Zoift [he/him]

@Zoift [he/him]@hexbear.net
1 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Unga Bunga is racist because of this shit.

The phrase has a long history as a racist dogwhistle, and is deeply tied with "Race Science" horseshit.

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Yeah I saw that but only after I added terms like racist and offensive to my search result, meaning if I just type that phrase by itself into Google nothing.

That's the point of a dogwhistle. If they didnt want to whistle, they'd just yell a slur. The whole point of its racist usage being able to signal racist ideology to those in the know, while hiding behind people like yourself who insist on it being fine.

The preferred response to learning of a dogwhistle for the first time is to go "Oh shit, my bad, i wont use it again." It costs you nothing and removes camo for actual detestable people.

When you argue to the effect "It not that racist", you provide screening for racists, and are doing their work. Normalizing crypto racist shit attracts racists. For this reason, you will be dunked by bears.

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It happens to all of us at one time or another. We all live in societies scarred by hundreds of years of brainworms; Grew up with them, internalized them. It takes effort to just see the scope of these brainworms, much less change them.

Most of Hexbear is hyper-vigilant against this sort of thing because we've spent a lot of time deprogramming ourselves and others of these particular ideological blinders. We can get pretty defensive when our fash-detectors ping. I'm sorry if we've hit you with undeserved ire.

@TomBombadil@hexbear.net , A statement please.

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I assure you, racists have not forgotten.

Really, you don't have to defend it.

If you couldn't bullshit out of that in in moment, you're not getting away with it now. Go work in a theater.


Playing now in fact!

Tonight is "The Craft"(1996) & "John Wick:Chapter 4"(2023)

Tomorrow is Anime night & Sundays are Cheesy Slop Night. Not sure whats been queued for those tho, not my current wheelhouse.

Unironically & with no malice attached, you should log off for a bit. Social media, and the pocket scryers that enable it, were designed in part to short circuit your reward centers. If you want off the dopamine treadmill, you'll have to make a concious effort.

Break your rhythm, get a book or something and a burner flip phone for emergencies. Or a lock app.

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I thought about spraypaint, but i don't know if that'll hurt the snake. Would definitely piss it off. I figured a bit of nail polish would do the trick, but i dont know if thats bad for snakes either. And then at least i'd have a firm grasp on a pissed off snake. Was informed this was a terrible idea. DO NOT paint snakes.

I've got a lot of rats & fieldmice around the house, so i dont mind the snakes. I just want to stop them from trying to raid my coop.

Because my trapezii are fuckin' jacked. Straight yoked. I've been working on my sternocliedomastoid form for years with some serious cervical reps. Glad someone noticed. blushing-engels


No chatbot could ever figure that out.

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A double entendré?


To be fair, the self-congratulatory threads on Hex are getting old too. Yes, I get it, there was dunks, keep it to the tank.

Newgang represent

In addition to what other posters have said, chemotrophic bacteria can play a significant role concentrating/enriching certain metallic ores by eating dissolved minerals in deep groundwater and metabolizing out metals. Lots of vein-gold runs through very old & fractured marble/granite bedrock with a lot of hydrologic activity.

My dirty secret: Never used an ad-blocker. I'm out here rawdoggin' the internet. No blinders no PPE


It's a fairly active instance so you should get some feedback at least.

Theres also https://live.hexbear.net/c/music for live listening/sharing, but like 30% chance anyone is on at any given time.

A youtube compliation of high tension powerlines exploding.

I think its just a reference to an old shitpost, of which the humor derives from absurdity.

I'd shoot the developer of time-travel.

Pretty sure the joka one hit frontpage on hexbear. I remember upvoting it at least