an opponent who will brutalize You before You die of the physical injuries.

I don't think people understand that if the world doesn't help to establish a democracy in Russia that Russia will always ; always go back to its corrupt ways.

I don't think people understand that there are also Russians who've been totally brainwashed just the same way that people got / get brainwashed in states like China, north Korea and Nazi Germany ( in the passed ) , imperial Japan etc.

I don't think people get that its not easy to be the hero a martar or organize a rebellion when you're under a violent regime and when all you have is your small family or none at all

The Year when people learn the word "Global Inequality" ...

It's not just shitty to live in US; It's shitty to live anywhere now.

Thanks Global Corporations and thanks Governments for doing absolutely nothing about the Global Elite/ global monopolies... Oh and thank You Religions; You also suck balls.

ADHD; "oh You think that's funny?"

Gosh.... Why didn't the Germans kill Hitler? Why didn't Japanese kill their "emperor" during world war 2? Why didn't soviets kill Stalin or lenin ? What's up with the dictators in China, why didn't the Chinese kill them ? Why don't the north Koreans kill their "leader"? Why didn't Iraqi people kill Saddam Husain? Why didn't Syria kill their Bashar al Assad? Why didn't the Cubans kill Fidel Castro? Why didn't the French kill Napoleon Bonaparte?

Maybe 🤔😏 people just LOVE living under dictatorial regimes?

Who knows?... We'll probably never know...


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Two words; flawed democracy

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Good question. I've always wondered in general about open source and hackability. Like is Linux much more hackable then Windows or Mac ?

"fruitcakes" is a slur for homosexuals. . .

How about heavy metal hair? That banned 🚫 too now?

We did it boys ( and girls ) time to go home !

Working's not a choice; it's a privilege...

Sorry; I just made that up for fun.


Sorry, I bet this post doesn't really belong here. Please help me find the right community. I am looking to discuss the bat-shitery of this scumbag / nut.


Our condolences Altima.

That made me laugh... I was imagining a small parachute hooked up to a plasma TV 😲

Umm , why's it gotta be execution tho?

Putting him in prison and taking away his business/ dissolving it and taking away his assets should be enough. There's no reason for two wrongs when You're trying to go for justice ⚖️ / just society.

Eye for an eye never got us no where ( xept sometimes)


Thx for the downvotes. Always welcome 🤗 / appreciated

😂 true tho

Rising up themselves?

They did and they also left the country. The ones who were able to anyways. The rest are brainwashed.

Hey, when You're part of the hip / cool club😎 👍 You can totally do that

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In a country like US there should never be a shortage of jobs. And all jobs should pay a living. Also provide many opportunities to climb the ladder. There should not be a shortage on American Dream basically.

During and after covid pandemic many fortunate 100 and fortune 500 companies made record breaking profits....

Imagine if the ride got stuck about as soon as it started ay ? 😕🤔😞

Albertsons antipasta pasta (salad).

That's about how I feel. I know I am blessed and that makes me happy. I don't take it for granted.

Sorry 😔😐 that someone down voted your comment. That's not very holiday so Spirit like lol... But I think almost half the comments on here always have at least one downvoted so don't feel bad 😞

That must have sucked/hurt 🤕 ... But it sounded like a real funny story for some reason...

Mi bad...

That's just dumb... Smoking is healthy

Well said / well put!

I realized and I posted it anyway...

Haha ; take that China!

Also responsible for crack epidemic back in the day...

I do that all the time 😅

Workers rights?! But that's completely fascist / terrorist like type of thing ain't it?

No Ma'am! what's next human rights? We'd be communist over night, I tell ya!


I don't get it...

War , death, poverty, murder, disease and rape are never a joke my friendly friend

Profits , profits , profits... Corporate greed = enshitification

deleted by creator

This is probably an unpopular opinion; but didn't some of these ABC intelligence groups ETC; let's just say GoV... Didn't IT fail to prevent 9/11?

Just asking questions...

And didn't the government somewhat fail to compensate or hold those entities responsible for compensation to 9/11 victims and their families ? i.e. insurance companies ETC.

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Thou shall not agree; or thou shall get downvoted! 😁


(P.S. I gave You an upvote 4 real)

Make a zone in every state that builds a city that allows that.... And have a hospital, rehab ETC in that zone. Teach kids from a proper age the harm of drugs. Regulate, scan for drugs everywhere else and send them over to those cities and or zones if drugs are "clean".

Education, better jobs , full democracy instead of a flawed democracy is what we all need. Medical healthcare and affordable medicine and therapists and gyms is what we all want and need. Better jobs , better schools , better governments.