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The fact of the matter is when your company revolves around you being able to communicate and work from anywhere, it is a bad look for you tell people you can’t communicate effectively over the product you make. Anyone who knows business should know this and should know to keep their mouth shut and their policies focused on trying to destroy business.

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Liz Cheney wants to act like she’s so altruistic and such a hero, but the fact of the matter is that if she really gave a fuck she would leave the Republican Party. Anything other than that is bullshit lip service. And that’s not to mention all the damage her father did, but I guess I can’t fault her for who her father is.

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As soon as copious amounts of money are involved, you see the change. I never even used the 3rd party Reddit apps, but when money made OG Reddit act like a dick towards them, I peaced out. Sorry Reddit, but I think you’ll eventually be Digg. And I have no interest in sticking around for that.

This outrage is going to be had by several people who want protection of children who had monsters do a terrible thing to them and who exacerbated the situation by uploading it to the cloud, which makes sharing it easier. However, these people aren’t seeing the bigger implications of this. I don’t really think many of the people that are against CSAM scanning are against protection for children or prevention of the very thing this is designed to prevent, myself included. However, what people are against is the scanning of material on your phone (which is what Apple proposed). People don’t want pictures scanned on their phones, even if it’s only as those photos will be uploaded to the cloud. Several companies were doing the scanning after the content was placed on the cloud, which many people against the previously mentioned scanning were in favor of. Apple, who is not in favor of scanning of your cloud data, was against this, which I think is admirable.

The fact of the matter is that scanning data for any purpose is at odds with the protection of your privacy. I, for one, am in favor of privacy protection. And although at times it may seem like people are against things like the protection for children, the fact is we’re actually in favor of protection for everyone.

The article listed 2 life threatening near accidents that were only prevented because the person behind the wheel took over and kicked out FSD. Read the article and then comment.

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Tech companies that offer places to sleep, eat and play at work, only do so so they can keep you working as long as a possible. If you never leave the office they make boatloads of money and make yourself a free Eggo waffle. And if you try to work from home so you can live in a city you can actually afford, they make come into the office so it’s impossible. Not because you aren’t doing good work at home, but because you can’t won’t 24/7 at home.

I’m not saying this isn’t wrong, because I believe it is, but the fact is that if you digitally own anything from video games to music to movies you should understand that it can be taken from you without a moment’s notice. Is it right? Hell no! Will it continue to happen? Hell yes!

I get that this is a silly issue that only a subset of Americans actually care about, but if you think that Google is doing this for any other reason other than that they don’t like how popular iMessage is and want it to end, you’re fooling yourself. Google hopes to eventually make more money when one barrier between an Android and iPhone is removed.

People think we have lived in a world of Democrats vs. Republicans. However, it’s always been a case of the rich vs. the not rich. The rich always wins, the rich always supports the rich, and the rich doesn’t give a flying fuck about you if you’re not a millionaire or a billionaire. So we can argue over Trump vs. Biden until we’re blue in the face. And we all know Trump is a piece of shit, but if you think Biden will do anything in the next 4 years that he didn’t do the previous 4 years you are delusional. I will vote for Biden, but I understand the outcome. Anyone that thinks Biden will do shit for them is either rich or lying to themselves.

It’s very funny to me that all these people took notes, and are willing to testify against Trump after the fact, but weren’t willing to do anything to stop it as it was going on, or before it happened. Every one of these people deserve to be punished. And I really hope they are.

The author notes that he would like to see more people take public transportation, and I’m all for that. There’s one problem for me: In Michigan where I live there is no public transportation that really gets you around Detroit, or gets you from the suburbs to Detroit. There is the joke of a QLine that goes no where and the People Mover that also doesn’t do much, but other than that nothing. Convincing people that have private transportation (read: cars) that they should invest/have their taxes used for public transportation is a no-go. Convincing the rich that they should pay more than $0 a year in taxes is even harder. This is probably the case a in several states around the country, but definitely in Michigan (and believe me, we tried with a bus system). So while I get that smaller cars can be and maybe should be thing, I think public transportation, as the author points out, could also be a thing. However, trying to get anyone, especially millionaires and billionaires, to pay a cent more than they are forced to is like pulling teeth.

