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Joined 1 months ago

That tux pic always gets me. Why was he drawn so ripped yet vacant.

I work full stack and even do dev operations and my title is not "full stack" and I believe the reason why is so HR can argue to pay me less.

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Just web, which is bullshit cause i literally work with like 3 OSs and 5 programming languages, ci cd. I just get thrown into a random project and come out with solutions. I told my manager my title should be software dev but he disagreed, shucks I guess.

That is an art style

My manager gave me a talk about how I couldnt be intermediate because I don't have enough years there. My friend intermediate is about pay and my YOE not about my tenure here (won't be long till I quit)

He says the titular in "I glued my balls to my butthole again"

Eh, not sure if this is true at all. I think the reality is that niche specialized roles are valuable (frontend expert) but you are not "hacking" your way in full stack unless you are a junior or just bad at development.

I don't consider myself to be hacking anything I do, even things I'm not as strong in (ci cd) I pay full attention to documentation and examples before blinding coding or writing ci scripts

Ty that's actually funny as fk

They do according to can stats

As a long time cs gamer I approve of this change but I warn ye regardless that there is no alternative or viable solution to actually stop cheaters right now.

And if you've only heard stories and don't really experience cs (vac kind of does nothing)

Ive kept track of players for months/years who have not been banned. I find it strange that they eventually do get banned several months after cheating. It took one account nearly 2 years to get banned.

I hope that a clever solution comes out, a man can dream right ?

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Inb4 my company follows suit. Just like they want to with IT, AI, Cloud infrastructure (we own our stack almost entirely).

So true actually. I don't dislike women or anything I just wish I could be asexual or something. Women are just too pretty.

A very long time ago I faked lag spikes on my PC to get off a meeting. Windows has a way of throttleling your Internet in cmd (I forget how, it was very long ago).

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Idk I just don't participate. I will die alone or meet someone organically and I know my odds and I'm content with it.

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Weird I can see his astrally projected self. He must not be using secure shell.

That AI code thumbnail is gonna give me an aneurysm

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I use arch btw but I really hate the bijillion distros we have and the fact that people act like they matter, and yes I get the irony (btw).

When I first started I was really into KDE (I still like the kde effort) but the actual software was just bug ridden and weirdly out of phase aesthetically. Which is why we have other options like gnome and so on.

At the same time I feel like if the Linux community could combine their efforts instead of having dozens of developers working on the same thing with slightly different philosophies we'd be miles ahead of windows and Mac.

It's complicated because options are good and the effort is welcome and it ultimately grows the community but I feel strongly as though when it comes to developer power and efficiency Linux is really spreading itself thin and it absolutely has to do with core philosophies differing between teams.

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"did you know that when it comes to x it's actually a myth and y is how it actually is... Or wait is y the myth"

It frustrates me as someone who learned English as their 3rd language that these borrowed words and names are pronounced both wrong in English and wrong in their original language. Whose idea was that ?

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jQuery is very slept on imo. I think new Gen react heads don't understand just how much you can do. Iirc the minimized size is also very small.


No!!! They're useful because uhhmm uuhhhh uhmm uhhhbbh dndusfjduehrhrh

Reasons everywhere to leave reddit, Twitter and even YouTube (who we all probably thought they couldn't ruin their reputation).

And yet the masses won't. They care too much about bots inflating their follow numbers and people with a community don't want to make an effort to keep it outside of the platform. Twitter is at its worst it's ever been but that doesn't seem to matter to anyone.

All of you in this thread need to look up "FIFA scripted games".

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The brain rotted mind doesn't understand the lack of an infinite pit of o-face reaction videos to pick from.

I work in an office and I'm sure an autistic person could do my job just fine. The degree of socialization in my office is fairly low unless you initiate conversations with everyone intentionally. The real joke is needing to sit in a cubicle when your job can be done entirely remotely.

I don't poo at work. No bidet, no shower, no go.

Does it even matter when Amazon pushes its own products to the top and they're always consistently rated at 4.5 or higher despite being inferior products

There is a lot of good music out there, it's just not as likely to be in the Spotify or (insert service) recommends because that market is extremely rigged.

I find YouTube to be good but I've spent the last few years curating my recommendations by telling the service to stop suggesting me rage bait, reaction videos, shorts etc.

I love to say this sassily and where it doesn't fit just because "guh noo" sounds funny

I used to eat the crust but now as an older human the bread shreds my insides and I've noticed that not eating it helps.

I used to tell my parents that they don't dice salad vegetables enough and as a result it tastes really bad and they've always given me the "ur a weirdo about it" stare but it's true.

Diced Is better most of the time unless you know what you're doing, specially with vegetables

Linux mint if you don't plan to learn the ecosystem in detail, Manjaro if you have cold feet about wanting to learn the ecosystem, Artix, Arch or Nix if you want to learn the ecosystem.

There's many adjacent options but hopefully that gives you some direction

Ding ding. This header is bullshit and only exists to exploit users.

It's funny because it's true

Please, Krusty, no jokes.

It's worse imo because developers always put their ego up front


Damn. I've literally been thinking of doing shrooms but a sibling had an episode (BPD). I don't want anything like that to happen to me.

I believe it's because they hope a driver will pick it up for you. Those late night packages are delivered by contractors and they might just not pick yours on a whim probably depending on several factors.