
4 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Dunno if you're German or Austrian or something, but in Vienna there is a Ziegelmuseum whose curator studies the history of bricks, how they were made and used and whatnot. They have a long list of brick makers in Austria, when they were active and so on.

If you're in another country, they could maybe help get you in contact with a historian local to you.

Could help you learn more about your mystery brick.

Two things can be true at the same time. Palestine is a horrible place for us queer folks, and Israel is committing atrocities against the Palestinian population.

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May I offer my friends grumpy cat? Sparks more joy than USA politics.

Dear little gay people in my phone, please post more cats, less USA politics.

No JavaScript or ads. (...) Prevents Wikipedia getting your IP address.

Wikipedia is light on JavaScript and has never had ads. You prevent Wikipedia from getting your IP address but instead reveal it to some random third party, combined with letting them know everything you look up.

What the hell is the point of this. All this does it confuse people and decrease privacy.

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I know that "European address" is supposed to be a joke too, but it bothers me intensely that there are two different street names and no city mentioned.

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The average FOSS enthusiast never was the target market for Red Hat. Big corporations whose purchasing departments like expensive support contracts are the target market. And for those, not much changes, and even if it did, those places don't just switch to another distro on a whim.

Mistaking if= and of= when using dd.

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Let's reserve the word Tankie for actual Tankies. It's become meaningless if you call every communist that.

It's complicated in German. Almost every noun being gendered brings up a bunch of issues unknown to the English speaking world, long before we get to the topic of non-binary folks.

Just imagine every job description, occupation and whatnot being gendered, with male being the default. In English this is rare nowadays, in German it's baked into the language. A doctor and a doctoress, a maypr and a mayoress, a student and a studentess, a cyclist and a cyclistess.

The feminist movement has been trying to find solutions for this for decades, they are fairly controversial among older conservative folks, and admittedly inelegant.

Concerning non-binary folks it gets even more complicated. Not only does referring to almost any description automatically infer a binary gender, we also don't have any option for unspecified pronouns other than "it", which is hugely dehumanizing. The equivalent of "they" is already used as a honorific.

Some people tried introducing neopronouns but they never took off. Most enbies I know simply chose the binary pronoun they are the least uncomfortable with and stick with that.

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Android is running a Linux kernel, yes.

iOS is not, it's running apples version of BSD. Sort of related to Linux, which is where OPs misunderstanding probably comes from, but definitely not Linux.

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Don't know what government you're referring to, but if the EU anti-trust regulation kicks in it will affect everyone. EU agencies are slow but they do their job eventually.

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Fuck shopping centre employees amirite folks?

Also, different tags for nudity and whatnot, and gore. I'm okay with boobs, I'm not okay with watching folks getting killed.

Once you set it up it's fine, but on first opening you have to click through a bunch of menus (no, I don't want to share data, no I don't want to sync my account, and so on). In other browsers it's a small popup in the corner which you can ignore, and just google what you wanted to google. In edge they're fullscreen and you have to click no on each one.

Probably a rather unique problem because I regularly set up new machines, most people just go through it once and never see it again.

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We do that upstream, no way for you to avoid it. For good reason too, our team handling abuse notifications mails was super swamped with people whose ancient XP PCs had malware sending spam.

Forget running your mail server on a residential IP anyway. You'll be instant blocked by any mail provider, residential IPs are always spam, because of the aforementioned XP PCs.

Personally I wouldn't self host mail anymore anyway. Too much trouble.

In the railway context an engineer was the person who worked the engine.

In German the word comes from Latin roughly meaning inventor. Presumably the general usage of the word engineer in English has the same etymology.

But with fire arm thefts etc it was pretty rare to actually have a gun loaded or unloaded in the gun-rack.

So what you're saying is, people did - rarely - leave guns unattended in a car? Students no less?And that is legal? Murica gets more absurd every time I read about it.

Under no circumstances in the wrold would I leave my unsecured guns in a car.

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Games used to take a looong time to load before flash storage, so people would go get a coffee or something while loading. Before main menus, it would just drop you into the game while you were away, potentiality missing something. So they added the "press any key" pause to wait until you're back.

For some reason they kept this until today.

Because someone is willing to pay for them. The internet isn't a nonprofit project anymore like in the 90s when it was run by universities. For better and for worse.

That's a really creative scam, I respect that.

Some 3rd party apps have that feature I believe, but Lemmy itself doesn't. I too am annoyed by all the lemmynsfw spam. My community block list is loooong and keeps growing.

But that's the thing. When that Video was made, almost all of the advertising was focused on the same BS the article is disagreeing with.

I remember lots of NordVPN ads by uninformed nontechnical creators just reading the provided script. Saying that Balaklava wearing hackers will steal your credit card data just by being in the same cafe as you, and only an expensive VPN subscription can protect you from that. Or that only using a VPN will protect you from malware.

This sort of advertising is what Tom Scott critizied back then. IIRC he even said that there are real use cases, but that you shouldn't believe the fearmongering. Same as the article.

The fearmongering advertising was the problem, not advertising the service itself.

No I won't leave my gun "accidentally" anywhere. Handling a gun means "accidentally" is not part of your vocabulary.

I'm a gun owner myself, so I'm not the pearl clutching type but this is genuinely unthinkable to me. Absurd and a little scary, to be honest.

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Is that a reference to something? I'm not familiar, should I be aware of this?

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Fair. I would claim that's saying something by itself.

Directly Attached Storage. A NAS but without the network part, a box of drives which you plug into your PC directly. For consumers via USB mostly, for larger applications via SAS or something.

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Normal seats on night trains suck, that's the first thing that comes to mind. If you ever take a night train on your interrail journeys, pay extra for a bed.

I've been exclusively travelling by train for many years, it's pretty great. Europe has a lot of places to see.

Fellow Viennese person detected, must post song Workers Of Vienna https://youtu.be/A95Gu39oBrI

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This is discord, right? So what do they even discuss there? I don't know what there is to talk about.

hbomberguy (really good YT channel) made a video a while ago that spiraled out of control a little

I remember a talk a few years ago where someone engineered controlled detonations to destroy a single server in a rack without damaging any surrounding equipment. Was pretty fun to follow the engineering.

It's not just here, it's everywhere. That's why people like me are so sour about it.

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But I said please, why are you so cruel to deny me absolute power?

Unless you browse Geocities sites from 1998, intercepting and MITMing is simply not an issue. Everything built nowadays uses https, which fully protects you against those.

I simply wouldn't take a job with a one hour per way commute. Takes me 15-20 minutes max, and one less work day a week sounds sweet.

Common misconception and many of us don't like being portrayed that way. We are not half this, half that. We are our own thing.

Many define bi as "attraction to more than one gender" and that's it.

Many folks like all genders. But for example some folks only like their own gender and enbys. Your definition would exclude those people. We do not like excluding people.

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I tried it once with some household zipties, I could do it but it did hurt a lot. Dunno if the police use stronger ones, I would assume so.

I'll use the cliche meme of "I was today years old when I learned where the name comes from". Just made the connection when I read this article, and I love Pulp Fiction.

But I too am not a native English speaker. Just always accepted the clunky acronym as the reason for the name.

I'm not talking about the gun rack, I'm talking about the gun. A gun is no mundane tool.

Thank you for generating new passwords on demand.

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