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It's all that warrior training bullshit. De-escalation is not prioritized, instead they are told anyone might be out to kill them, so they have to be ready to murder them first.

They unfortunately do, but at that age the brain is still partially goo:

According to the National Organization of Victims of Juvenile Murderers, cognitive function develops concrete to abstract between the ages of 12 and 15. This means that a person can genuinely understand that specific behavior brings specific consequences. However, research has shown that a teenager's brain does not resemble an adult's fully matured brain until they reach their early 20's. Source: Google's summary for "has a 12 year old brain developed enpugh to understand murder

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Depending on the chair and how you position your butt cheeks, you can sometimes sneak out a fart silently.

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Sinclair, Inc., doing business as Sinclair Broadcast Group, is a publicly traded American telecommunications conglomerate that is controlled by the descendants of company founder Julian Sinclair Smith.
Headquartered in the Baltimore suburb of Cockeysville, Maryland,[3] the company is the second-largest television station operator in the United States by number of stations (after Nexstar Media Group), owning or operating a total of 193 stations across the country in over 100 markets (covering 40% of American households) and is the largest owner of stations affiliated with Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC, MyNetworkTV, and The CW.

A 2019 study in the American Political Science Review found that "stations bought by Sinclair reduce coverage of local politics, increase national coverage and move the ideological tone of coverage in a conservative direction relative to other stations operating in the same market."[5][6]
The company has been criticized by journalists and media analysts for requiring its stations to broadcast packaged video segments and its news anchors to read prepared scripts that contain pro-Trump editorial content, including warnings about purported "fake news" in mainstream media, while Trump has tweeted support for watching Sinclair over CNN and NBC. Wikipedia

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Typically that's not what it is at all, but that is how the fashy media paints it.

The purpose of those kinds of meetings, is for shitty people to be placed faced to face with one or more LGBT persons (or in other situations a black person, or a Muslim or whatnot). And maybe, just maybe, the shitty person can learn, than e.g. someone gay or trans; while slightly different, largely they are just people.

DEA Hartford Task force and state police detectives received a tip that suggested Soule was operating a clandestine psilocybin mushroom growing operation at a home on Lyon Road.

Fuck people who snitch on a grow-house, especially when it's mushrooms which neither stink or bother anyone.

Soule admitted to investigators that the mushrooms were in fact psilocybin, which is labeled as a “schedule 1″ controlled substance. State police said a schedule 1 controlled substance is defined as drugs, substances and chemicals that are not currently accepted for medical use and have a high potential for abuse.

But more than anything, fuck the fucked up legacy of fucking Nixon. The only reason there isn't accepted medical use, is because the government and DEA made it really hard for researchers to be allowed to use shrooms (& weed) in research. It's ridiculous that especially shrooms are in the same 'dangerous, addictive and no mental health benefits' category as heroin.

Well they did get their data from geotagged tweets, which I imagine skews the results just a bit towards nationalism.

This 3 foot pipe is also considered a storm drain. Unclear in the article if he was sucked down a street drain with unnecessarily large opening, or a drain for a creek.

I blame all the managers who struggle to create remotely engaging virtual meetings, and who count the majority of their team's productivity based on how many hours they can see them sitting at their desk🙄

In a lot of towns your only grocery option is Walmart, unless you wanna drive 1+ hours. In small towns/villages you might only have a dollar general within that distance. Large corporation slaughter small businesses when they move in.

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Well that's good, but even if we are generous and say half the ~80 million gun owners in the US, are as responsible with their weapons as you are; that leaves a fuckton of gun wielders who are not responsible.
I am not outright anti-gun, but it makes no sense to me it took two tests and several weeks of waiting, to get a driver's license; and if I want to do e.g. more than basic electrical or plumbing changes in my home, I should get a permit and there will be an inspection. Yet I could waltz into a store, buy guns like I was a personal army, and at worst I would have to wait a couple days to pick them up. As far as I know, there are 0 requirements or inspections for if you have a gun safe; let alone any form of test or licensing of if you are just barely competent and safe weilding them.

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And that should be the only shit you needed to enter yourself.

For other parents: PBS Kids Video It has a bunch of stuff, can be cast to a TV for toddlers; or put on a tablet for older toddlers.

For paid streaming services, we have decided to limit ourselves to two at a time. Once we're bored with one, we cancel it and do another for a while.

Yeah, I loved that floss! Right up until I found it's so good because it's coated in Teflon.

Great intentions, but I'm a bit worried about how the non-contact breath detection will work, if you're sober and giving your wasted friend(s) a ride home from the bar. BAC detection by touch might be better, if they can make it work that is.

Seeing how cars with Super-cruise have eye tracking, why not roll impaired & distracted driving into one safety package.

Eye tracking has become a reliable neuroscience tool for identifying the eye movements that are linked to impairments caused by alcohol use disorders. For example, a machine-learning model has been developed to detect alcohol intoxication based on a person's eye gaze and eye closure. (From Google's generated cliff notes)

Disabling a vehicle if the driver isn't looking at the road for x seconds might be a bit drastic. I could imagine e.g. muting the volume if not at the very least glancing at the road every 2~3 seconds. Would piss off a lot of people, then not long thereafter teach them to pay attention to where they are going.

My teeth are so tight I can sometimes barely get floss down between them. A brush would have no chance of cleaning the whole sides of the teeth.

