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So where are the suits and convictions for all the people trying to fuck this guy over. Where are the firings of the upper echelons. Where is any fucking oversight.

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SEO became too well known and is now filled with bullshit.

Sounds like a whole slew of manslaughter charges should start to be filled against every Georgia rep that supported this. As well as the Supreme Court judges who claimed they completely understood the consequences of their actions.

Really needs to be some severe judicial oversight in this fucking country.

I was under the impression the first guy was out for pedo’s after the Epstein files came out with trumps name all over them.

Lmfao. Like trump knows how to “google” anything.

Why do you support the subjugation and death of women.

You are too by voting third party.

Lmao. Trump being capable of feeling shame.

Lmao. I bet you always got your tests back face down.

Ehh there’s some irritant variation for sure. I really like the hex tiles but prefer the simpler leader mechanics. Not to mention backporting the end of doom stacks.

Every single person involved in that should be banned from medical care for the rest of their short irrelevant lives. Set an example now.

Which is fucking stupid to think that humans won’t form tribes.

No they’re giving you exactly what you’re asking for. Problem is you’re not asking for advice. Your asking to “build a thing” and expecting it to read your mind.

If you can’t find anything useful on the net that’s a ‘you’ problem. So probably option 2.

One down couple hundred more to go.

That’s the face of a man who’s already won

You need to be more active in the more local elections before you can effect change on the larger elections. No there is absolutely no chance right now of a wild card taking anything of value when you’re on ou other option is a guy who literally said he wants to be and will implement being a dictator on day one. There are bigger things at stake right now.

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This is wrong. Stop spreading misinformation. They can order you out of a car for nearly any reason. Safety being a primary stated purpose that has MASSIVE LEAWAY.



I can post these all day long. They’re everywhere. There is no excuse for people spreading this misinformation.

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It also takes a mind unwilling to ask important questions or perform any kind of self reflection. No not anyone is susceptible to this.

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That’s not what was said. He specifically said coding.

Darkness Falls for me.

I almost exclusively use ai now. Customized responses, no ‘google it’ responses, no ads.

Open it how using what at what size what codec where, for how long, for what purpose, using what data structures, use what libraries, what versions. You sound like my PO trying to request an update to software they have no comprehension of.

I’m so glad this was top comment.

Where’s the articles about humans doing the exact same shit for the last 40-50 fucking years and no one bats an eye. Looks at the prompts from people complaining about ai responses and see they don’t know how to use this shit any better than my grandparents can use a touchtone phone.

“Build an app”


“This ai is shit”.

Just like ever other piece of technology. Garbage in garbage out. If you can’t reliably describe what you want then no one is going to be able to do it. AI just blatantly points out your descriptive failures.

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So because ACAB this Hill guy can’t be one. This isn’t zero sum.

“Gazan” isn’t a race.

This is why the death penalty should continue to exist. This fuckstick killed someone over a fucking waffle. There’s over 8 billion people on this planet now we’ll survive just fine without this piece of shit.

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