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Joined 12 months ago

I don't know a single ui person or artist that gives a single f about open source.

I think as a dev you naturally grow to respect the open source space because of how much you take from it.

I would love to be proven wrong though

I worked today and have O commits.

This is the classic mass effect dialogue option meme where you pick a mellow option and then the MC lashes out.

A: "No." B: "that's a great idea"

You pick a. Then: "Why would you ever suggest that idea, that's horrible, I want you out of my group!"

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Gotta love no unit tests

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I think you're confusing virus and malware. Windows is malware by definition. I think according to gnu philosophy any proprietary software is malware because features are designed to make profits and not to service the end user.

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Unfortunately, bash syntax isnt amazing either

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I know a hardware guy that lives on a farm and uses raspberry pi for his garden hoses.

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Before social media any website could have a sizeable of users. This meant that there were many websites with a sizeable community. Nowadays outside social media there are only dead blogs filled with ads and junk.

I learned about how much I didn't understand react on my 2nd dev job. I had like 2yoe with react previously. There's a lot about it. Mostly tricks. hacks and work arounds for it's abysmal performance.

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Do you ever make install for minutes just to have it crash at the end because you missed a completely random C dependency?

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You do you but skirts and kneesocks.. 😋

There isn't a single piece of software that I use that makes me think I should upgrade my 5600. Not a single game fully utilizes it (on 1440p res)

Older hardware is fine.

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There many ways of doing things in react and some are faster than others. I would abuse state and use effect at my old job but at this job my sr dev doesn't allow me to use useffect unless the situation warrants it.

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I hope I didn't come across as defending ps. PS sucks and whoever decided to have functions use capital case with dashes in between needs to have their brain scanned

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I dread the day my manager calls me in to talk about the flex time Friday

The only reason is hardware limitation. I imagine it's more difficult to load at any point in the game in a massive game due to how much is stored in your memory.

Let's say you're playing a game and there's 6 NPCs outside and they're doing their own thing.

If the game has a traditional save system, when you exit the save location it's normal for these entities to rest let their position. Maybe at best their properties (maybe they were wet because of rain) are saved.

But it's much easier to just not save any of this info and reload everything from scratch and only save your progress and location.

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Yeah. I've said this before and got grilled for it but I wish there was a shell scripting language that doesn't have arcane syntax.

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Trying to be more positive. My cynicism doesn't affect me but it seems to put others down.

I wish it was like this. In reality Grub's suicidal tendencies catch me off guard.

When I was a noob I used arch for work (btw) and grub constantly broke in dire times.

Now I no longer use grub.

I'm pretty sure no one likes the seats that face each other. It's just a design that allows the bus to have more seats than otherwise possible.

Busses are so packed where I live, my real issue is the city not providing more busses and not the seats facing each other

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Just exaggerating. React can be slow. Look up form performance in react with multiple inputs.

I know someone who routinely preorders games and constantly gets disappointed and never fails to preorder again.

Triple A games most of the time. You can probably guess which franchises.

Projection if woman, else "but can you cook?"

Why not? I feel like lemmy is overall a less restrictive environment.

Good work. Now explain to me why this test passed in CI but is clearly broken in production.

Let's all love lain

Won't ever be because we're in the stage where everything is marketed as much as possible.it would take a massive cultural and political shift to change that.

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As someone who didn't see their parents throughout the school year: Kinda sucked.

That's a very good point. My angle is as a dev and not as IT or sys admin. Power shell is probably far more powerful in those circles.

"But PS is open source ! Don't you want to use it in Linux and MacOS?" - Microsoft probably

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That is one thing they got right I guess.

I mean....... is that what you want ?

Functionally speaking, PS is a really good shell language. Its minor things about it that I dont enjoy. As you said, it feels like the language design has some poor decisions.

I think some custom game engines have creative solutions for handling instant saving and loading. For example System Shock has save and load without any delay. But it is a fairily simplistic game at the same time.

This is the way to go. What's crazy is your productivity and efficiency is probably the same or better since you can have a softer reset with the weekend.

Can you expand on why? I'm not very well versed on Android OS or their firmware.

Not everyone is a gamer.