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Where do you think illegally acquired firearms are sourced from?

PDF: ATF NFCTA vol2 part3, Crime Guns Recovered and Traced
ATF traced 70.2% (1 million firearms) of submitted 'crime guns' to having originally been purchased from a dealer. An additional 22.6% (⅓ million) were from pawnbrokes. [page 7]
In 12.2% of the cases [page 26] purchaser and possessor was the same.
One or more guns are stolen in 63% of household burglaries.

From conclusion page 41:

Traced crime guns typically originate from the legal supply chain of manufacture (or import), distribution, and retail sale. Crime guns may change hands a number of times after that first retail sale, and some of those transactions may be a theft or violate one or more regulations on firearm commerce.

Agreed, and personally I would much rather work smaller nicely renovated jail cells, than a cubicle hellscape.

Smaller kids still love playgrounds, even if they also want/love screentime. Heck, it is not infrequent there are a group of younger teenagers at the playgrounds we frequent.

Neither side is 'good' or remotely acts like it in this conflict/war. The only good guys around are the medics & doctors trying to keep people from dying, volunteers trying to keep people from dying of lack of food/water/warmth; and of course all the innocent civilians who are caught up in this clusterfuck.

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There's a lot of bullshit in zoning to begin with. Why exactly can't we have mixed commercial and residential areas in suburbia? Slap some apartments on top of grocery stores, bakeries/restaurants, and shops; or is forbidden to have much of anything within walking distance of homes?

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I saw some studies indicating diphenhydramine/Benadryl can reduce long Covid symptoms. Can try and dig them up again if you're interested, although the stellate ganglion block sounds a lot more effective.

Do not store your dirty underwear hermetically sealed! Stick it in a mesh or paper bag, something it can release the pent up humidity through; or you'll get some really nasty laundry.

For Pokemon trainers, I'm no expert, but wouldn't they just stick their clean clothes in one poke'ball & dirty laundry in another?

Lazy Chicken

  1. Pour about a centimeter white rice in a baking dish. I prefer something a 20x30cm tempered glass one, but I'm sure you can use whatever.
  2. Add frozen vegetables on top.
  3. Dissolve a chicken broth cube hot or boiling water, pour into dish, add water to a bit above the rice.
  4. Place frozen chicken legs on top, or whatever other frozen chicken pieces you'd like.
  5. Generously season chicken.
  6. Stick in oven for about an hour at 200°C.

You might need to add boiling water while it's cooking, but after making it a couple times you'll know about how much water is needed from the start.

They do? Practically all US showers I've come across, have this stupid shower single handle bullshit. Leave the shower on your preferred temperature between showers? Adjust the pressure of the water? Nah, that sounds stupid; why would anyone want that...

There is no 'scratch', you login and practically everything is filled out. If you want to change or add something, you can do so.

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Looks an awful lot like Cnlinko LP12 (PDF) 2 pin connector. Ø12 also looks about right from your pictures.

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Get some wool laundry balls and whatever scent she'd like in essential oil, add a couple of drops to one of them, or 1-2 drops to each ball if you want to be fancy. If that isn't enough for her, pour white vinegar in the fabric softener compartment of your washer.

The allegedly human male senator, who itself has chosen to be addressed by the preferred name "Ted", but looking at the Senate records its name is actually, legally, Rafael Edward Cruz. Would the, allegedly human senator, them self care to explain?


Anker makes a decent one, which can be bought for $20 or a bit less. Should be said it is the only vertical mouse I've used, but it works as a mouse and I haven't had shoulder tension/aches since I started using it.

Very interesting research!


Cigarette smoking is a well-known risk factor inducing the development and progression of various diseases. Nicotine (NIC) is the major constituent of cigarette smoke. However, knowledge of the mechanism underlying the NIC-regulated stem cell functions is limited. In this study, we demonstrate that NIC increases the abundance and proliferative activity of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) in vivo and ex vivo. Moreover, NIC induces Yes-associated protein (YAP)/Transcriptional coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) and Notch signaling in ISCs via α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAchR) and protein kinase C (PKC) activation; this effect was not detected in Paneth cells. The inhibition of Notch signaling by dibenzazepine (DBZ) nullified the effects of NIC on ISCs. NIC enhances in vivo tumor formation from ISCs after loss of the tumor suppressor gene Apc, DBZ inhibited NIC-induced tumor growth. Hence, this study identifies a NIC-triggered pathway regulating the stemness and tumorigenicity of ISCs and suggests the use of DBZ as a potential therapeutic strategy for treating intestinal tumors.


3rd party only works if it's popular enough to replace one of the two ruling parties. FPTP does not allow for three large parties to coexist. There is no US 3rd party even remotely close to having a tiny chance at replacing anyone.

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Some fancy trades perhaps not, but I have yet to have a line item not have this on it: (basis reported to the IRS)

You're not outright wrong, but it's really hard to have the rational discussion skills to cut through decades of propaganda. For the many deep in the right-ring bubble, brainwashing is a better term than mere propaganda.

Just two 15A breakers is enough actually. Outlets are supposed to be able to sustain 80% power, so you should be able to pull 1.44kW from a singly puny Nema 5-15.

Look at congressmen. They are paid a solid salary + allowed to insider trade all they want. Yet you can still buy a vote with a ~5k campaign contribution.