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Joined 1 years ago

Let’s make the internet weird.

The rantings of a totally stable winner.

Hooray for people losing their jobs? Celebrating something like this is missing the point.

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Fellow Arkansan here. I love to get in on that Arkansas gossip.

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Damn. What a fucking moron.

Arguing for rights of an individual running for president (as it is not defined at all to my knowledge) is an interesting strategy and does seem like something worth defining. By that I mean for it to be defined that if you're running for president, you have no additional rights. Get out of here. You're just another citizen. Quit making the "i'm special" legal challenge. Get bent.

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“Low education take”

-Someone with loads of education

Late booking + early booking = booking. Math checks out. I don’t see the problem here.

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Hate disguised as truly held belief is a helluvah drug.

Edit: Also, fuck assholes that think this way and fuck Donald Trump.

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The mistake the media is making is covering RFK Jr. at all. Would have figured they’d learned their lesson with Trump. The media is as much to blame as any other entity for the US’s lurch to the right because they waste their time covering it.

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Wow. What an absolute piece of human shit.

Complaining about this is dumb. Someone else’s gain isn’t your loss. Everyone outside the top tier earners should be paid more. Period. I’m happy a union had the national stage representing UPS workers and showed why unions are important.

Oh I sure can! There is a reason we reside near the bottom in education. Leave us be.

A long vehicle (truck, SUV, some crossovers) is MUCH easier to park with precision by backing up in my opinion.

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Pretty fucking rich that their chosen savior is a reality TV star.

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I’m sorry for your loss. Cancer is total ass.

Man, what a whiney little bigoty bitch

#backtheblue? Nah not me.

In reality this is some rich asshole arguing over pretend money given to another very rich asshole. The headline should be “board member who has way too much money sues Musk for money they would prefer be distributed to shareholders which includes them”. I’m probably missing something here, but anyone involved in this definitely sucks. Sure…Musk has no reason to be enriched further. In all likelihood neither does the person suing him.

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It is really frustrating. I blame Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless. Kidding, but seriously. That style of commentary is absolute crap. Yelling is not an affective way to get your point across.

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Fuckin’ busybodies, man

What kind of games do these run?

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There aren’t really any good examples provided of what the article alleges, but I 100% believe this. I am dumbfounded that the people flinging “snowflake” as an insult has done all this to make sure their kids never feel bad for actions perpetrated by white US citizens. Of course, like anything else, it has nothing to do with their kids and everything to do with their own discomfort at facing reality or blatant racism. Frustrating stuff.

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Hi France. Welcome to the United States.

Master race you say? Hm…

They definitely have a chance. Georgia and Arizona have surely done some things to make it harder to vote. For instance, if I remember correctly, there were measures to pair down early voting days, weekend availability, and times. They already made it so people can’t provide food and drink to people waiting in impossibly long lines. Requiring photo IDs is a proven way that affects more minority/poor voters which lean left in rural areas. There are many proven ways to “ensure proper” (suppress) voting.

Aside from all that, the shift from true policy to culture war bullshit has seemed to be very affective amongst the right leaning base. There’s a reason it’s happening everywhere. It’s not just politics, it’s God’s war for a lot of people.

I do believe some of the unpopular decisions coming down from the Supreme Court along with measures to ensure trans people don’t exist in public (they’ll come for the entire LGBTQ+ community at some point) in various states will most assuredly get the left out to vote for fear of what might happen in a republican led government.

There is also perception that younger voters coming of age are left leaning, but is yet to be seen how many will actually vote. They definitely have a chance, whether you think that is a good thing or a bad thing. People need to be active in knowing the rules where they live and have a plan in advance on how/when they plan to vote.

Yes. I work at a power plant in a large department. The best “ratings” that dictates our bonus multiplier is limited to five people because there are certainly only five people whose performance exceeds expectations. /s

That is super frustrating. Especially if the "service charge" isn't really going to pay the staff a living wage. I'd be curious to hear from someone that works in a restaurant that does this whether or not they are actually being paid better after it has been implemented or if it is just cash grab by the individual restaurant owner/operator. Any takers?

Stop it. That’s terrifying.

The entirety of Coco

Yeah this was an immediate no from me on my home PC that I run windows on so I went and downloaded Thunderbird and have been happy ever since.

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#SaveTheChildren huh?

Yeah for sure. To me it sounds like “hey, non-union employees. You better be pushing union employees to accept less or we will just cut your jobs”. The headline alone feels very much like a threat.

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As an Arkansas non-republican…can confirm.

I've seen this at restaurants serving more than a given number of people. Did you attend a dinner with a large group?

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100% agree that unions are vital. That being said, I’m a current non-union employee that was promoted from union employees who I now supervise. They are in contract negotiations and I hope they get the best deal possible. I see it as mutually beneficial. Unions are absolutely necessary for workers rights. The “maybe they used to be” argument is total BS. Businesses exists to make money and if asking someone to do something unsafe makes a business more money, they will find people to do it every time. Bit of a digression on my part all to say I think I agree with you.

Some Lemmy apps have filters. I use Memmy for Lemmy and it has filters. That assumes you use your phone and not a browser.

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You are absolutely right.

Well because they represent more than half the population realistically.

I thought Trump floated a self pardon when he was still in office as a “just-in-case” measure and he was advised that he couldn’t?

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Gooood movie.