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Joined 12 months ago

Not to mention, what prevents a future release of the feature either turning the percentage to 0% or removing the hold-back entirely?

Imo thats like the main issue here. Google tweaks chromium changing a single number and everything goes to shit. This proposal is a trojan horse!

And which person from the 1950s

Rage is profitable!

Love GrapheneOS, don't love the weird combative community culture, or (former) lead developer tho...

Gender is genie-ly constructed

On the other hand, internal motivation is often more powerful that monetary compensation for many individuals.

your devs will just write other server backend code that is forked off of yours that won't "hold back".

Isn't it the client (i.e. the browser) that holds back randomly? The server for any service can't force clients to send an attestation.

wat gender

Disaster happens, child mortality goes up a lot somehow, average life expectancy plummets below 25, no one is eligible for any Senate or House office 👀

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Is that a meat-sicle?

Aww :3 c/wholesomememes time?

Eyy, me too!

I mean, machine learning can theoretically approximate any computable function given enough time and resources...

I wish them luck with that!

An alternative idea to allow a user to be apart of multiple instances simultaneously: https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3416

but are the silly voices thinking demselvs?

are we silly voices?

wat is silly voices?

oh gOd i caNt StoP thINKiNg hALP

Hi pan.

Fries could be argued for, its the sugary soda that is the real issue. Sugar is absolutely terrible in large amounts frequently...

Huh, I use capitalism solely to refer to the first two 🤔

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Wait, what is the difference in pronunciation for θeɪ vs ðeɪ?

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I've heard stuff like "communists want community", but perhaps we are in different social environments. I will agree though that the manipulation of some terms might be more extreme than others.

Heh, teddy bonkerz!

So you are defining an ambiguous term in order to better criticise it? That makes sense, but it might not convince people who have different definitions 🤔

Like I for example would consider a Co-Op where the employees own the company / have voting power over how its run to be a part of a capitalist system, hell, I'd even consider someone who makes a living as an artist where they own all their tools to be a part of a capitalist system... although I suppose that could also be considered socialist to some degree because the artist "owns" the means of production?

These definitions are kind of difficult to use...

What about capitalism requires infinite growth? And what does it require infinite growth in? What happens when growth stagnates in a capitalist system? Does it suddenly not become capitalist anymore?

YT: Revanced & Firefox w/ extensions

Papers: SciHub ofc

Books: libgen, or zlib occasionally

Manga: Tachiyomi

Anime: 9anime usually

Anything else: consult the megathread :)

Does anyone else see "removed" in this comment? Is the instance editing comments to censor certain words or is it just the user?

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What is egalitarianism?

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  1. How do you know human brains don't work in roughly the same way chatbots and image generators work?

  2. What is art? And what does it mean for it to become "lost"?

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Unless the cars on the road are going to fast for comfort or are too agressive, then do whatever you can to not feel like you are going to die at any moment.

Political conservatism obeys none of the other dictionary definitions. It's just a label. It's the label chosen by generations of influential public figures whose general philosophy is "Well someone has to be the king."

Isn't this kinda true of most politically-associated labels? Communism, socialism, capitalism, egalitarianism, progressivism... they can all be thought of as general ideas, but when someone actually uses them, they could be referring to a more specific concept, or twisting the idea a bit, or referring to a specific person's definition of the idea and its kinda hard to know how to interpret it...

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No, he just said AI isn't like human brains because its a "statistical machine". What I'm asking is how he knows that human brains aren't statistical machines?

Human brains aren't that good at direct math calculation either!

Also he definitely didn't explain what "lost art" is.

Weirdly enough, I went to a book store one time, picked up one of his newer books, didn't think I'd like it from the summary, but I read the first few pages and was hooked. Had to leave so I figured I would read the rest by downloading from libgen.is...

First time I've felt significantly disappointed not being able to read a book :'(

Nyan Cat, but different

But from the perspective of someone at the top of the stairs, wouldn't it be the radical right?

This guy urban designs!

Oh idk, maybe people actually like to use online services without interruptions? I've already had to recreate my lemmy account twice! (vlemmy.net and lemmy.fmhy.ml both went down)

Theres also GrayJay, its pretty new tho

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Are you in Local or All?


Still in alpha and the source code is not public yet, but full release is September at the latest I think.

everyone is equal and thus should have equal rights and treatment under the law

Isn't that like the definition of (clasical) liberalism?