
1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


A million years? That very generous (งツ)ว

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Yeah, same shit happened on my (W10) laptop today (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

Luckily, I rarely have to deal with this shit since I daily drive Fedora on my desktop PC, and only dual-boot into W11 when I want to play games on Game Pass.

The one I'm running right now, and you don't have a clue, Kevin!

Well, scrolling through every comment, it looks like very few people hate Fedora. I've always been using Debian and Debian based distros but recently moved to Fedora, and I'm not surprised people like it.

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Hmmm, says 13% now 🤔 Is Bjørn booting up his porn servers again?

I tried and it worked.

Good god this game needs A LOT of work and patches. Runs like absolute shit, shaders are buggy and shitty looking, textures look like something from the PS3 era, VRAM leak, etc etc.

On the bright side, driving physics is great, and I find the whole progression stuff good. Racing is fun. The rest of it needs a bunch of work, though. Gonna wait it out a bit until they've patched it a couple of times, or fifteen.

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Yt-dlp is also available on Windows. No reason to spin up wsl or a Linux distro. There are also plenty of yt-dlp apps with GUI for those who don't want to use a terminal.

This guy has Microsoft Flight Simulator installed on his puter

Thank you for a proper reply. That could in fact be the case. I booted into Windows and tried to move all my movies into the folder, and it worked without issues, so I'm not entirely sure what happened in Fedora, but oh well.

I just checked r/Forza (yes, I just had to!) and booooy are people struggling with this game on PC. This might be one of the worst optimized PC releases of 2023, with a bunch of bugs and glitches included. Easily up there with the Last of Us, and maybe even worse.

  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020
  • GTA San Andreas

I dual-boot, so yes, but also no.

Already looked at it, and I have full permission.

It's actually in theater right now. Not theaters, but theater. My buddy, Bob Sacamano has a screening. Bring your own beer.

Nautilus. Drag and drop. Worked perfectly fine until it suddenly didn't.

Update: Booted into Windows, and it actually worked fine there. Thanks

It is indeed NTFS. I use the same HDD between a Fedora and Win 11 dual-boot, then the single HDD is being used by Plex, so no matter if I'm logged into Fedora or Win 11, it'll mount and read the content. It's just acting REALLY weird right now. About half of the content got moved to the new folder, while the rest of them errors out.

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I'm having the time of my life. Virgins screaming at their screens, "NO! LINUX CAN'T POSSIBLY FUCK UP SOMETHING THIS SIMPLE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH MAMA!

Well, the latest update is that I just opened the folder that it refuses to copy to, and there are indeed copies of the folders and files that I try to copy, but not all. What is going on, lol.


Booted into Windows and it moved everything just fine. Case closed.

Awww, did I hurt your little teeny tiny brain? Btw, this comment is not open-source, so FUCK OFF. Heil Google.

After booting into Windows, you know, an actual functioning OS, and fixed the issue within 4 seconds, I'm quite enjoying myself. This is actually fun, and the neanderthals just keep on coming! Btw, I use Arch.