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From reading this article is sounds like Musk was never good at any of the shit that made him money. He surrounded himself with people that were so he seemed good because the group as a whole did good. And by the time people realized all this he had too much power to be removed.

I don’t understand why people say Maths. Math encompasses every single type of Math. Maths is just wrong.

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That may be, but Math still encompasses all Math so there’s no need to pluralize it.

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Auto workers want to be paid a living wage rather then having all the money going to billionaire executives? Weird, it’s almost like the workers want a roof over their head and food to eat.

And the irony is that several people have already said they won’t vote for Biden. If you actually care about preventing Trump from running you would let another candidate run. And maybe, just maybe, don’t support the country that’s currently killing the family members of all the people whose votes you need.

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If you ask me, the point isn’t to not vote for Biden, but rather to show him that’s vote for him isn’t automatic just because the opponent is Trump. Maybe if Biden listened when a lot of people said he was too old and lot people said don’t give Israel weapons used to kill women and children he wouldn’t be in this predicament. It’s funny how the leftists in do the same thing they always do that only works for millionaires work and then get mad at the working class when they don’t vote for them.

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I read it just fine. He asked for an example of a life threatening accident caused by Full Self Driving. I noted that 2 examples were listed in the article. The ONLY difference was that the driver prevented the accidents by being aware. The FSD was going to cause accidents without intervention. I guess in your would people are supposed to do nothing to avoid a major accident. Hilarious that you want to love FSD driving so much that you’re willing to defend a billionaire who wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. Billionaires are not your friends. FSD is BETA feature that doesn’t work properly. Take your love somewhere else and away from my comment because you read it, didn’t understand it, and fired off a reply stating I didn’t do something I did because you can understand me. The next time you want to have a discussion come prepared, or don’t come at all!

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I am not obsessed with Musk in any form, but the fact of the matter is when you have FSD systems that fail to do the thing they are supposed to do, then maybe it’s not the best idea to roll them out the entire world. Maybe it’s better to continue with more limited testing. You act as if all drunk driving/distracted will stop when FSD is used and that simply isn’t the care. Many people still use gasoline powered cars and drink and drive even though it’s dangerous to do so. Furthermore, FSD will lead to more distracted driving because people will assume the self driving means the car will take of everything and there is no need to be vigilant.

The plain truth is that while FSD can be the future, rolling it out despite knowing that it isn’t ready is not the solution it’s irresponsible and will cause harm. The almost accidents that you aren’t concerned with would have most likely killed the driver and probably other people to. Our difference of opinion here is that you believe it’s okay if people die as long the the testing shoes that there is a chance they won’t die in the future and think if anyone dies it’s too much. The feature clearly isn’t ready for prime time and needs more limited real world testing, but the fact of the matter is testing doesn’t bring in money.

Your inability to ever consider the fact that a worldwide roll out might not be the best idea right now since the testing shows the car isn’t ready shows that you really aren’t arguing in good faith. You have chosen the position that FSD is good and is ready even when confronted with articles like the above show it isn’t. I would wager that a lot of people want the era, of FSD, they just want it when it works. Keep the roll out more limited and do further testing. When mistakes happen, take the time to figure out why and how it can be prevented in the future. You argue testing is needed, but are in favor of a roll out now even though we need lots more limited real world testing. Both can’t be true. Time to think what you really want, because I don’t think you know.. And accusing any person who doesn’t want a complete roll out of FSD today of having a bias against Musk shows that.

So Apple will no longer fix the watch that came out 8 years ago? I mean, how long should they have fix products for? You buy a $17,000 dollar watch don’t be surprised if the company that no longer sells the watch and hasn’t sold it in 8 years, won’t fix it. There are legitimate things to criticize Apple for. This isn’t one of them.

If you want to make a point your vote in the only place to do it. Sure you can march in the streets for party change, but if you are going to vote for the person anyways you won’t be taken seriously. The point of all this is to show Dems that a Biden vote isn’t guaranteed like they think it is.

