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Joined 4 months ago

FM Chiptuner and Retro Computer Nerd

i think a lot of great points have been made in this thread, but it's also worth saying- you can't be wrong about what you do and don't dig!

Alan Stivell does some incredible fusion of rock and Celtic folk. i usually avoid the term "Celtic" for music because some people find it dismissive to lump multiple musical traditions together like that, but he very deliberately draws from most (all?) of the musical traditions that would fall under that umbrella. i highly recommend the E Dulenn and Á L'Olympia live albums

Sega’s only console success was Mega Drive/Genesis.

i mean that's really only true in the northwest. the master system was huge in south america and the saturn was a bigger success than the mega drive was in japan

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i would recon this is true more often than not for attempts at 1:1 ports. glitches are more often introduced than fixed in the porting process, so if it isn't deliberately a remaster or offers extra content, you're probably better off with the original in an emulator. if you're interested in mods, it's also worth thinking about where the reverse engineering efforts have been focused- a lot of native PC ports have been picked apart and put back together with bugfixes and new content after the fact

sonic adventure is an example of all of the above. if you want the absolute worst version possible, just buy it off steam. if you want the best version possible, buy it off steam and mod the shit out of it. fan efforts to fix an abysmal port of a port ended up creating an experience that arguably surpasses the original before even getting into all the extra bells and whistles you can mod in

fan ports are also increasingly becoming a thing, so i guess the moral of the story is this: as far as official offerings go, emulation is probably going to be better than a native port, but if a game has enough enthusiastic hackers, then they may have frankensteined something even better together

10-13 not including the additional 8 million Tectoy sales, which together meets or exceeds the Saturn and Dreamcast sales combined (with the former outselling the latter)


i have a 2600. warlords and circus atari are awedome with the paddle controllers. that seems to be the one of if not the oldest answer showing up in this thread, but i'd love to own a coleco telstar one day. the wood grain aesthetic is so cool, i wish it stuck around longer!

they don't advertize it because they don't think its sexy or whatever but their mainframe business is still going strong if only because they're the last player left in the market

what antivirus are the cool kids using these days? i feel like whenever i finally settle on one it ends up embroiled in this or that scandal

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does that have a free tier or only paid plans

segmentation fault (c and c++ dumped)

you'll pry my END command from my cold, dead hands...

i avoid anything wireless like the plague short of wifi. pairing is always a miserable process, and by the time everything is connected, the batteries are dead. it drives me absolutely bonkers. thankfully many motorolla phones still have 3.5mm jacks . i think my current model is the motorolla 5g stylus

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assuming reasonable definitions of "new" and "old," i'd wager there's been more good old music than good new music for most of human history. it all comes down to numbers- there's simply more old music than new music! there are factors that i do genuinely think make pop music not as good today as it could be (see: streaming companies), but that's a rounding error compared to the sheer scale of music history, plus all the bedroom artists making up for anything lacking in today's pop music.

that said, if you spend any time focused on a specific period or specific periods, it will not take long to find stinkers, if only because everyone has different taste and you're bound to find something you just don't jive with eventually. i've been in spaces where people who love classic rock for example review classic rock albums and their analyses are sometimes so brutal you wonder if there's anything they DO like

Boston is the first that comes to mind for me. there's their self-titled which is easily one of the best records of all time, and then everything that came wasn't exactly bad but it was nowhere near the same level

even putting aside electronic instruments, modern building tools and materials have allowed some acoustic instruments to shrink. check out "mr curly" for an example- a contrabass clarinet that's a bit shorter if anything than a soprano clarinet, made out of vinyl tubing. another example is the bass ukelele, an instrument smaller than a bass guitar that aproximates the sound of an upright bass thanks to thick rubber strings. in most cases the traditional form of an instrument is preferred just because of familiarity and knowledge passed down from generation to generation, so in order for something to "take off" it needs to address a specific problem, which for most instruments size is not

rexx is my favorite programming language. it's an interpreted language similar to python but it has actual visible block delimiters instead of going by indentation. the error handling system is also very convienent. the reason it probably faded into obscurity is it's wild cowboy take on typing- EVERYTHING is a string until you try to use a math function on it. i get that it's unrealistic for writing anything performance-sensitive but for writing shell scripts and utilities it is unmatched in it's simplicity. it definitely comes closer than anything else i've ever seen to the COBOL ideal of resembling natural speech. the rexx interpreter was a default feature on the amiga and i think also os/2 but these days it's really only ever used on mainframes and the few open source implementations for desktops and servers are a bit clumsy which is a real shame

which of course is a distraction from the fact the main show serves the same purpose in the real world!

i'm honestly a little suprised this hasn't happened sooner. there were plenty of computers with similar hardware at the time with CP/M or DOS variants, and the unix-like fuzix was originally developed for the z80 and i think has a 6502 port. that's not meant as a knock on decrayzo though- either way this is cool as shit

i'm curious what the culture around the famicom and FDS as computers was in japan. it was wildly popular but it never seems to come up in discussions of other 80s JP computers, so i wonder if the reason it never got a DOS straight from nintendo was because everyone including them saw it as more of a console than a computer despite the name. or maybe that's just a westerner's bias talking and japanese folks really do consider it as a contemporary of the PC-88 instead of the SMS

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yamaha all the way. nothing beats the fresh taste of frequency modulation

it's been pointed out that the 7800 gives you two systems and you have an SMS if you have a Mega Drive, but it's worth pointing out that the SMS can also play SG-1000 games, which the MD cannot. the SG-1000 has a rather modest library but its very similar to both the ColecoVision and MSX1 to the point many of both console's heaviest hitters have been ported over by fans. getting all of that PLUS the SMS library makes it the obvious choice to me IF you don't already have an MD to play SMS games on. if you do, despite my bias i do have to say that both the NES and 2600 (via the 7800) both probably have deeper library then just the additional games SG-1000 support gets you

if you're torn, a ColevoVision with a RAM expansion and a 2600 adaptor gives you the SG-1000/coleco/some MSX1 AND 2600 support, and if you get a Super Action Controller too you will be the fashion envy of retro gamers everywhere. decisions decisions decisions...

your mission, should you choose to accept it: 1983. CBS is going to tell you that you only get one disc for your double LP. a deflated Jeff Lynne is just gonna slap A1 on the first side and a few random tracks on the second and be done with it. you cannot let this happen under any circumstances. everything wrong with the world in the last half-century? it all starts with Secret Messages not ending with Hello My Old Friend. if you can fix that, you can save us all

if you can also convince him to move Loser Gone Wild to the b-side it would greatly help the flow and pacing of the album but that did not have nearly the same level of impact on the space-time continuum so we'll just file that as a "nice to have"

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i feel the same way about classic vs modern racers but i totally missed New Star GP getting released, it looks amazing!

yeah, they had their own themed pinball table. some NiGHTS music also turns up in the christmas DLC, and evolved chao with a high flying stat also resemble NiGHTS if you count that as a cameo

different strokes for different blokes i guess but i prefer to not have to charge things and not worry about pairing and that's that

many retro systems have implementations of a language called BASIC, which is about as easy as it sounds. it has some quirks that aren't transferable to newer languages and you won't be able to make anything nearly as sophisticated as retail games for the same hardware but if you find modern engines intimidating, it can be a good place to start

that said, +1 for godot if you want to learn a more modern tool. it's way simpler than it may seem at first and there is a huge wealth of beginner-friendly tutorials available online

mystery solved, thank you!

time-traveling to save Time, it's poetic!