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Joined 1 years ago

Dealing with medical issues from massive pelvic surgery I had years ago to help resolve some of my intersex related genetic issues. It’s a problem I’ve had for a while but I’m dealing with it so I can get some of my life back.

I can 100% relate while I’m intersex (no assignment at birth, identify as female and have equipment minus uterus now) I still understand where you are at with the amount of pain you are in. I had a hysterectomy several years ago and it made me feel so much better. If you are curious about that process I can expand.

I don’t play it casually but we are a super relaxed group you can add me on discord ZoeyBear and we can get you sorted ❤️

I feel like she might wanna be on a list.

I’m intersex myself same thing as the girl on the right in the photo. I’ve never had any representation in my life and reading this article made me cry and I’m so happy to finally be seen somewhere.

What ones do you recommend always like hearing others opinions.

Honestly this couldn’t get any better, yeah the dude is an absolute psycho but hopefully they just take each other out.

Can I purchase prints of these? I love tarot cards i main an arcanist in lost ark and I love Elden ring!

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Don’t forget Hobby Lobby masturbating in the corner

Soon as I get done with work I will send you a DM

I agree to some of those things, but the reason I wouldn’t change now is the same reason you would change. The people I’ve surrounded myself with are understanding and I don’t have to walk on eggshells. If you had asked me 5-10 years ago I would be in the same position as you. Lots of therapy and hard work later, I’ve learned to love myself (not saying you don’t) but I love me for me defects included and I don’t want to stop being me even if it would make things easier. This is just my personal feelings though and you are absolutely entitled to feel differently, I just wanted to share my perspective.

I’m existing been stressing cause work project is wrapping up. I need a vacation.

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The way I read it is we now know what we knew but don’t know anymore. The only concerning line is “potential treatments” I’m AuDHD and even though I have difficulty in certain things in my life I wouldn’t change them to be more NT.

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To me it’s simply speaking that autism itself is a problem when it is a spectrum disorder and not every case is a “problem” it’s the language I have a problem with, not the idea that treatment could be available.

It crashed on my system with a 3090 FTW and 32 gigs of DDR4 ram denuvo ruined any potential that game had. I was so excited for a female lead game and I couldn’t even make it through the tutorial due to crashing.

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