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Am I upset that women and children are being murdered? Yes. I guess you’re ssying I’m supposed to be fine with that. Sorry, I can’t be blind to atrocities just because they aren’t happening in my backyard. Seems like you are. You know that you can be against Trump AND murder, right?

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It’s simple, gun companies in America want to be as rich as they can be. If they have to do things like take time to evaluate who should be allowed to buy weapons or how long it should take before an individual receives them, they make less money than they would have. So instead, they make sure the time from wanting a gun and getting a gun is as little as possible.

The claim is further that going through someone’s mental history, or being disclosed details of treatment would be violative of HIPPA laws. I say, when you’re about to give someone a weapon that is basically designed for nothing else but killing humans, maybe you look into past treatment if someone saw a doctor because he was having dreams of killing every school child. Ask the question of the health professional first, and if it meets the criteria when you get more details.

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Did anyone stop to think that maybe the reason you are hearing about so many people experiencing overheating on the iPhone, is because the far larger group of people that aren’t experiencing overheating have no reason to post?

What I mean is, it’s funny how Leftists support millionaires/billionaires and fuck over the working class and then are surprised that people don’t like it. If we had a progressive candidate people would be happier, even if they don’t know it yet. Bernie Sanders tried that and was defeated when the Dems made sure Hillary won despite everyone saying they wouldn’t vote for her. It’s time to stop repeating the mistakes of the past.

That’s the problem, though, isn’t it? Biden is expecting people to vote for him just because he’s not Trump. And the fact of the matter is, if the goal was to defeat Trump, Biden wouldn’t run. So why is it selfish not to vote for Biden, but not selfish for Biden not to run and let another candidate with a much better chance of defeating Trump run on the ballot?

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So you are saying that since the author of this article didn’t upload a video of the events he detailed, that means FSD has absolutely no issues and is completely safe for every person on the road to use all time? Seems like quite a leap to me, but what do I know? It seems to me that people here want FSD when it’s ready. You want it now, ready or not. I guess that’s where we disagree. And I don’t really think you are open to anyone changing your mind. I think you picked your position and come hell or high water you’re sticking to it.

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So Apple uses ALAC, which is it’s own version. Do you mean how much data is used when streaming? If so, I’m not sure. If you mean what’s available it’s:

High Quality (AAC 256 Kbps)

Lossless (ALAC up to 24-bit/48 kHz)

Hi-Res (ALAC up to 24-bit/192 kHz)

If you have an extra invite code, I’d appreciate one too if it’s not too much trouble. Thanks!

I’m an iPhone user and I really enjoy my iPhone, but understand that Apple is perfect either. If you like side-loading apps you can forget about that on the iPhone. Additionally, there’s plenty of censorship when it comes to China because Apple won’t lose its precious revenue it gets in that Asian market. Personally, I don’t like Google because I don’t believe the make any real attempts to protect your privacy, but understand that Apple isn’t perfect either.

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First of all, I never said I wouldn’t vote for Biden. Second, I don’t want Donald Trump either and we have a better chance of not getting him without Biden. So yes, it is selfish of Biden to make the move that increases our chances of Trump. And telling everyone you have to vote Biden when they have seen his actions lead to death and destruction of their families and families’ homes in Palestine isn’t going to work. It’s not Dems vs. Republicans, it’s rich vs. working class. And Biden and Trump only care about the rich.

Ok, but the British also shortened television and made it tele. That makes sense because they took part of the word to do it. If you were going to shorten the word mathematics, why wouldn’t it be math, especially when that would follow what you did with television. Why shorten the word and then add the s from the end for no reason?

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Ok, well, if you think the Palestinians and Jews are to blame for all this, we have nothing else to discuss. I no longer think you want to have legitimate discussion. Personal advice, be less bigoted the next time you want to discuss this.

Switch to Apple Music. It has all the music Spotify has, the music is higher quality (all the way up to the highest quality you can get), exclusive radio shows you can’t get on Spotify, handmade playlists that are curated by a real human, a completely separate classical music site included at no extra charge, and more all for $10 bucks a month.

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Well then maybe you should leave the party that he controls, Liz! Of course, we all know the daughter Dick Cheney, who lied about a country having WMDs so he could make money through Halliburton, won’t leave the party her daddy fucked the country around in.

