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Joined 12 months ago

Then Congress would appoint the President. If, somehow, a Congress was also not elected, then the states would likely send delegates to do the same thing, but not all of Congress is even up for election.

The Finns are all too aware of what far-right government means, they're living next to it, and it's threatening their very existence.

Congratulations on the Fins voting against barbarism! Here's to hoping the upcoming election here in the USA follows suit, and continues to reject reactionary nationalism.

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The fight doesn't end at the ballot box, but it does start there. Everyone needs to vote. Vote in the primaries, vote in the general, vote in local elections, & vote in state & national elections. Make yourself heard, & organize.

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My brother in Christ Comrade in the revolution, Communism is a stateless, moneyless, classless society. Whatever self-proclaimed "Statist Communists" thare are, are no-more Communist than the National "Socialists" who sent our kind to the death camps.

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Scream not working because space make deaf.

After learning the answers, this gay test is only valid for certain model-years. I stopped watching cartoons just a bit before that show aired, but I'm also gay af.

To be fair, Leviathan is a banger middle name. Plus you can be called Levi for short :)

Yes, but probably only about as much as every other garbage social media trashsite like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Well, it's certainly better than Instagram... Who knows, maybe Cara could federate with ActivityPub in the future... Not that I'll keep my hopes up for that.

Oh, I didn't know this! Thank you for that information. I hope the new government can materiality improve the lives of the public.

Unfortunately, yes.

He's visited your dreams

I think they mean to agree with the pink hoodie person.

A nice first step. Here's hoping they make a Mastodon account next.

Some comments have pointed out that Finland already had a right-wing government going into this election, and I'll admit that I was entirely unaware of this.

Again, I congratulate the Finnish public on rejecting right-wing and authoritarian politics, especially after having to suffer under it at home.

Replaceable battery, micro SD card slots are hard to come by these days, too.

They are, especially in the south. Or did you sleep in on 1/6? Express your democratic right, or loose it.

The checks and balances you're describing do exist, unfortunately Congress is (and has been for quite some time now) dysfunctional. A simple majority in both chambers and the President's signature is enough to undo many SCOTUS rulings by passing a new law. They can also pass amendments to the constitution, which used to happen with some regularity, but we haven't passed one since Clinton was in office.

If you want Congress to act as a check on the court, then you need Congress to be functional.

How do you have .144 of an update?

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As a general rule, Conservatives don't believe in mental health. Mental illness is thought of as a personal failing, and an issue to be solved by an individual "toughening-up".

There's also the question of whether a digital computer software program, I assume invented by humans to fulfill some task, would even have the instinct of self-preservation. We have that instinct as a result of evolution, because you're more useful to the species (and to your genes) alive than dead. Would such a program have this innate instinct against termination? Perhaps it could decide it wants to continue existing as a conscious decision, but if that's the case it'd be just as able to decide it's time to self-terminate to achieve its goals. Assuming it even has set goals. Assuming that it would have the same instincts, intuitions, and basal desires humans have might be presumptive on our part.

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This my Abby

They would lose their representation, not their statehood. There is no legal mechanism for a state to leave the union.



If they cannot be trusted to compete fairly in the market, they should not compete in the market. Dissolve them, nationalize them, I don't care. We can't afford this bad behavior any more.

No no, he wants to be the horse

By defragging the zebra, duh

I'm getting the impression that a lot of foreigners think the American public generally supports the current healthcare system. We don't.

Complaining about our healthcare is practically a National pass time. We all want something better, but it's also one more problem in a burning pile of problems, which we have few tools to fix.

Some good news, is that we're making some small progress on that front. We're finally begging to rebuild our unions, which were dismantled decades ago, and the American public is becoming more politically engaged. Hopefully, these trends continuing a positive direction, and are resilient to being torn down again.

With a baseball bat. Politely.

I remember when it was just an app to post funny pictures, back in middle school, then it slowly devolved into one of the worst cesspits of the internet.

࢞ ⬅️ πŸ†ŽπŸ…ΎοΈπŸ†– πŸ†™

It's good so-far, & I hope it continues to grow & improve. I've seen some communities partially shift to Lemmy, which is good, & I hope more of them come over. There are/were some thriving niche communities on Reddit which might be better served on an open platform like Lemmy. We already have c/vexillology for instance, but it's still relatively small & inactive compared to the old r/vexillology. I've got some stuff I've been working on myself which I hope to help contribute to this project.

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Nice! Cop, Heffer, Hound has a nice ring to it, I think


Katanji Brown Jackson was appointed to the Supremell Court in 2022, by Democratic President Joe Biden. She replaced Stephen Breyer when he retired.

Thankfully, polling has suggested that he's actually more popular with Republican voters than Democrat, so we might get a reverse-Nader.

Welcome to the club, bud πŸ‘

The politicians generally do, the voters generally don't.