Yeah, but it hasn’t happened yet, and while it certainly will, we don’t know if Apple will bring that everywhere or only in countries where they have to.

So, to be clear, not wanting innocent Palestinians to die even though I’m an atheist Jew and not wanting the country to suffer through Trump again is all about me? Got it!

You can think what you want, but the fact is that Apple makes money from iMessage in the form of keeping people in its ecosystem and won’t share iMessage unless forced to. Google would do the same thing because they’re both businesses that exist to make money. Apple isn’t my friend, and Google isn’t yours. Google doesn’t want to you to message your friends in an easier manner, they want Apple to lose one of its incentives keeping users on the iPhone. Corporations are not your friend and Google has ulterior motives for saying what they said, and Apple has ulterior motives for rejecting it. I get it, though, Apple bad, Google good. With so much going on in the world, I’m glad you decided to fight for Google. That huge corporation could really use your support. They just need some money. And it does read like Google being mad they can’t play with Apple and keep people locked into iPhone like Apple does (aka little kid being mad he can’t join the big kids).

I mean, Apple is currently supporting a 5 year old phone and it will probably be supported more years. Additionally, with last years iOS, they supported a 6 year old phone. So I don’t think support is an issue. In general, Apple supported the watch for several years. And the only thing they won’t don’t do is be able to repair it. However, since you want to talk about Google repair, let’s talk about how the Google Watch cannot be respired…by anyone. Literally if it breaks you throw it in the trash. So, maybe Google isn’t the best comparison.

It’s clear from what you wrote that you want FSD to be as good as it can and I think we can get there but we aren’t there yet. You say there hasn’t been any reports of any accidents with FSD save for one, but I don’t know if that’s true and that would require some serious research on my behalf to evaluate that. First, I don’t know the number of people that have a car capable of doing FSD driving, from your reply you said 500k on the road, but provided no evidence so I can’t say that’s true without independent evaluation. Second, I have no knowledge of how many of those cars use FSD. It may be a bunch, but it may not. You don’t say and I don’t know. Now there may be far less accidents with FSD, but if the number of people of people on the road in Q1 is 286 million just in the US (https://www.statista.com/statistics/859950/vehicles-in-operation-by-quarter-united-states/ ), and the number of vehicles using FSD every single day all the time for every single drive, it would stand to reason there are far less accidents because there are far less car. You also mention that it has become good at being able to detect objects and I think it has, but being able to detect objects and being able to avoid getting accidents when there are 286 million FSD driving cars on the road that FSD exclusively every single time the vehicle is in use are two different things.

The fact is, I do want FSD to be a thing, but when I see article written by someone who says that two times they had to take over for the car so it didn’t kill the driver or others, I start to worry that FSD isn’t ready. And frankly although there are YouTube channels that are about electric vehicles that haven’t brought up accidents ever, I wonder if they have a reason not to. I’m not sure. Also, I can’t say the big YouTube channels have never talked about this because I haven’t watched every video they’ve ever posted. And I would have to do that to know if your correct.

I see that you are passionate about FSD, and I think your passion makes you overlook the real discussion going on. People, and certainly not all people, generally want FSD to be a thing for the reasons you stated, but they want to make sure the cars are safe when they are. And I get that you take a risk every time you drive a car, but the fact of the matter is from reading this article I get the sense that FSD isn’t ready to implemented for every person with a drivers license to use. It sounds like the author knew what to do because he had been driving for some time. If he hasn’t, I think the situation could have been very different.

You talk about the car not doing exactly what they would have done, but the in articles case it was going to crash. I don’t think anyone would have done that. If the car was able to detect the object, why was it going to crash into it? That is something that would need to be investigated. You argue that people talk about FSD being removed/cancelled because people have a feeling it isn’t good, but I haven’t seen that in droves. I’ve seen several people say that they think FSD needs more testing and more limited roll out.

I know I didn’t hit all your points, but they were quite numerous. I want full self driving, but I want it to be reliable. And I think if articles like this are written we just aren’t there yet. Yes, keep it coming, but be real about its current limitations.